Awesome WM Copycats
Power themes for Awesome WM 3.5+
:Author: Luke Bonham <dada [at] archlinux [dot] info>
:License: BY-NC-SA_
:Version: 2.0-git
A set of themes with the aim of making Awesome_ appearance awesome too!
Notable features
- Shadow widgets (*tell me only when you have to*)
- Autostart functionality
- Fast mpd and volume shortcuts (first time you see this trick in Awesome)
- Other shortcuts for copying to the clipboard (goodbye clipboard managers!), toggle wiboxes, widgets popups, screenshots capture, moving clients
- Quake style dropdown terminal
- Calendar with current day highlighted and months switch with a click
- Elegant notifications for new mails, current song, volume level, hdd critical state, low battery
- Yahoo! Weather integration
- Net carrier status notifier
- Colorful autoupdating icons
- Symbolic tag names
- TXT layoutbox
- PNG wibox bar
- Custom layouts
- No borders when there's only one visible client
- Powerful volume bar
- Freedesktop menu
- Vi-like client focus
- Nice client border (colors change along with process status)
- Non-empty tag browsing
**Multicolor** copycatted from tip_
.. image:: http://i.imgur.com/vBMn8C8.jpg
**Powerarrow Darker** copycatted from romockee_ [port from v3.4]
.. image:: http://s22.postimg.org/xhjc4p8mn/20130913174810.png
**Steamburn** copycatted from ok100_ [port from dwm]
.. image:: http://s16.postimg.org/cdbf9h79f/20130913000339.png
.. image:: http://dotshare.it/public/images/uploads/553.png
.. image:: http://dotshare.it/public/images/uploads/589.png
.. image:: http://s24.postimg.org/cwbbhb78j/w_DECBp_P.png
**Holo** suggested by amouly_
.. image:: http://dotshare.it/public/images/uploads/621.png
**Do not use** without setting your preferences and system specs first.
Complements are provided by lain_.
Fonts are Terminus_ (Multicolor, Powerarrow Darker) and Tamsyn_ (other ones).
Every theme has a colorscheme_.
Blackburn and Dremora use Icons_, be sure to have bitmaps enabled if running under Debian_ or Ubuntu_.
.. _BY-NC-SA: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
.. _Awesome: http://awesome.naquadah.org/
.. _tip: http://theimmortalphoenix.deviantart.com/art/Full-Color-Awesome-340997258
.. _romockee: https://github.com/romockee/powerarrow-dark
.. _ok100: http://ok100.deviantart.com/art/DWM-January-2013-348656846
.. _amouly: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1307158#p1307158
.. _lain: https://github.com/copycat-killer/vain
.. _Terminus: http://terminus-font.sourceforge.net/
.. _Tamsyn: http://www.fial.com/~scott/tamsyn-font/
.. _colorscheme: https://github.com/copycat-killer/dots/tree/master/.colors
.. _Icons: https://github.com/copycat-killer/dots/tree/master/.fonts
.. _Debian: http://weiwu.sdf.org/100921.html
.. _Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Enabling_Bitmapped_Fonts