# Awesome EmmyLua ## About AwesomeWM doesn't have good support for Lua autocompletion, so this repository is intended to rewrite documentation entirely by hand, without using generation tools. - AwesomeWM Official Website: https://awesomewm.org/ - Lua Official Website: https://www.lua.org/ ## Usage We work with Lua using the LSP server [`lua-language-server`](https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/) created by [sumneko](https://github.com/sumneko/), where its type annotations are based on [EmmyLua annotations](https://emmylua.github.io/annotation.html). - First, clone that repository somewhere on your disk using Git: ```sh git clone https://github.com/awchad/awesome-emmylua ~/.local/share/awesome-emmylua ``` - If your Lua project folder doesn't have a `.luarc.json`, create one and paste the following lines: ``` { "diagnostics.globals": [ "awesome", "client", "mouse", "mousegrabber", "root", "screen", "tag" ], "workspace.library": [ "~/.local/share/awesome-emmylua/lua" ] } ``` - You now have AwesomeWM autocompletion! ## License This repository is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](https://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html). Please see [the license file](../COPYING) for more information. [tl;dr](https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v3-(gpl-3)) you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source.