
154 lines
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--- Create key and button bindings from simple definitions.
-- @author James Reed <> et al.
-- @copyright 2019 James Reed
-- @module awesome-ez
local awful = require("awful")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local ez = {}
local modifiers = {
["M"] = "Mod4",
["A"] = "Mod1",
["S"] = "Shift",
["C"] = "Control",
--- Split a string on a delimiter.
-- @param s The string.
-- @param sep The delimiter.
-- @return A table of strings.
local function split(s, sep)
sep = sep or "%s"
local res = {}
for m in string.gmatch(s, string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)) do
table.insert(res, m)
return res
ez.util = {}
--- Convert a table into a callable function.
-- The first element of the table should be a function, followed by arguments
-- to this function.
-- @param cb The callback or a table describing the callback.
-- @usage local cb = ez.util.cb_from_table({awful.spawn, "xterm"})
-- @return The callback.
-- @function util.cb_from_table
function ez.util.cb_from_table(cb)
if type(cb) == "table" and
not (getmetatable(cb) and getmetatable(cb).__call) then
local tbl = gtable.clone(cb, false)
local func = table.remove(tbl, 1)
cb = function ()
return func(unpack(tbl))
return cb
--- Parse a key definition string into modifiers and a key.
-- Key definition strings consist of modifier characters and a key separated
-- by hyphens, e.g. "M-S-x" is the combination of Mod4, Shift, and the x key.
-- The modifier key strings are: M = Mod4, A = Mod1, S = Shift, C = Control.
-- Key names longer than 1 character must be surrounded by <>,
-- e.g. "M-&lt;Return&gt;".
-- @param keydef The key definition string.
-- @usage local modkeys, key = ez.util.parse_key("M-<Return>")
-- @return A table of modifiers and the key.
-- @function util.parse_key
function ez.util.parse_key(keydef)
local modkeys = {}
for _, key in ipairs(split(keydef, "-")) do
if modifiers[key] ~= nil then
table.insert(modkeys, modifiers[key])
if #key ~= 1 and string.sub(key, 1, 1) ~= "#" then
key = string.match(key, "<(%w+)>")
return modkeys, key
--- Parse a button definition string into modifiers and a button.
-- Button definition strings consist of modifier characters and a key separated
-- by hyphens, e.g. "M-S-1" is the combination of Mod4, Shift, and button 1.
-- The modifier key strings are: M = Mod4, A = Mod1, S = Shift, C = Control.
-- @param btndef The button definition string.
-- @usage local modkeys, btn = ez.util.parse_button("M-1")
-- @return A table of modifiers and the button.
-- @function util.parse_button
function ez.util.parse_button(btndef)
if type(btndef) == "number" then
return {}, btndef
local modkeys = {}
for _, key in ipairs(split(btndef, "-")) do
if modifiers[key] ~= nil then
table.insert(modkeys, modifiers[key])
return modkeys, tonumber(key)
--- Create a key binding from a key definition string and callback.
-- @param keydef The key definition string.
-- @param cb The callback or table describing the callback.
-- @return A table with the key objects.
function ez.key(keydef, cb)
local modkeys, key = ez.util.parse_key(keydef)
return, key, ez.util.cb_from_table(cb))
--- Create a button binding from a button definition string and callback.
-- @param btndef The button definition string.
-- @param cb The callback or table describing the callback.
-- @return A table with the button objects.
function ez.btn(btndef, cb)
local modkeys, btn = ez.util.parse_button(btndef)
return awful.button(modkeys, btn, ez.util.cb_from_table(cb))
--- Create key bindings for elements of a table.
-- @param tbl The table of key bindings.
-- @return A table containing created key objects.
function ez.keytable(tbl)
local res = {}
for keydef, cb in pairs(tbl) do
table.insert(res, ez.key(keydef, cb))
return gtable.join(unpack(res))
--- Create button bindings for elements of a table.
-- @param tbl The table of button bindings.
-- @return A table containing created button objects.
function ez.btntable(tbl)
local res = {}
for btndef, cb in pairs(tbl) do
table.insert(res, ez.btn(btndef, cb))
return gtable.join(unpack(res))
return ez