--- Launch clients with single instance IDs using wm-launch. -- -- @author James Reed <jcrd@tuta.io> -- @copyright 2019 James Reed -- @module awesome-launch local awful = require("awful") local gears = require("gears") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local uuid = require("uuid") local shared = require("awesome-launch.shared") uuid.seed() local launch = {} launch.widget = require("awesome-launch.widget") awesome.register_xproperty("WM_LAUNCH_ID", "string") awful.rules.add_rule_source("launch", function (c, props, callbacks) local id = c:get_xproperty("WM_LAUNCH_ID") if not id or id == "" then return end local data = shared.pending[id] if not data then return end data.timer:stop() gears.table.crush(props, data.props) if data.callback then table.insert(callbacks, data.callback) end shared.pending[id] = nil launch.widget.update_widgets() end) awful.client.property.persist("cmdline", "string") launch.client = {} local function get_ids() local ids = {} for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do if c.single_instance_id then ids[c.single_instance_id] = c end end return ids end --- Get a launched client by its ID. -- -- @param id The ID. -- @param filter Function to filter clients that are considered. -- @return The client. -- @function client.by_id function launch.client.by_id(id, filter) for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do if (not filter or filter(c)) and c.single_instance_id == id then return c end end end --- Get a launched client by its command line. -- -- @param cmd The command line. -- @param filter Function to filter clients that are considered. -- @return The client. -- @function client.by_cmdline function launch.client.by_cmdline(cmd, filter) for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do if (not filter or filter(c)) and c.cmdline == cmd then return c end end end --- Spawn a client with wm-launch. -- -- @param cmd The command. -- @param args Table containing the single instance ID and additional arguments -- @param args.id Single instance ID. -- @param args.props Properties to apply to the client. -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.timeout Seconds after which to stop waiting for a client to spawn. -- @param args.callback Function to call with client when it spawns. -- @param args.factory The factory to use (see wm-launch's -f flag). -- @param args.firejail If true, run cmd with firejail. -- @return The client's ID. -- @function launch.spawn local function spawn(cmd, args) args = args or {} local id = args.id or uuid() local data = { props = args.props or {}, pwd = args.pwd, callback = args.callback, timeout = math.ceil(args.timeout or 10), } gears.table.crush(data.props, { single_instance_id = id, cmdline = cmd, }) local step = 1/2 data.timer = gears.timer { timeout = step, callback = function () data.timeout = data.timeout - step if data.timeout == 0 then shared.pending[id] = nil launch.widget.update_widgets() return false else data.widget.id_const.id_margin.id_progress.value = data.timeout end return true end, } if launch.widget.active() then data.widget = launch.widget.new(cmd, data) end local launch_cmd = "wm-launch" if args.factory then launch_cmd = launch_cmd .. " -f " .. args.factory end if args.firejail then launch_cmd = launch_cmd .. " -j" end launch_cmd = string.format("%s %s %s", launch_cmd, id, cmd) if data.pwd then awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format("cd %s; %s", data.pwd, launch_cmd)) else awful.spawn(launch_cmd) end shared.pending[id] = data launch.widget.update_widgets() data.timer:start() return id end launch.spawn = {} setmetatable(launch.spawn, {__call = function (_, ...) spawn(...) end}) --- Spawn a command if an instance is not already running. -- -- @param cmd The command. -- @param args Table containing the single instance ID and additional arguments for spawn -- @param args.id Single instance ID. -- @param args.props Properties to apply to the client. -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.timeout Seconds after which to stop waiting for a client to spawn. -- @param args.callback Function to call with client when it spawns. -- @param args.factory The factory to use (see wm-launch's -f flag). -- @param args.firejail If true, run cmd with firejail. -- @param args.filter Function to filter clients that are considered. -- @return The client's ID. -- @function spawn.single_instance function launch.spawn.single_instance(cmd, args) local c if args.id then c = launch.client.by_id(args.id, args.filter) else c = launch.client.by_cmdline(cmd, args.filter) end if not c then return spawn(cmd, args) end return args.id end --- Raise a client if it exists or spawn a new one then raise it. -- -- @param cmd The command. -- @param args Table containing the single instance ID and additional arguments for spawn -- @param args.id Single instance ID. -- @param args.props Properties to apply to the client. -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.timeout Seconds after which to stop waiting for a client to spawn. -- @param args.callback Function to call with client when it spawns. -- @param args.raise_callback Function to call with client when it spawns or is raised. -- @param args.factory The factory to use (see wm-launch's -f flag). -- @param args.firejail If true, run cmd with firejail. -- @param args.filter Function to filter clients that are considered. -- @return The client's ID. -- @function spawn.raise_or_spawn function launch.spawn.raise_or_spawn(cmd, args) local c if args.id then c = launch.client.by_id(args.id, args.filter) else c = launch.client.by_cmdline(cmd, args.filter) end if c then c:emit_signal("request::activate", "launch.spawn.raise_or_spawn", {raise=true}) if args.raise_callback then args.raise_callback(c) end return args.id end if args.raise_callback then local cb = args.callback args.callback = function (c) if cb then cb(c) end args.raise_callback(c) end end return spawn(cmd, args) end --- Spawn clients on a tag. -- -- Usage: `launch.spawn.here().spawn("xterm")` -- -- @param tag_func Optional function that returns the tag, defaults to -- `awful.screen.focused().selected_tag`. -- @return A table with the functions: spawn, single_instance, raise_or_spawn. -- @function spawn.here function launch.spawn.here(tag_func) local here = {} local function with_tag(func, cmd, args) local tag if tag_func then tag = tag_func() else tag = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag end local a = { filter = function (c) return c:isvisible() end, props = {tag = tag}, } gears.table.crush(a, args or {}) func(cmd, a) end function here.spawn(...) with_tag(launch.spawn, ...) end function here.single_instance(...) with_tag(launch.spawn.single_instance, ...) end function here.raise_or_spawn(...) with_tag(launch.spawn.raise_or_spawn, ...) end return here end return launch