-- This project is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE). --- Create new workspaces and launch accompanying clients. -- -- @author James Reed <jcrd@tuta.io> -- @copyright 2019-2020 James Reed -- @module awesome-launch.workspace local awful = require("awful") local naughty = require("naughty") local gtable = require("gears.table") local gtimer = require("gears.timer") local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call") local launch = require("awesome-launch") local lgi = require("lgi") local Gio, GLib, GObject = lgi.Gio, lgi.GLib, lgi.GObject local ws = {} ws.client = {} ws.clients = {} local function add_clients(cs, tag) for _, c in ipairs(cs) do local cmd local cmdargs if type(c) == "table" then cmd = c[1] if c[2] then cmdargs = gtable.clone(c[2], false) end end ws.client.add(cmd or c, cmdargs, tag) end end local function handle_args(tag, args) args = args or {} if args.pwd then tag.pwd = args.pwd end if args.replace and not tag.volatile then for _, c in ipairs(tag:clients()) do c:kill() end end if args.clients then add_clients(args.clients, tag) end if args.callback then args.callback(tag) end return tag end --- Spawn a command and add the client to a tag. -- -- @param cmd The command. -- @param args Table containing the single instance ID and additional arguments for spawn -- @param args.id Single instance ID. -- @param args.props Properties to apply to the client. -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.timeout Seconds after which to stop waiting for a client to spawn. -- @param args.callback Function to call with client when it spawns. -- @param args.factory The factory to use (see wm-launch's -f flag). -- @param args.systemd If true, run cmd with systemd-run. -- @param args.firejail If true, run cmd with firejail. -- @param tag The tag. -- @function client.add function ws.client.add(cmd, args, tag) args = args and gtable.clone(args) or {} tag = tag or awful.screen.focused().selected_tag args.props = args.props or {} args.props.tag = tag args.props.tags = nil if tag.pwd then args.pwd = tag.pwd end launch.spawn(cmd, args) end --- Create a new workspace and underlying (volatile) tag. -- -- @param name The tag name. -- @param args Table containing tag properties and additional workspace options -- @param args.props Properties to apply to the tag. -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.clients Table containing client commands to spawn. -- -- Example: `args.clients = { "xterm", -- {"qutebrowser", {factory="qutebrowser"}} }` -- -- @param args.load_workspace Path to directory containing workspace file to -- load. Implies args.pwd. -- @param args.callback Function to call with newly created tag. -- @return The new tag. -- @function new function ws.new(name, args) local props = { screen = awful.screen.focused(), volatile = true, layout = awful.layout.layouts[1], } if args and args.props then gtable.crush(props, args.props) end local tag = awful.tag.add(name, props) tag:connect_signal("property::selected", function () gtimer.delayed_call(function () if tag.volatile and not tag.selected and #tag:clients() == 0 then tag:delete() end end) end) return handle_args(tag, args) end --- Add to or replace a given tag's clients. -- -- @param tag The tag to affect. -- @param args Table containing tag properties and additional workspace options -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.replace Kill tag's existing clients if true. -- @param args.clients Table containing client commands to spawn. -- -- Example: `args.clients = { "xterm", -- {"qutebrowser", {factory="qutebrowser"}} }` -- -- @param args.load_workspace Path to directory containing workspace file to -- load. Implies args.pwd. -- @return The affected tag. -- @function add function ws.add(tag, args) return handle_args(tag, args) end --- Add to or replace the selected tag's clients. -- -- @param args Table containing tag properties and additional workspace options -- @param args.pwd Pathname to the working directory for new clients. -- @param args.replace Kill tag's existing clients if true. -- @param args.clients Table containing client commands to spawn. -- -- Example: `args.clients = { "xterm", -- {"qutebrowser", {factory="qutebrowser"}} }` -- -- @param args.load_workspace Path to directory containing workspace file to -- load. Implies args.pwd. -- @return The affected tag. -- @function selected_tag function ws.selected_tag(args) return ws.add(awful.screen.focused().selected_tag, args) end local methods = {} local function parse_client(s) local c = {} local i = 1 for t in string.gmatch(s, '[^%s]+') do if i == 1 then if t:sub(1, 1) == '@' then local n = t:sub(2) c = ws.clients[n] if not c then naughty.notify { preset = naughty.config.presets.critical, title = 'Client not defined', text = n, } return end else c[1] = t end else c[1] = string.format('%s %s', c[1], t) end i = i + 1 end return c end function methods.Workspace(params, i) local args = { clients = {}, callback = function (t) t:view_only() end, } if params.value[2] ~= '' then args.pwd = params.value[2] end for _, s in params:get_child_value(3 - 1):ipairs() do local c = parse_client(s) if c then table.insert(args.clients, c) end end ws.new(params.value[1], args) i:return_value(GLib.Variant('()')) end local function method_call(_, _, _, _, method, params, invocation) if methods[method] then protected_call(methods[method], params, invocation) end end local function on_bus_acquired(conn, _) local function arg(name, sig) return Gio.DBusArgInfo { name = name, signature = sig, } end local method = Gio.DBusMethodInfo local iface = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo { name = 'com.github.jcrd.wm_launch.WindowManager', methods = { method { name = 'Workspace', in_args = { arg('name', 's'), arg('pwd', 's'), arg('clients', 'as'), }, }, }, } conn:register_object('/com/github/jcrd/wm_launch/WindowManager', iface, GObject.Closure(method_call)) end Gio.bus_own_name(Gio.BusType.SESSION, 'com.github.jcrd.wm_launch', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE, GObject.Closure(on_bus_acquired)) return ws