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# A widget for the Awesome Window Manager 4.x to control the volume
A widget for the Awesome Window Manager (version 4.x) that
uses [pulseaudio_dbus]( to
control your audio devices.
## A note about PulseAudio, DBus and Awesome
The Pulseaudio DBus interface requires clients to use peer-to-peer connection
rather than the usual system/session buses. This means that we *cannot* use the
Awesome DBus API that supports *only* system and session buses.
The solution is to run an external client application to establish a
peer-to-peer connection and listen to DBus signals. The output of the client is
read by the widget that updates itself accordingly. This is done thanks
# Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed in the `rockspec` file, you will need
the [Awesome Window Manager]( *version 4.x* and
PulseAudio with DBus enabled.
To enable DBus in PulseAudio, ensure that the line
load-module module-dbus-protocol
is present in `/etc/pulse/` or `~/.config/pulse/`
# Installation
The easiest way to install this widget is to use `luarocks`:
luarocks install pulseaudio_widget
You can use the `--local` option if you don't want or can't install
it system-wide
This will ensure that all its dependencies are installed.
# Configuration
The widget displays volume icons that are searched in the folder defined by
`beautiful.pulse_icon_theme` with extension `beautiful.pulse_icon_extension`.
The default is to look into `"/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/status"` for
icons whose extension is `".svg"`.
Specifically, you will need icons named:
* `audio-volume-high-symbolic`
* `audio-volume-medium-symbolic`
* `audio-volume-low-symbolic`
* `audio-volume-muted-symbolic`
# Mouse controls
When the widget is focused:
* Scroll: controls the volume
* Left button: toggles mute
* Right button: launches mixer (`mixer` field of the widget table, defaults to
# Usage
Add the following to your `~/.config/awesome/rc.lua`:
Require the module:
``` lua
-- require *after* `beautiful.init` or the theme will be inconsistent!
local pulse = require("pulseaudio_widget")
Add the widget to your layout:
``` lua
s.mywibox:setup {
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
{ -- Left widgets },
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
{ -- Right widgets
Finally add some keyboard shortcuts to control the volume:
``` lua
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", pulse.volume_up),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", pulse.volume_down),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioMute", pulse.toggle_muted)
2016-11-21 23:54:36 +01:00
# Credits
This program was inspired by
the [Awesome Pulseaudio Widget (APW)](