| `path_to_icon` | `/usr/share/icons/Arc/status/symbolic/display-brightness-symbolic.svg` | Path to the icon |
### Example:
get_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -get',
inc_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -inc 5',
dec_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -dec 5'
color = '/usr/share/icons/Arc/status/symbolic/brightness-display-symbolic.svg'
## Installation
First you need to get the current brightness level. There are two options:
- using `xbacklight` command (depending on your video card (I guess) it may or may not work)
To check if it works install xbackligth and check if it works:
sudo apt-get install xbacklight
xbacklight -get
If there is no output it means that it doesn't work, but there is a second option:
- using `light` command
Install it from this git repo: [github.com/haikarainen/light](../awesome-wm-widgets/assets/img/screenshots/brightnessarc-widgetttps://github.com/haikarainen/light) and check if it works but running