This widget displays currently playing song on [Spotify for Linux]( client: ![screenshot](./spo-wid-1.png) and consists of two parts:
Note that widget uses the Arc icon theme, so it should be [installed]( first under **/usr/share/icons/Arc/** folder.
First you need to have spotify CLI installed. Here is how you can do it (except widget part): [](
To use this widget put **spotify.lua** under **~/.config/awesome/** and add it in **rc.lua**:
- make **spotify_stat** script executable (by `sudo chmod +x spotify_stat`) and run it in terminal, output should be either `RUNNING` or `CORKED`;
- the **spotify_stat** script is called by **spotify.lua** so make sure that `get_spotify_status_cmd` in **spotify.lua** contains the right path to the script;