| coordinates | Required | Table with two elements: latitude and longitude, e.g. `{46.204400, 6.143200}` |
| api_key | Required | Get it [here](../awesome-wm-widgets/assets/img/screenshots/weather-widgetttps://openweathermap.org/appid) |
| font_name | `beautiful.font:gsub("%s%d+$", "")` | **Name** of the font to use e.g. 'Play' |
| both_units_widget | false | Show temperature in both units - '28°C (83°F) |
| units | metric | `metric` for celsius, `imperial` for fahrenheit |
| show_hourly_forecast | false | Show hourly forecase section |
| time_format_12h |false | 12 or 24 hour format (13:00 - default or 1pm) |
| show_daily_forecast | false | Show daily forecast section |
| icon_pack_name | weather-underground-icons | Name of the icon pack, could be `weather-underground-icon` or `VitalyGorbachev` or create your own, more details below |
| icons_extension | `.svg` | File extension of icons in the pack |
- weather-underground-icons taken from [here](../awesome-wm-widgets/assets/img/screenshots/weather-widgetttps://github.com/manifestinteractive/weather-underground-icons)
- VitalyGorbachev taken from [here](../awesome-wm-widgets/assets/img/screenshots/weather-widgetttps://www.flaticon.com/authors/vitaly-gorbachev)
To add your custom icons, create a folder with the pack name under `/icons` and use the folder name in widget's config. There should be 18 icons, preferably 128x128 minimum. Icons should also respect the naming convention, please check widget's source.
1. Download json parser for lua from [github.com/rxi/json.lua](../awesome-wm-widgets/assets/img/screenshots/weather-widgetttps://github.com/rxi/json.lua) and place it under **~/.config/awesome/** (don't forget to star a repo <iclass="fa fa-github-alt"></i> ):
1. Get Open Weather Map app id here: [openweathermap.org/appid](../awesome-wm-widgets/assets/img/screenshots/weather-widgetttps://openweathermap.org/appid).