Next step is to add some margins and a background. For background we'll use `wibox.container.background`, it allows to set the background itself (`bg = '#4C566A'`). By using alpha channel it's possible to make a transparent background (`bg = '#00000000'`) which will be useful in the next step when adding hover effect. Apart from a background, it also sets shape and borders, which allows to create 'outline' buttons (`shape_border_width = 1, shape_border_color = '#4C566A'`). These three types are shown in the example below:
Now the button looks like a button, but doesn't behave like one. First thing is to change colors when mouse cursor hovers over the button. To do it we can leverage the signals: `mouse::enter` and `mouse::leave`. When using signals, we have access the to widget, so it's pretty simple to change the color. Below I use alpha channel to darken the color of the button a bit, for all three types of button discussed above it works well:
To perform some action when the button is clicked you need to handle press/release signal. The important part here is to properly handle the button which was used, otherwise any click will trigger the function execution:
As you can see it is pretty easy to create interactive nice-looking buttons. But if you use multiple buttons in your widget, you may have quite a lot of boilerplate code. To solve this issue I created an [awesome-buttons]( library, which simplifies this process:
awesomebuttons.with_text{ type = 'flat', text = 'Ola', color = '#f8f', text_size = 12 },
awesomebuttons.with_icon{ type = 'outline', icon = 'zoom-in', color = '#f8f', shape = 'rounded_rect' },
awesomebuttons.with_icon_and_text{ icon = 'check-circle', text = 'With Icon!', color = '#f48' },