# Volume widget

Volume widget based on [amixer](https://linux.die.net/man/1/amixer) (is used for controlling the audio volume) and [pacmd](https://linux.die.net/man/1/pacmd) (is used for selecting a sink/source). Also, the widget provides an easy way to customize how it looks, following types are supported out-of-the-box:


From left to right: `horizontal_bar`, `vertical_bar`, `icon`, `icon_and_text`, `arc`

A right-click on the widget opens a popup where you can choose a sink/source:  

### Features

 - switch between sinks/sources by right clicking on the widget;
 - more responsive than previous versions of volume widget, which were refreshed once a second;
 - 5 predefined customizable looks;

## Installation

Clone the repo under **~/.config/awesome/** and add widget in **rc.lua**:

local volume_widget = require('awesome-wm-widgets.volume-widget.volume')
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
	{ -- Right widgets
    	layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
        -- default
        -- customized
            type = 'arc'

### Shortcuts

To improve responsiveness of the widget when volume level is changed by a shortcut use corresponding methods of the widget:

awful.key({ modkey }, "]", function() volume_widget:inc() end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "[", function() volume_widget:dec() end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "\\", function() volume_widget:toggle() end),

## Customization

It is possible to customize the widget by providing a table with all or some of the following config parameters:

### Generic parameter

| Name | Default | Description |
| `type`| `icon_and_text`| Widget type, one of `horizontal_bar`, `vertical_bar`, `icon`, `icon_and_text`, `arc` | 

Depending on the chosen widget type add parameters from the corresponding section below:

#### `icon` parameters

| Name | Default | Description |
| `icon_dir`| `./icons`| Path to the folder with icons | 

_Note:_ if you are changing icons, the folder should contain following .svg images: 
 - audio-volume-high-symbolic
 - audio-volume-medium-symbolic
 - audio-volume-low-symbolic
 - audio-volume-muted-symbolic

#### `icon_and_text` parameters

| Name | Default | Description |
| `icon_dir`| `./icons`| Path to the folder with icons | 
| `font` | `beautiful.font` | Font name and size, like `Play 12` |

#### `arc` parameters

| Name | Default | Description |
| `thickness` | 2 | Thickness of the arc |
| `main_color` | `beautiful.fg_color` | Color of the arc |
| `bg_color` | `#ffffff11` | Color of the arc's background |
| `mute_color` | `beautiful.fg_urgent` | Color of the arc when mute |
| `size` | 18 | Size of the widget |

#### `horizontal_bar` parameters

| Name | Default | Description |
| `main_color` | `beautiful.fg_normal` | Color of the bar |
| `mute_color` | `beautiful.fg_urgent` | Color of the bar when mute |
| `bg_color` | `'#ffffff11'` | Color of the bar's background |
| `width` | `50` | The bar width |
| `margins` | `10` | Top and bottom margins (if your wibar is 22 px high, bar will be 2 px = 22 - 2*10) |
| `shape` | `'bar'` | [gears.shape](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/gears.shape.html), could be `octogon`, `hexagon`, `powerline`, etc |
| `with_icon` | `true` | Show volume icon|

_Note:_ I didn't figure out how does the `forced_height` property of progressbar widget work (maybe it doesn't work at all), thus there is a workaround with margins.

#### `vertical_bar` parameters

| Name | Default | Description |
| `main_color` | `beautiful.fg_normal` | Color of the bar |
| `mute_color` | `beautiful.fg_urgent` | Color of the bar when mute |
| `bg_color` | `'#ffffff11'` | Color of the bar's background |
| `width` | `10` | The bar width |
| `margins` | `20` | Top and bottom margins (if your wibar is 22 px high, bar will be 2 px = 22 - 2*10) |
| `shape` | `'bar'` | [gears.shape](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/gears.shape.html), could be `octogon`, `hexagon`, `powerline`, etc |
| `with_icon` | `true` | Show volume icon|