# Stackoverflow widget

When clicked, widget shows latest questions from stackoverflow.com with a given tag(s).


## Customization

It is possible to customize widget by providing a table with all or some of the following config parameters:

| Name | Default | Description |
| `icon`| `/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/stackoverflow-widget/so-icon.svg` | Path to the icon |
| `limit` | 5 | Number of items to show in the widget |
| `tagged` | awesome-wm | Tag, or comma-separated tags |

## Installation

1. Clone this repo (if not cloned yet) under **~/.config/awesome/**:

    git clone https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets.git ~/.config/awesome/

1. Require widget at the top of the **rc.lua**:

    local stackoverflow_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.stackoverflow-widget.stackoverflow")

1. Add widget to the tasklist:

    s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
        { -- Right widgets
            layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
                limit = 10