------------------------------------------------- -- Brightness Widget for Awesome Window Manager -- Shows the brightness level of the laptop display -- More details could be found here: -- https://github.com/streetturtle/awesome-wm-widgets/tree/master/brightness-widget -- @author Pavel Makhov -- @copyright 2021 Pavel Makhov ------------------------------------------------- local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local watch = require("awful.widget.watch") local spawn = require("awful.spawn") local naughty = require("naughty") local ICON_DIR = os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/brightness-widget/' local get_brightness_cmd local set_brightness_cmd local inc_brightness_cmd local dec_brightness_cmd local brightness_widget = {} local function show_warning(message) naughty.notify{ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical, title = 'Brightness Widget', text = message} end local function worker(user_args) local args = user_args or {} local type = args.type or 'arc' -- arc or icon_and_text local path_to_icon = args.path_to_icon or ICON_DIR .. 'brightness.svg' local font = args.font or 'Play 9' local timeout = args.timeout or 100 local program = args.program or 'light' local step = args.step or 5 local base = args.base or 20 local current_level = 0 -- current brightness value local tooltip = args.tooltip or false if program == 'light' then get_brightness_cmd = 'light -G' set_brightness_cmd = 'light -S %d' -- <level> inc_brightness_cmd = 'light -A ' .. step dec_brightness_cmd = 'light -U ' .. step elseif program == 'xbacklight' then get_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -get' set_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -set %d' -- <level> inc_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -inc ' .. step dec_brightness_cmd = 'xbacklight -dec ' .. step elseif program == 'brightnessctl' then get_brightness_cmd = 'bash -c "brightnessctl -m | cut -d, -f4 | tr -d %"' set_brightness_cmd = 'brightnessctl set %d%%' -- <level> inc_brightness_cmd = 'brightnessctl set +' .. step .. '%' dec_brightness_cmd = 'brightnessctl set ' .. step .. '-%' else show_warning(program .. " command is not supported by the widget") return end if type == 'icon_and_text' then brightness_widget.widget = wibox.widget { { { image = path_to_icon, resize = false, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, valign = 'center', layout = wibox.container.place }, { id = 'txt', font = font, widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, spacing = 4, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, set_value = function(self, level) self:get_children_by_id('txt')[1]:set_text(level .. '%') end } elseif type == 'arc' then brightness_widget.widget = wibox.widget { { { image = path_to_icon, resize = true, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, valign = 'center', layout = wibox.container.place }, max_value = 100, thickness = 2, start_angle = 4.71238898, -- 2pi*3/4 forced_height = 18, forced_width = 18, paddings = 2, widget = wibox.container.arcchart, set_value = function(self, level) self:set_value(level) end } else show_warning(type .. " type is not supported by the widget") return end local update_widget = function(widget, stdout, _, _, _) local brightness_level = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", stdout)) current_level = brightness_level widget:set_value(brightness_level) end function brightness_widget:set(value) current_level = value spawn.easy_async(string.format(set_brightness_cmd, value), function() spawn.easy_async(get_brightness_cmd, function(out) update_widget(brightness_widget.widget, out) end) end) end local old_level = 0 function brightness_widget:toggle() if old_level < 0.1 then -- avoid toggling between '0' and 'almost 0' old_level = 1 end if current_level < 0.1 then -- restore previous level current_level = old_level else -- save current brightness for later old_level = current_level current_level = 0 end brightness_widget:set(current_level) end function brightness_widget:inc() spawn.easy_async(inc_brightness_cmd, function() spawn.easy_async(get_brightness_cmd, function(out) update_widget(brightness_widget.widget, out) end) end) end function brightness_widget:dec() spawn.easy_async(dec_brightness_cmd, function() spawn.easy_async(get_brightness_cmd, function(out) update_widget(brightness_widget.widget, out) end) end) end brightness_widget.widget:buttons( awful.util.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function() brightness_widget:set(base) end), awful.button({}, 3, function() brightness_widget:toggle() end), awful.button({}, 4, function() brightness_widget:inc() end), awful.button({}, 5, function() brightness_widget:dec() end) ) ) watch(get_brightness_cmd, timeout, update_widget, brightness_widget.widget) if tooltip then awful.tooltip { objects = { brightness_widget.widget }, timer_function = function() return current_level .. " %" end, } end return brightness_widget.widget end return setmetatable(brightness_widget, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })