streetturtle 692767d09e new widget - logout-menu 2020-12-18 21:13:21 -05:00
icons new widget - logout-menu 2020-12-18 21:13:21 -05:00 new widget - logout-menu 2020-12-18 21:13:21 -05:00
logout-menu.gif new widget - logout-menu 2020-12-18 21:13:21 -05:00
logout-menu.lua new widget - logout-menu 2020-12-18 21:13:21 -05:00

Logout Menu Widget

This widget shows a menu with options to log out from the current session, lock, reboot, suspend and power off the computer, similar to logout-popup-widget:



Clone this repo (if not cloned yet) ./.config/awesome/

cd ./.config/awesome/
git clone

Then add the widget to the wibar:

local logout_menu_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.logout-menu-widget.logout-menu")

s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
    { -- Right widgets
        layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
        -- default
        -- custom
            font = 'Play 14',
            onlock = function() awful.spawn.with_shell('i3lock-fancy') end


It is possible to customize the widget by providing a table with all or some of the following config parameters:

Name Default Description
font beautiful.font Font of the menu items
onlogout function() awesome.quit() end Function which is called when the logout item is clicked
onlock function() awful.spawn.with_shell("i3lock") end Function which is called when the lock item is clicked
onreboot function() awful.spawn.with_shell("reboot") end Function which is called when the reboot item is clicked
onsuspend function() awful.spawn.with_shell("systemctl suspend") end Function which is called when the suspend item is clicked
onpoweroff function() awful.spawn.with_shell("shutdown now") end Function which is called when the poweroff item is clicked