# [`awful.widget.watch`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/awful.widget.watch.html) use case examples ## bitcoin Requires `curl` and [dkjson](https://github.com/LuaDist/dkjson) or [lain](https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain). ```lua local bitcoin = awful.widget.watch( "curl -m5 -s 'https://coinbase.com/api/v1/prices/buy'", 43200, -- half day function(widget, stdout) local btc, pos, err = require("dkjson").decode(stdout, 1, nil) -- dkjson --local btc, pos, err = require("lain.util").dkjson.decode(stdout, 1, nil) -- lain local btc_price = (not err and btc and btc["subtotal"]["amount"]) or "N/A" -- customize here widget:set_text(btc_price) end ) ``` ## brtfs ```lua -- btrfs root df local myrootfs = awful.widget.watch( "btrfs filesystem df -g /", 600, -- 10 minutes function(widget, stdout) local total, used = string.match(stdout, "Data.-total=(%d+%.%d+)GiB.-used=(%d+%.%d+)GiB") local percent_used = math.ceil((tonumber(used) / tonumber(total)) * 100) -- customize here widget:set_text(" [/: " .. percent_used .. "%] ") end ) ``` ## cmus ```lua -- cmus audio player local cmus, cmus_timer = awful.widget.watch( "cmus-remote -Q", 2, function(widget, stdout) local cmus_now = { state = "N/A", artist = "N/A", title = "N/A", album = "N/A" } for w in string.gmatch(stdout, "(.-)tag") do a, b = w:match("(%w+) (.-)\n") cmus_now[a] = b end -- customize here widget:set_text(cmus_now.artist .. " - " .. cmus_now.title) end ) ``` ## iostat ```lua -- disk I/O using iostat from sysstat utilities local iotable = {} local iostat = awful.widget.watch("iostat -dk", 2, -- in Kb, use -dm for Mb function(widget, stdout) for line in stdout:match("(sd.*)\n"):gmatch("(.-)\n") do local device, tps, read_s, wrtn_s, read, wrtn = line:match("(%w+)%s*(%d+,?%d*)%s*(%d+,?%d*)%s*(%d+,?%d*)%s*(%d+,?%d*)%s*(%d+,?%d*)") -- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] iotable[device] = { tps, read_s, wrtn_s, read, wrtn } end -- customize here widget:set_text("sda: "..iotable["sda"][2].."/"..iotable["sda"][3]) -- read_s/wrtn_s end ) ``` ## maildir ```lua -- checks whether there are files in the "new" directories of a mail dirtree local mailpath = "~/Mail" local mymaildir = awful.widget.watch( { awful.util.shell, "-c", string.format("ls -1dr %s/*/new/*", mailpath) }, 60, function(widget, stdout) local inbox_now = { digest = "" } for dir in stdout:gmatch(".-/(%w+)/new") do inbox_now[dir] = 1 for _ in stdout:gmatch(dir) do inbox_now[dir] = inbox_now[dir] + 1 end if #inbox_now.digest > 0 then inbox_now.digest = inbox_now.digest .. ", " end inbox_now.digest = inbox_now.digest .. string.format("%s (%d)", dir, inbox_now[dir]) end -- customize here widget:set_text("mail: " .. inbox_now.digest) end ) ``` ## mpris ```lua -- infos from mpris clients such as spotify and VLC -- based on https://github.com/acrisci/playerctl local mpris, mpris_timer = awful.widget.watch( { awful.util.shell, "-c", "playerctl status && playerctl metadata" }, 2, function(widget, stdout) local escape_f = require("awful.util").escape local mpris_now = { state = "N/A", artist = "N/A", title = "N/A", art_url = "N/A", album = "N/A", album_artist = "N/A" } mpris_now.state = string.match(stdout, "Playing") or string.match(stdout, "Paused") or "N/A" for k, v in string.gmatch(stdout, "'[^:]+:([^']+)':[%s]<%[?'([^']+)'%]?>") do if k == "artUrl" then mpris_now.art_url = v elseif k == "artist" then mpris_now.artist = escape_f(v) elseif k == "title" then mpris_now.title = escape_f(v) elseif k == "album" then mpris_now.album = escape_f(v) elseif k == "albumArtist" then mpris_now.album_artist = escape_f(v) end end -- customize here widget:set_text(mpris_now.artist .. " - " .. mpris_now.title) end ) ``` ## pipewire ```lua -- pactl based volume widget for pure pipewire setups local volume = awful.widget.watch( "pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | cut -s -d/ -f2,4; pactl get-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@", 5, -- timeout function(widget, stdout) local volume = "Volume: " for v in stdout:gmatch("(%d+%%)") do volume = volume .. " " .. v end if #volume == 8 then volume = "N/A" end local mute = string.match(stdout, "Mute: (%S+)") or "N/A" -- customize here widget:set_markup(volume .. " " .. mute) end ) ``` ## upower ```lua -- battery infos from freedesktop upower local mybattery = awful.widget.watch( { awful.util.shell, "-c", "upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT | sed -n '/present/,/icon-name/p'" }, 30, function(widget, stdout) local bat_now = { present = "N/A", state = "N/A", warninglevel = "N/A", energy = "N/A", energyfull = "N/A", energyrate = "N/A", voltage = "N/A", percentage = "N/A", capacity = "N/A", icon = "N/A" } for k, v in string.gmatch(stdout, '([%a]+[%a|-]+):%s*([%a|%d]+[,|%a|%d]-)') do if k == "present" then bat_now.present = v elseif k == "state" then bat_now.state = v elseif k == "warning-level" then bat_now.warninglevel = v elseif k == "energy" then bat_now.energy = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- Wh elseif k == "energy-full" then bat_now.energyfull = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- Wh elseif k == "energy-rate" then bat_now.energyrate = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- W elseif k == "voltage" then bat_now.voltage = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- V elseif k == "percentage" then bat_now.percentage = tonumber(v) -- % elseif k == "capacity" then bat_now.capacity = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- % elseif k == "icon-name" then bat_now.icon = v end end -- customize here widget:set_text("Bat: " .. bat_now.percentage .. " " .. bat_now.state) end ) ```