branches: only: - master env: global: - BUILD_WEB=/tmp/build-web - secure: dMquVRuM4Wi/N3oZJaNIWSW5mpehxVuzDiDnC51OwfMtdNfdyWV7qKJQY44MjbveuyQd7eA/AuTLE+loaAFxiRfBXl2yI5NkAOrJwbbDyw/lAN9Og2FmNi+QLaTsNhpbYZ4zaUNEEqRWs9gIajGaXcWdO/HNYiKHHrk7+XXNDeM= addons: apt: packages: - ikiwiki - asciidoc - imagemagick - luarocks - cmake - libxcb-randr0-dev - libxcb-xtest0-dev - libxcb-xinerama0-dev - libxcb-shape0-dev - libxcb-util0-dev - libxcb-keysyms1-dev - libxcb-icccm4-dev - libxdg-basedir-dev - libstartup-notification0-dev # Dependencies for xcb-util-cursor - libxcb-render-util0-dev - libxcb-image0-dev # Clone the repo before building, so that in case of # concurrent builds, the push will fail later. # Stderr is redirected to not reveal the token. before_install: - | set -e git clone --quiet \ https://${GH_APIDOC_TOKEN} \ "$BUILD_WEB" 2>/dev/null if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = false ]; then branch="$TRAVIS_BRANCH" else branch="pr-$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" fi if [ "$branch" != master ]; then cd $BUILD_WEB if ! git checkout -b "$branch" "origin/$branch"; then git checkout -b "$branch" fi cd - fi install: # libxcb-cursor-dev is not available in Ubuntu Ancient - travis_retry wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/util-cursor.tar.bz2 - (cd /tmp && tar -xvjf util-cursor.tar.bz2 && cd xcb-util-cursor* && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/install && make && make install) # ldoc is not available in Ubuntu Ancient - travis_retry luarocks --local install ldoc - luarocks path --bin - eval `luarocks path --bin` # Of course Ubuntu's Luarocks version is too old for --bin - PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.luarocks/bin" script: - PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/install/lib/pkgconfig" make build_for_travis after_success: - | set -e commit_hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) cd $BUILD_WEB git config "awesome-robot on Travis CI" git config "" git add --all . git commit -m "Update from Travis for awesome-www@${commit_hash}" git show --stat git push origin "$(git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD)" 2>/dev/null