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-- A widget to display an image.
-- The `wibox.widget.imagebox` is part of the Awesome WM's widget system
-- (see @{}).
-- This widget displays an image. The image can be a file,
-- a cairo image surface, or an rsvg handle object (see the
-- [image property](#image)).
-- Examples using a `wibox.widget.imagebox`:
-- ---
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_defaults_imagebox_EXAMPLE@
-- Alternatively, you can declare the `imagebox` widget using the
-- declarative pattern (both variants are strictly equivalent):
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_declarative-pattern_imagebox_EXAMPLE@
-- @author Uli Schlachter
-- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
-- @widgetmod wibox.widget.imagebox
-- @supermodule wibox.widget.base
local lgi = require("lgi")
local cairo = lgi.cairo
local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
local surface = require("gears.surface")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local type = type
local math = math
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-- Safe load for optional Rsvg module
local Rsvg = nil
local success, err = pcall(function() Rsvg = lgi.Rsvg end)
if not success then
gdebug.print_warning(debug.traceback("Could not load Rsvg: " .. tostring(err)))
local imagebox = { mt = {} }
local rsvg_handle_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
---Load rsvg handle form image file
-- @tparam string file Path to svg file.
-- @return Rsvg handle
-- @treturn table A table where cached data can be stored.
local function load_rsvg_handle(file)
if not Rsvg then return end
local cache = (rsvg_handle_cache[file] or {})["handle"]
if cache then
return cache, rsvg_handle_cache[file]
local handle, err
if file:match("<[?]?xml") or file:match("<svg") then
handle, err = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_data(file)
handle, err = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_file(file)
if not err then
rsvg_handle_cache[file] = rsvg_handle_cache[file] or {}
rsvg_handle_cache[file]["handle"] = handle
return handle, rsvg_handle_cache[file]
---Apply cairo surface for given imagebox widget
local function set_surface(ib, surf)
local is_surf_valid = surf.width > 0 and surf.height > 0
if not is_surf_valid then return false end
ib._private.default = { width = surf.width, height = surf.height }
ib._private.handle = nil
ib._private.image = surf
return true
---Apply RsvgHandle for given imagebox widget
local function set_handle(ib, handle, cache)
local dim = handle:get_dimensions()
local is_handle_valid = dim.width > 0 and dim.height > 0
if not is_handle_valid then return false end
ib._private.default = { width = dim.width, height = dim.height }
ib._private.handle = handle
ib._private.cache = cache
ib._private.image = nil
return true
---Try to load some image object from file then apply it to imagebox.
---@tparam table ib Imagebox
---@tparam string file Image file name
---@tparam function image_loader Function to load image object from file
---@tparam function image_setter Function to set image object to imagebox
---@treturn boolean True if image was successfully applied
local function load_and_apply(ib, file, image_loader, image_setter)
local image_applied
local object, cache = image_loader(file)
if object then
image_applied = image_setter(ib, object, cache)
return image_applied
---Update the cached size depending on the stylesheet and dpi.
-- It's necessary because a single RSVG handle can be used by
-- many imageboxes. So DPI and Stylesheet need to be set each time.
local function update_dpi(self, ctx)
if not self._private.handle then return end
local dpi = self._private.auto_dpi and
ctx.dpi or
self._private.dpi or
local need_dpi = dpi and
self._private.last_dpi ~= dpi
local need_style = self._private.handle.set_stylesheet and
local old_size = self._private.default and self._private.default.width
if dpi and dpi ~= self._private.cache.dpi then
if type(dpi) == "table" then
self._private.handle:set_dpi_x_y(dpi.x, dpi.y)
if need_style and self._private.cache.stylesheet ~= self._private.stylesheet then
-- Reload the size.
if need_dpi or (need_style and self._private.stylesheet ~= self._private.last_stylesheet) then
set_handle(self, self._private.handle, self._private.cache)
self._private.last_dpi = dpi
self._private.cache.dpi = dpi
self._private.last_stylesheet = self._private.stylesheet
self._private.cache.stylesheet = self._private.stylesheet
-- This can happen in the constructor when `dpi` is set after `image`.
if old_size and old_size ~= self._private.default.width then
-- Draw an imagebox with the given cairo context in the given geometry.
function imagebox:draw(ctx, cr, width, height)
if width == 0 or height == 0 or not self._private.default then return end
-- For valign = "top" and halign = "left"
local translate = {
x = 0,
y = 0,
update_dpi(self, ctx)
local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height
if self._private.resize then
-- That's for the "fit" policy.
local aspects = {
w = width / w,
h = height / h
local policy = {
w = self._private.horizontal_fit_policy or "auto",
h = self._private.vertical_fit_policy or "auto"
for _, aspect in ipairs {"w", "h"} do
if self._private.upscale == false and (w < width and h < height) then
aspects[aspect] = 1
elseif self._private.downscale == false and (w >= width and h >= height) then
aspects[aspect] = 1
elseif policy[aspect] == "none" then
aspects[aspect] = 1
elseif policy[aspect] == "auto" then
aspects[aspect] = math.min(width / w, height / h)
if self._private.halign == "center" then
translate.x = math.floor((width - w*aspects.w)/2)
elseif self._private.halign == "right" then
translate.x = math.floor(width - (w*aspects.w))
if self._private.valign == "center" then
translate.y = math.floor((height - h*aspects.h)/2)
elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
translate.y = math.floor(height - (h*aspects.h))
cr:translate(translate.x, translate.y)
-- Before using the scale, make sure it is below the threshold.
local threshold, max_factor = self._private.max_scaling_factor, math.max(aspects.w, aspects.h)
if threshold and threshold > 0 and threshold < max_factor then
aspects.w = (aspects.w*threshold)/max_factor
aspects.h = (aspects.h*threshold)/max_factor
-- Set the clip
if self._private.clip_shape then
cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, w*aspects.w, h*aspects.h, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
cr:scale(aspects.w, aspects.h)
if self._private.halign == "center" then
translate.x = math.floor((width - w)/2)
elseif self._private.halign == "right" then
translate.x = math.floor(width - w)
if self._private.valign == "center" then
translate.y = math.floor((height - h)/2)
elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
translate.y = math.floor(height - h)
cr:translate(translate.x, translate.y)
-- Set the clip
if self._private.clip_shape then
cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, w, h, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
if self._private.handle then
cr:set_source_surface(self._private.image, 0, 0)
local filter = self._private.scaling_quality
if filter then
-- Fit the imagebox into the given geometry
function imagebox:fit(ctx, width, height)
if not self._private.default then return 0, 0 end
update_dpi(self, ctx)
local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height
if w <= width and h <= height and self._private.upscale == false then
return w, h
if (w < width or h < height) and self._private.downscale == false then
return w, h
if self._private.resize or w > width or h > height then
local aspect = math.min(width / w, height / h)
return w * aspect, h * aspect
return w, h
--- The image rendered by the `imagebox`.
-- It can can be any of the following:
-- * A `string`: Interpreted as a path to an image file
-- * A cairo image surface: Directly used as-is
-- * A librsvg handle object: Directly used as-is
-- * `nil`: Unset the image.
-- @property image
-- @tparam image image The image to render.
-- @propemits false false
--- Set the `imagebox` image.
-- The image can be a file, a cairo image surface, or an rsvg handle object
-- (see the [image property](#image)).
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-- @method set_image
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-- @hidden
-- @tparam image image The image to render.
-- @treturn boolean `true` on success, `false` if the image cannot be used.
-- @usage my_imagebox:set_image(beautiful.awesome_icon)
-- @usage my_imagebox:set_image('/usr/share/icons/theme/my_icon.png')
-- @see image
function imagebox:set_image(image)
local setup_succeed
-- Keep the original to prevent the cache from being GCed.
self._private.original_image = image
if type(image) == "userdata" and not (Rsvg and Rsvg.Handle:is_type_of(image)) then
-- This function is not documented to handle userdata objects, but
-- historically it did, and it did by just assuming they refer to a
-- cairo surface.
image = surface.load(image)
if type(image) == "string" then
-- try to load rsvg handle from file
setup_succeed = load_and_apply(self, image, load_rsvg_handle, set_handle)
if not setup_succeed then
-- rsvg handle failed, try to load cairo surface with pixbuf
setup_succeed = load_and_apply(self, image, surface.load, set_surface)
elseif Rsvg and Rsvg.Handle:is_type_of(image) then
-- try to apply given rsvg handle
rsvg_handle_cache[image] = rsvg_handle_cache[image] or {}
setup_succeed = set_handle(self, image, rsvg_handle_cache[image])
elseif cairo.Surface:is_type_of(image) then
-- try to apply given cairo surface
setup_succeed = set_surface(self, image)
elseif not image then
-- nil as argument mean full imagebox reset
setup_succeed = true
self._private.handle = nil
self._private.image = nil
self._private.default = nil
if not setup_succeed then return false end
return true
--- Set a clip shape for this imagebox.
-- A clip shape defines an area and dimension to which the content should be
-- trimmed.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_clip_shape_EXAMPLE@
-- @property clip_shape
-- @tparam function|gears.shape clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible shape function.
-- @propemits true false
-- @see gears.shape
--- Set a clip shape for this imagebox.
-- A clip shape defines an area and dimensions to which the content should be
-- trimmed.
-- Additional parameters will be passed to the clip shape function.
-- @tparam function|gears.shape clip_shape A `gears_shape` compatible shape function.
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-- @method set_clip_shape
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-- @hidden
-- @see gears.shape
-- @see clip_shape
function imagebox:set_clip_shape(clip_shape, ...)
self._private.clip_shape = clip_shape
self._private.clip_args = {...}
self:emit_signal("property::clip_shape", clip_shape)
--- Should the image be resized to fit into the available space?
-- Note that `upscale` and `downscale` can affect the value of `resize`.
-- If conflicting values are passed to the constructor, then the result
-- is undefined.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_resize_EXAMPLE@
-- @property resize
-- @propemits true false
-- @tparam boolean resize
--- Allow the image to be upscaled (made bigger).
-- Note that `upscale` and `downscale` can affect the value of `resize`.
-- If conflicting values are passed to the constructor, then the result
-- is undefined.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_upscale_EXAMPLE@
-- @property upscale
-- @tparam boolean upscale
-- @see downscale
-- @see resize
--- Allow the image to be downscaled (made smaller).
-- Note that `upscale` and `downscale` can affect the value of `resize`.
-- If conflicting values are passed to the constructor, then the result
-- is undefined.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_downscale_EXAMPLE@
-- @property downscale
-- @tparam boolean downscale
-- @see upscale
-- @see resize
--- Set the SVG CSS stylesheet.
-- If the image is an SVG (vector graphics), this property allows to set
-- a CSS stylesheet. It can be used to set colors and much more.
-- Note that this property is a string, not a path. If the stylesheet is
-- stored on disk, read the content first.
-- @property stylesheet
-- @tparam string stylesheet
-- @propemits true false
--- Set the SVG DPI (dot per inch).
-- Force a specific DPI when rendering the `.svg`. For other file formats,
-- this does nothing.
-- It can either be a number of a table containing the `x` and `y` keys.
-- Please note that DPI and `resize` can "fight" each other and end up
-- making the image smaller instead of bigger.
-- @property dpi
-- @tparam number|table dpi
-- @propemits true false
-- @see auto_dpi
--- Use the object DPI when rendering the SVG.
-- By default, the SVG are interpreted as-is. When this property is set,
-- the screen DPI will be passed to the SVG renderer. Depending on which
-- tool was used to create the `.svg`, this may do nothing at all. However,
-- for example, if the `.svg` uses `<text>` elements and doesn't have an
-- hardcoded stylesheet, the result will differ.
-- @property auto_dpi
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean auto_dpi
-- @propemits true false
-- @see dpi
for _, prop in ipairs {"stylesheet", "dpi", "auto_dpi"} do
imagebox["set_" .. prop] = function(self, value)
-- It will be set in :fit and :draw. The handle is shared
-- by multiple imagebox, so it cannot be set just once.
self._private[prop] = value
self:emit_signal("property::" .. prop)
function imagebox:set_resize(allowed)
self._private.resize = allowed
if allowed then
self._private.downscale = true
self._private.upscale = true
self:emit_signal("property::downscale", allowed)
self:emit_signal("property::upscale", allowed)
self:emit_signal("property::resize", allowed)
for _, prop in ipairs {"downscale", "upscale" } do
imagebox["set_" .. prop] = function(self, allowed)
self._private[prop] = allowed
if self._private.resize ~= (self._private.upscale or self._private.downscale) then
self._private.resize = self._private.upscale or self._private.downscale
self:emit_signal("property::resize", self._private.resize)
self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, allowed)
--- Set the horizontal fit policy.
-- Valid values are:
-- * `"auto"`: Honor the `resize` variable and preserve the aspect ratio.
-- This is the default behaviour.
-- * `"none"`: Do not resize at all.
-- * `"fit"`: Resize to the widget width.
-- Here is the result for a 22x32 image:
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_horizontal_fit_policy_EXAMPLE@
-- @property horizontal_fit_policy
-- @tparam[opt="auto"] string horizontal_fit_policy
-- @propemits true false
-- @see vertical_fit_policy
-- @see resize
--- Set the vertical fit policy.
-- Valid values are:
-- * `"auto"`: Honor the `resize` varible and preserve the aspect ratio.
-- This is the default behaviour.
-- * `"none"`: Do not resize at all.
-- * `"fit"`: Resize to the widget height.
-- Here is the result for a 32x22 image:
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_vertical_fit_policy_EXAMPLE@
-- @property vertical_fit_policy
-- @tparam[opt="auto"] string horizontal_fit_policy
-- @propemits true false
-- @see horizontal_fit_policy
-- @see resize
--- The vertical alignment.
-- Possible values are:
-- * `"top"`
-- * `"center"` (default)
-- * `"bottom"`
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_valign_EXAMPLE@
-- @property valign
-- @tparam[opt="center"] string valign
-- @propemits true false
-- @see
-- @see halign
--- The horizontal alignment.
-- Possible values are:
-- * `"left"`
-- * `"center"` (default)
-- * `"right"`
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_halign_EXAMPLE@
-- @property halign
-- @tparam[opt="center"] string halign
-- @propemits true false
-- @see
-- @see valign
--- The maximum scaling factor.
-- If an image is scaled too much, it gets very blurry. This
-- property allows to limit the scaling.
-- Use the properties `valign` and `halign` to control how the image will be
-- aligned.
-- In the example below, the original size is 22x22
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_max_scaling_factor_EXAMPLE@
-- @property max_scaling_factor
-- @tparam number max_scaling_factor
-- @propemits true false
-- @see valign
-- @see halign
-- @see scaling_quality
--- Set the scaling aligorithm.
-- Depending on how the image is used, what is the "correct" way to
-- scale can change. For example, upscaling a pixel art image should
-- not make it blurry. However, scaling up a photo should not make it
-- blocky.
--<table class='widget_list' border=1>
-- <tr style='font-weight: bold;'>
-- <th align='center'>Value</th>
-- <th align='center'>Description</th>
-- </tr>
-- <tr><td>fast</td><td>A high-performance filter</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>good</td><td>A reasonable-performance filter</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>best</td><td>The highest-quality available</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>nearest</td><td>Nearest-neighbor filtering (blocky)</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>bilinear</td><td>Linear interpolation in two dimensions</td></tr>
-- The image used in the example below has a resolution of 32x22 and is
-- intentionally blocky to highlight the difference.
-- It is zoomed by a factor of 3.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_scaling_quality_EXAMPLE@
-- @property scaling_quality
-- @tparam string scaling_quality Either `"fast"`, `"good"`, `"best"`,
-- `"nearest"` or `"bilinear"`.
-- @propemits true false
-- @see resize
-- @see horizontal_fit_policy
-- @see vertical_fit_policy
-- @see max_scaling_factor
local defaults = {
halign = "left",
valign = "top",
horizontal_fit_policy = "auto",
vertical_fit_policy = "auto",
max_scaling_factor = 0,
scaling_quality = "good"
local function get_default(prop, value)
if value == nil then return defaults[prop] end
return value
for prop in pairs(defaults) do
imagebox["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
if value == self._private[prop] then return end
self._private[prop] = get_default(prop, value)
self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, self._private[prop])
imagebox["get_"..prop] = function(self)
if self._private[prop] == nil then
return defaults[prop]
return self._private[prop]
--- Returns a new `wibox.widget.imagebox` instance.
-- This is the constructor of `wibox.widget.imagebox`. It creates a new
-- instance of imagebox widget.
-- Alternatively, the declarative layout syntax can handle
-- `wibox.widget.imagebox` instanciation.
-- The image can be a file, a cairo image surface, or an rsvg handle object
-- (see the [image property](#image)).
-- Any additional arguments will be passed to the clip shape function.
-- @tparam[opt] image image The image to display (may be `nil`).
-- @tparam[opt] boolean resize_allowed If `false`, the image will be
-- clipped, else it will be resized to fit into the available space.
-- @tparam[opt] function clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible function.
-- @treturn wibox.widget.imagebox A new `wibox.widget.imagebox` widget instance.
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.imagebox
local function new(image, resize_allowed, clip_shape, ...)
local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true})
gtable.crush(ret, imagebox, true)
ret._private.resize = true
if image then
if resize_allowed ~= nil then
ret.resize = resize_allowed
ret._private.clip_shape = clip_shape
ret._private.clip_args = {...}
return ret
return new(...)
return setmetatable(imagebox,
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