2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
local file_path , image_path = ...
require ( " _common_template " ) ( ... )
local cairo = require ( " lgi " ) . cairo
local shape = require ( " gears.shape " )
local wibox = require ( " wibox " )
local beautiful = require ( " beautiful " )
-- Make the path relative.
2021-12-14 11:30:04 +01:00
local path = image_path : match ( " /(images/[^/]+)$ " )
if not path then
path = image_path : match ( " /(raw_images/[^/]+)$ " ) : gsub ( " raw_ " , " " )
local relative_image_path = " ../ " .. path
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
-- This template generates an HTML table with how other classes are associated
-- with a given class.
local function gen_class ( name )
return wibox.widget {
valign = " center " ,
align = " center " ,
markup = " <b> " .. name .. " </b> " ,
widget = wibox.widget . textbox
} ,
fg = " #ffffff " ,
bg = beautiful.bg_normal ,
widget = wibox.container . background ,
} ,
nil ,
nil ,
widget = wibox.layout . align.vertical ,
} ,
shape = function ( cr , w , h )
shape.partially_rounded_rect ( cr , w , h , true , true , false , false , 5 )
end ,
forced_width = 75 ,
border_width = 1 ,
border_strategy = " inner " ,
border_color = beautiful.border_color ,
bg = " #00000000 " ,
widget = wibox.container . background
local function gen_arrow ( association )
local w = wibox.widget . base.make_widget ( )
function w : fit ( _ , width , _ )
return width , 15
function w : draw ( _ , cr , width , height )
cr : set_line_width ( 1.5 )
cr : move_to ( 0 , height / 2 )
cr : line_to ( width - ( association == " association " and 0 or 40 ) , height / 2 )
cr : stroke ( )
if association ~= " association " then
cr : set_antialias ( cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL )
cr : set_line_width ( 1 )
cr : translate ( 0 , 2 )
width , height = width - 2 , height - 4
cr : move_to ( width - 40 , height / 2 )
cr : line_to ( width - 20 , 0 )
cr : line_to ( width , height / 2 )
cr : line_to ( width - 20 , height )
cr : line_to ( width - 40 , height / 2 )
cr : close_path ( )
if association == " composition " then
cr : fill ( )
cr : stroke ( )
w.forced_height = 15
return w
local function arrow_widget ( dir )
local w = wibox.widget . base.make_widget ( )
function w : fit ( _ , width , _ )
return width , 5
function w : draw ( _ , cr , width , height )
cr : translate ( 10 , 0 )
width = width - 20
cr : set_source_rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 )
cr : set_line_width ( 1 )
cr : move_to ( 0 , height / 2 )
cr : line_to ( width , height / 2 )
cr : stroke ( )
if dir == " left " then
cr : move_to ( height / 2 , 0 )
cr : line_to ( 0 , height / 2 )
cr : line_to ( height / 2 , height )
cr : stroke ( )
cr : move_to ( width - height / 2 , 0 )
cr : line_to ( width , height / 2 )
cr : line_to ( width - height / 2 , height )
cr : stroke ( )
return w
local function gen_table_uml ( entry , class1 , class2 , revert )
local left = revert and entry.right or entry.left
local right = revert and entry.left or entry.right
return wibox.widget {
gen_class ( class2 ) ,
text = " " .. left.card ,
widget = wibox.widget . textbox
} ,
arrow_widget " left " ,
wrap = " char " ,
markup = left.msg .. " <span alpha='1'> .</span> " ,
widget = wibox.widget . textbox
} ,
spacing = 5 ,
layout = wibox.layout . align.horizontal
} ,
gen_arrow ( entry.composition ) ,
wrap = " char " ,
markup = right.msg .. " <span alpha='1'> .</span> " ,
widget = wibox.widget . textbox
} ,
arrow_widget " right " ,
text = right.card .. " " ,
widget = wibox.widget . textbox
} ,
spacing = 5 ,
layout = wibox.layout . align.horizontal
} ,
layout = wibox.layout . fixed.vertical ,
} ,
gen_class ( class1 ) ,
layout = wibox.layout . align.horizontal
local map = {
to = function ( o ) return " Acquire other objects from a " .. o end ,
from = function ( o ) return " Acquire a " .. o .. " from other objects " end
local function gen_table_header ( title , o )
2021-12-14 11:30:04 +01:00
print ( [[<div class="components-relationship--diagram"><table class='widget_list' border=1><colgroup span="3"></colgroup><tr><th align='center' colspan=3 scope=colgroup>]] .. map [ title ] ( o ) .. [[</th></tr><tr style='font-weight: bold;'><th align='center'>Class</th><th align='center'></th><th align='center'>Property</th></tr>]] )
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
local function get_table_row ( path , class , prop )
2021-12-14 11:30:04 +01:00
print ( [[<tr><td>]] .. class .. [[</td><td><img src="]] .. path .. [["></td><td>]] .. prop .. [[</td></tr>]] )
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
local function get_table_footer ( )
2021-12-14 11:30:04 +01:00
print ' </table></div> '
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
local module = { }
local counter = 1
function module . generate_nav_table ( t )
assert ( t.content and t.class )
print ( " \n \n Core components relationship \n === \n " )
2021-12-14 11:30:04 +01:00
print ( ' <div class="components-relationship"><div class="components-relationship--diagrams"> ' )
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
-- Validate early to avoid debugging cryptic backtraces.
for _ , tab in ipairs { " to " , " from " } do
gen_table_header ( tab , t.class )
for _ , entry in ipairs ( t.content ) do
if entry [ tab .. " _property " ] then
assert ( entry.left and entry.right and entry.association )
assert ( entry.class )
assert ( entry.left . msg and entry.left . card )
assert ( entry.right . msg and entry.right . card )
2019-10-01 07:58:05 +02:00
local path = relative_image_path .. counter .. " .svg "
local fpath = image_path .. counter .. " .svg "
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
local widget = gen_table_uml ( entry , t.class , entry.class , false )
2019-10-01 07:58:05 +02:00
wibox.widget . draw_to_svg_file ( widget , fpath , 320 , 50 )
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
get_table_row ( path , entry.class , entry [ tab .. " _property " ] )
counter = counter + 1
get_table_footer ( )
2021-12-14 11:30:04 +01:00
-- End the last section and add a footer
print ( [[</div><div class="components-relationship--legend"><b>Legend:</b> <i>c</i>: a client object, <i>t</i>: a tag object, <i>s</i>: a screen object, <i>k</i>: an awful.key object, <i>b</i>: a awful.button object, <i>n</i>: a naughty.notification object</div></div> <!-- .components-relationship -->]] )
2019-06-27 08:14:17 +02:00
loadfile ( file_path ) ( module )
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80