This commit begins the development of a more appropriate user facing

screenshot API. It extends a prior commit which extended the lower level
content API, which had been a property of the client object but is now
available as a property of the screen object and a method of the root

This commit creates a new screenshot module for the awful module. The
public functions include root(), screen(), client(), snipper(), and
snip(). These take root window, screen, and client window screenshots,
launch an interactive snip tool for cropped screenshots, and take a
cropped screenshot of a geometry passed by argument, respectively. The
init() function is also available for configuration. Using this library
is more appropriate for the average rc.lua.

Since the API is new, this commit does not include any changes to
rc.lua. The developers can modify rc.lua when there is sufficient
confidence in API stability and robustness.

lib/awful/init.lua is modified so that the awful module includes the new
lib/awful/screenshot.lua submodule.

Signed off: Brian Sobulefsky <>
This commit is contained in:
Brian Sobulefsky 2021-10-11 20:54:47 -07:00 committed by Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
parent 5077c8381b
commit 12a3fae456
2 changed files with 489 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ local ret = {
rules = require("awful.rules"); rules = require("awful.rules");
popup = require("awful.popup"); popup = require("awful.popup");
spawn = require("awful.spawn"); spawn = require("awful.spawn");
screenshot = require("awful.screenshot");
} }
-- Lazy load deprecated modules to reduce the numbers of loop dependencies. -- Lazy load deprecated modules to reduce the numbers of loop dependencies.

lib/awful/screenshot.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
--- Screenshots and related configuration settings
-- @author Brian Sobulefsky &lt;;
-- @copyright 2021 Brian Sobulefsky
-- @inputmodule awful.screenshot
-- Grab environment we need
local capi = { root = root,
screen = screen,
client = client,
mousegrabber = mousegrabber }
local aw_screen = require("awful.screen")
local gears = require("gears")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
local frame = nil
local frame_color = gears.color("#000000")
local screenshot = { mt = {} }
-- Configuration data
local ss_dir = nil
local ss_prfx = nil
local initialized = nil
-- Parameters for the mousegrabber for the snipper tool
local mg_dir = nil
local mg_prfx = nil
local mg_first_pnt = {}
local mg_onsuccess_cb = nil
-- Routine to get the default screenshot directory
-- Can be expanded to read X environment variables or configuration files.
local function get_default_dir()
-- This can be expanded
local d = os.getenv("HOME")
if d then
d = string.gsub(d, '/$', '') .. '/Images'
if os.execute("bash -c \"if [ -d \\\"" .. d .. "\\\" -a -w \\\"" .. d ..
"\\\" ] ; then exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi ;\"") then
return d .. '/'
return nil
-- Routine to get the default filename prefix
local function get_default_prefix()
return "Screenshot-"
-- Routine to check a directory string for existence and writability
local function check_directory(directory)
if directory and type(directory) == "string" then
-- By putting everything in dquotes, we should only need to escape
-- dquotes and dollar signs. Exclamation must be escaped outside the quote.
directory = string.gsub(directory, '"', '\\\\\\"')
directory = string.gsub(directory, '%$', '\\$')
directory = string.gsub(directory, '!', '"\\!"')
-- Assure that we return exactly one trailing slash
directory = string.gsub(directory, '/+$', '')
if os.execute("bash -c \"if [ -d \\\"" .. directory .. "\\\" -a -w \\\"" ..
directory .. "\\\" ] ; then exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi ;\"") then
return directory .. '/'
-- Currently returns nil if the requested directory string cannot be used.
-- This can be swapped to a silent fallback to the default directory if
-- desired. It is debatable which way is better.
return nil
-- No directory argument means use the default. Technically an outrageously
-- invalid argument (i.e. not even a string) currently falls back to the
-- default as well.
return get_default_dir()
-- Routine to sanitize a prefix string
-- Currently only strips all path separators ('/') and assures non empty,
-- although we may consider dropping the nonempty requirement (allow for
-- screenshots to be named 'date_time.png')
local function check_prefix(prefix)
-- Maybe add more sanitizing eventually
if prefix and type(prefix) == "string" then
prefix = string.gsub(prefix, '/', '')
if string.len(prefix) ~= 0 then
return prefix
return get_default_prefix()
-- Routine to initialize the screenshot object
-- Currently only sets the screenshot directory, the filename, prefix and the
-- snipper tool outline color. More initialization can be added as the API
-- expands.
function screenshot.init(directory, prefix, color)
local tmp
tmp = check_directory(directory)
if tmp then
ss_dir = tmp
initialized = nil
return nil
tmp = check_prefix(prefix)
if tmp then
ss_prfx = tmp
-- Should be unreachable as the default will always be taken
initialized = nil
return nil
-- Don't throw out prior init data if only color is misformed
initialized = true
if color then
tmp = gears.color(color)
if tmp then
frame_color = tmp
return true
-- Routine to configure the directory/prefix pair for any call to the
-- screenshot API.
-- This supports using a different directory or filename prefix for a particular
-- use by passing the optional arguments. In the case of an initalized object
-- with no arguments passed, the stored configuration parameters are quickly
-- returned. This also technically allows the user to take a screenshot in an
-- unitialized state and without passing any arguments.
local function configure_call(directory, prefix)
local d, p
if not initialized or directory then
d = check_directory(directory)
if not d then
d = ss_dir
if not initialized or prefix then
p = check_prefix(prefix)
if not p then
p = ss_prfx
-- In the case of taking a screenshot in an unitialized state, store the
-- configuration parameters and toggle to initialized going forward.
if not initialized then
ss_dir = d
ss_prfx = p
initilialized = true
return d, p
-- Internal routine to do the actual work of taking a cropped screenshot
-- This function does not do any data checking. Public functions should do
-- all data checking. This function was made to combine the interactive sipper
-- run by the mousegrabber and the programmatically defined snip function,
-- though there may be other uses.
local function crop_shot(x, y, width, height)
local source, target, cr
source = gears.surface(root.content())
target = source:create_similar(cairo.Content.COLOR,
width, height)
cr = cairo.Context(target)
cr:set_source_surface(source, -x, -y)
cr:rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
return target
-- Routine used by the snipper mousegrabber to update the frame outline of the
-- current state of the cropped screenshot
-- This function is largely a copy of awful.mouse.snap.show_placeholder(geo),
-- so it is probably a good idea to create a utility routine to handle both use
-- cases. It did not seem appropriate to make that change as a part of the pull
-- request that was creating the screenshot API, as it would clutter and
-- confuse the change.
local function show_frame(geo)
if not geo then
if frame then
frame.visible = false
frame = frame or wibox {
ontop = true,
bg = frame_color
-- Perhaps the preexisting image of frame can be reused? I tried but could
-- not get it to work. I am not sure if there is a performance penalty
-- incurred by making a new Cairo ImageSurface each execution.
local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.A1, geo.width, geo.height)
local cr = cairo.Context(img)
local line_width = 1
gears.shape.partially_rounded_rect(cr,geo.width-2*line_width,geo.height-2*line_width, false, false, false, false, nil)
frame.shape_bounding = img._native
frame.visible = true
-- Internal routine functioning as the callback for implementing the snipper.
-- The snipper tool is basically a mousegrabber, which takes a single function
-- of one argument, representing the mouse state data. This is a simple
-- starting point that hard codes the snipper tool as being a two press design
-- using button 1, with button 3 functioning as the cancel. These aspects of
-- the interface can be made into parameters at some point (and also
-- incorporated into the init() configuration routine).
local function mg_callback(mouse_data)
if mouse_data["buttons"][3] then
if frame and frame.visible then
return false
if mg_first_pnt[1] then
local min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
min_x = math.min(mg_first_pnt[1], mouse_data["x"])
max_x = math.max(mg_first_pnt[1], mouse_data["x"])
min_y = math.min(mg_first_pnt[2], mouse_data["y"])
max_y = math.max(mg_first_pnt[2], mouse_data["y"])
-- Force a minimum size to the box
if max_x - min_x < 4 or max_y - min_y < 4 then
if frame and frame.visible then
elseif not mouse_data["buttons"][1] then
show_frame({x = min_x, y = min_y, width = max_x - min_x, height = max_y - min_y})
if mouse_data["buttons"][1] then
local dir, prfx
local date_time, fname
local snip_surf
if frame and frame.visible then
frame = nil
mg_first_pnt = {}
-- This may fail gracefully anyway but require a minimum 2x2 of pixels
if min_x >= max_x-1 or min_y >= max_y-1 then
return false
dir, prfx = configure_call(mg_dir, mg_prfx)
snip_surf = crop_shot(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
if dir and prfx and snip_surf then
date_time = tostring("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
fname = dir .. prfx .. date_time .. ".png"
gears.surface(snip_surf):write_to_png(dir .. prfx .. date_time .. ".png")
if mg_onsuccess_cb then
mg_onsuccess_cb(fname) -- This should probably be a separate thread
mg_onsuccess_cb = nil -- Revert callback unconditionally
return false
if mouse_data["buttons"][1] then
mg_first_pnt[1] = mouse_data["x"]
mg_first_pnt[2] = mouse_data["y"]
return true
-- Take root window screenshots
-- @function screenshot.root
-- @tparam[opt] string The directory path in which to save screenshots
-- @tparam[opt] string The prefix prepended to the screenshot filenames
-- @treturn string The full path to the successfully written screenshot file
function screenshot.root(directory, prefix)
local dir, prfx
local date_time, fname
dir, prfx = configure_call(directory, prefix)
if dir and prfx then
date_time = tostring("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
fname = dir .. prfx .. date_time .. ".png"
return fname
-- Take physical screen screenshots
-- @function screenshot.screen
-- @tparam[opt] string The directory path in which to save screenshots
-- @tparam[opt] string The prefix prepended to the screenshot filenames
-- @tparam[opt] number or screen The index of the screen, or the screen itself
-- @treturn string The full path to the successfully written screenshot file
function screenshot.screen(directory, prefix, target)
local s
local dir, prfx
local date_time, fname
if target then
if type(target) == "number" then
s = capi.screen[target] and aw_screen.focused()
elseif target.index and type(target.index) == "number" then
s = capi.screen[target.index] and aw_screen.focused()
s = aw_screen.focused()
dir, prfx = configure_call(directory, prefix)
if s and dir and prfx then
date_time = tostring("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
fname = dir .. prfx .. date_time .. ".png"
return fname
-- Take client window screenshots
-- @function screenshot.client
-- @tparam[opt] string The directory path in which to save screenshots
-- @tparam[opt] string The prefix prepended to the screenshot filenames
-- @treturn string The full path to the successfully written screenshot file
function screenshot.client(directory, prefix)
-- Looking at the properties and functions available, I'm not sure it is
-- wise to allow a "target" client argument, but if we want to add it as
-- arg 3 (which will match the screen ordering), we can.
local c
local dir, prfx
local date_time, fname
dir, prfx = configure_call(directory, prefix)
c = capi.client.focus
if c and dir and prfx then
date_time = tostring("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
fname = dir .. prfx .. date_time .. ".png"
return fname
-- Launch an interactive snipper tool to take cropped shots
-- @function screenshot.snipper
-- @tparam[opt] string The directory path in which to save screenshots
-- @tparam[opt] string The prefix prepended to the screenshot filenames
-- @tparam[opt] function A callback to be run upon successful writing of the
-- screenshot file with a single argument of the path to
-- the screenshot file.
function screenshot.snipper(directory, prefix, onsuccess_cb)
local dir, prfx
local date_time
dir, prfx = configure_call(directory, prefix)
if dir and prfx then
mg_dir = dir
mg_prfx = prfx, "crosshair")
if onsuccess_cb and type(onsuccess_cb) == "function" then
mg_onsuccess_cb = onsuccess_cb
-- Take a cropped screenshot of a defined geometry
-- @function screenshot.snip
-- @tparam geometry The geometry of the cropped screenshot
-- @tparam[opt] string The directory path in which to save screenshots
-- @tparam[opt] string The prefix prepended to the screenshot filenames
-- @treturn string The full path to the successfully written screenshot file
function screenshot.snip(geom, directory, prefix)
local dir, prfx
local root_w, root_h
local root_intrsct
local date_time, fname
local snip_surf
root_w, root_h = root.size()
dir, prfx = configure_call(directory, prefix)
if dir and prfx and geom and
geom.x and geom.y and geom.width and geom.height then
if type(geom.x) == "number" and type(geom.y) == "number" and
type(geom.width) == "number" and type(geom.height) == "number" then
root_intrsct = gears.geometry.rectangle.get_intersection(geom,
{x = 0, y = 0,
width = root_w, height = root_h})
snip_surf = crop_shot(root_intrsct.x, root_intrsct.y,
root_intrsct.width, root_intrsct.height)
date_time = tostring("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
fname = dir .. prfx .. date_time .. ".png"
return fname
return screenshot