awful.key: Turn into an object.

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Lepage Vallee 2018-12-31 01:10:35 -05:00
parent 3b5db8a9be
commit 21ae9c1edb
2 changed files with 195 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
--- Create easily new key objects ignoring certain modifiers.
-- @author Julien Danjou <>
-- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou
-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <>
-- @copyright 2018 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
-- @inputmodule awful.key
@ -14,10 +15,148 @@ local gmath = require("gears.math")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
--- The keyboard key used to trigger this keybinding.
-- It can be the key symbol, such as `space`, the character, such as ` ` or the
-- keycode such as `#65`.
-- @property key
-- @param string
--- The table of modifier keys.
-- A modifier, such as `Control` are a predetermined set of keys that can be
-- used to implement keybindings. Note that this list is fix and cannot be
-- extended using random key names, code or characters.
-- Common modifiers are:
-- <table class='widget_list' border=1>
-- <tr style='font-weight: bold;'>
-- <th align='center'>Name</th>
-- <th align='center'>Description</th>
-- </tr>
-- <tr><td>Mod1</td><td>Usually called Alt on PCs and Option on Macs</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>Mod4</td><td>Also called Super, Windows and Command ⌘</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>Mod5</td><td>Also called AltGr or ISO Level 3</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>Shift</td><td>Both left and right shift keys</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>Control</td><td>Also called CTRL on some keyboards</td></tr>
-- </table>
-- Please note that Awesome ignores the status of "Lock" and "Mod2" (Num Lock).
-- @property modifiers
-- @tparam table modifiers
--- The key description.
-- This is used, for example, by the `awful.hotkey_popup`.
-- @property description
-- @param string
--- The key name.
-- This can be useful when searching for keybindings by keywords.
-- @property name
-- @param string
--- The key group.
-- This is used, for example, by the `awful.hotkey_popup`.
-- @property group
-- @param string
--- The callback when this key is pressed.
-- @property on_press
-- @param function
--- The callback when this key is released.
-- @property on_release
-- @param function
local key = { mt = {}, hotkeys = {} }
local reverse_map = setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
function key:set_key(k)
for _, v in ipairs(self) do
v.key = k
function key:get_key()
return self[1].key
function key:set_modifiers(mod)
local subsets = gmath.subsets(key.ignore_modifiers)
for k, set in ipairs(subsets) do
self[k].modifiers = gtable.join(mod, set)
for _, prop in ipairs { "description", "group", "on_press", "on_release", "name" } do
key["get_"..prop] = function(self)
return reverse_map[self][prop]
key["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
reverse_map[self][prop] = value
--- Execute this keybinding.
-- @method :trigger
function key:trigger()
local data = reverse_map[self]
if data.on_press then
if data.on_release then
local function index_handler(self, k)
if key["get_"..k] then
return key["get_"..k](self)
if type(key[k]) == "function" then
return key[k](self)
local data = reverse_map[self]
return data[k]
local function newindex_handler(self, k, value)
if key["set_"..k] then
return key["set_"..k](self, value)
local data = reverse_map[self]
data[k] = value
local obj_mt = {
__index = index_handler,
__newindex = newindex_handler
--- Modifiers to ignore.
-- By default this is initialized as { "Lock", "Mod2" }
-- By default this is initialized as `{ "Lock", "Mod2" }`
-- so the Caps Lock or Num Lock modifier are not taking into account by awesome
-- when pressing keys.
-- @name awful.key.ignore_modifiers
@ -46,30 +185,37 @@ function key.execute(mod, k)
require("awful.keyboard").emulate_key_combination(mod, k)
--- Create a new key to use as binding.
-- This function is useful to create several keys from one, because it will use
-- the ignore_modifier variable to create several keys with and without the
-- ignored modifiers activated.
-- For example if you want to ignore CapsLock in your keybinding (which is
-- ignored by default by this function), creating a key binding with this
-- function will return 2 key objects: one with CapsLock on, and another one
-- with CapsLock off.
--- Create a new key binding.
-- @tparam table mod A list of modifier keys. Valid modifiers are: Any, Mod1,
-- Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, Mod5, Shift, Lock and Control.
-- @tparam string _key The key to trigger an event.
-- @constructorfct2 awful.key
-- @tparam table args
-- @tparam function args.key The key to trigger an event. It can be the character
-- itself of `#+keycode` (**mandatory**).
-- @tparam function args.modifiers A list of modifier keys. Valid modifiers are:
-- `Any`, `Mod1`, Mod2`, `Mod3`, `Mod4`, `Mod5`, `Shift`, `Lock` and `Control`.
-- This argument is (**mandatory**).
-- @tparam function args.on_press Callback for when the key is pressed.
-- @tparam function args.on_release Callback for when the key is released.
--- Create a new key binding (alternate constructor).
-- @tparam table mod A list of modifier keys. Valid modifiers are: `Any`,
-- `Mod1`, `Mod2`, `Mod3`, `Mod4`, `Mod5`, `Shift`, `Lock` and `Control`.
-- @tparam string _key The key to trigger an event. It can be the character
-- itself of `#+keycode`.
-- @tparam function press Callback for when the key is pressed.
-- @tparam[opt] function release Callback for when the key is released.
-- @tparam table data User data for key,
-- @tparam[opt] table data User data for key,
-- for example {description="select next tag", group="tag"}.
-- @treturn table A table with one or several key objects.
-- @constructorfct awful.key
function, _key, press, release, data)
local function new_common(mod, _key, press, release, data)
if type(release)=='table' then
local ret = {}
local subsets = gmath.subsets(key.ignore_modifiers)
for _, set in ipairs(subsets) do
@ -87,12 +233,36 @@ function, _key, press, release, data)
data = data and gtable.clone(data) or {}
data.mod = mod
data.key = _key = press
data.release = release
data.on_press = press
data.on_release = release
data._is_capi_key = false
table.insert(key.hotkeys, data)
data.execute = function(_) key.execute(mod, _key) end
return ret
-- Store the private data
reverse_map[ret] = data
--WARNING this object needs to expose only ordered keys for legacy reasons.
-- All other properties needs to be fully handled by the meta table and never
-- be stored directly in the object.
return setmetatable(ret, obj_mt)
function, _key, press, release, data)
-- Assume this is the new constructor.
if not _key then
assert(not (press or release or data), "Calling awful.key() requires a key name")
return new_common(
return new_common(args, _key, press, release, data)
--- Compare a key object with modifiers and key.

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@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
_G.key = setmetatable({
set_index_miss_handler = function() end,
set_newindex_miss_handler = function() end
}, {
__call = function() return {} end
local function assert_markup_format(markup)
if #markup == 0 then