Add a module for reading icon_theme.cache files
Since the file format is undocumented, I read the source code of Gtk's gtk/updateiconcache.c to figure out how this works. A quick description of the file format can be found in the source code. A quick description for what these files actually do should be available as the API docs of this new module. :-) Signed-off-by: Uli Schlachter <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
--- Functions for reading icon-theme.cache files
-- @author Uli Schlachter
-- @copyright 2017 Uli Schlachter
-- @classmod gears.icon_theme_cache
local Gio = require("lgi").Gio -- Only needed to get mtime
local theme = {}
local theme_mt = {
__index = theme,
__newindex = error
-- A quick introduction to the file format (which is supposed to be mmap()'d and
-- so actually requires quite a lot of jumping around):
-- Numbers (card16/card32) are written in big endian
-- The file begins with the following header:
-- c16: Major version (1)
-- c16: Minor version (0)
-- c32: hash table offset
-- c32: directory list offset
-- The hash table begins with its size as c32, then comes [size] times c32
-- offsets that point to the beginning of that specific hash bucket chain.
-- c32: size
-- c32*[size]: Offsets for hash bucket chain beginnings
-- Given an icon name as a const signed char* p, the underlying hash function
-- here is (beware, signed char!):
-- uint32 h = 0;
-- while (*p != 0) {
-- h = (h << 5) - h + *p;
-- p++;
-- }
-- return h;
-- And the hash table is then indexed by (h % hash-table-size).
-- Each hash bucket chain entry has the following format:
-- c32: next offset
-- c32: name offset (string)
-- c32: image list offset
-- The [next offset] points to the next entry in this hash bucket chain, or is
-- 0xffffffff for the last entry. The [name offset] points to a string
-- identifying this entry.
-- A string is saved by writing it to the file, then at least one zero byte and
-- then as many zero bytes as needed to reach a divisible-by-four offset.
-- An image list begins with a c32 describing its size and then that many image
-- list entries, where each entry looks like:
-- c16: dir index offset
-- c16: flags
-- c32: image data offset (zero if not present)
-- The directory index begins with a c32 describing the number of entries and
-- then a list of directory string offsets with that length.
-- Read a single card16 from the given file handle.
local function read16(handle)
local bytes = handle:read(2)
local a, b = bytes:byte(1, 2)
return a * 0x100 + b
-- Read a single card32 from the given file handle.
local function read32(handle)
local bytes = handle:read(4)
local a, b, c, d = bytes:byte(1, 4)
return a * 0x1000000 + b * 0x10000 + c * 0x100 + d
-- Read a single, \0-terminated string from the given file handle.
local function read_string(handle)
local result = {}
local c = handle:read(1)
while c ~= '\0' do
table.insert(result, c)
c = handle:read(1)
return table.concat(result)
-- Hash the given string in the way specified for icon_theme.cache.
local function hash(name)
local result = 0
for i = 1, #name do
local char = name:sub(i, i):byte()
result = result * 32 - result + char
-- Simulate uint32
result = result % 0x100000000
return result
-- Mask must have just a single bit set as an integer!
local function is_bit_set(number, mask)
return number % (2*mask) >= mask
-- Get the mtime of a file; this is the only use of lgi / Gio in this file.
-- Returns nil on error (e.g. file does not exist)
local function get_mtime(path)
local info = Gio.File.new_for_path(path)
:query_info("time::modified", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE)
return info and info:get_attribute_uint64("time::modified")
--- Open an icon_theme.cache file.
-- Compared to @{open_direct}, this compares the mtime of the file and the
-- directory to check if the `icon-theme.cache` file is outdated.
-- @tparam string dirname Path to the directory containing the icon theme.
-- @return[1] An icon theme instance
-- @return[2] nil
-- @treturn[2] String Error message
-- @see close
local filename = dirname .. "/icon-theme.cache"
local dir_mtime = get_mtime(dirname)
local file_mtime = get_mtime(filename)
if not file_mtime or file_mtime < dir_mtime then
return nil, "icon-theme.cache does not exist or is not up to date"
return theme.open_direct(filename)
--- Open an icon_theme.cache file.
-- @tparam string filename File to open.
-- @return[1] An icon theme instance
-- @return[2] nil
-- @treturn[2] String Error message
-- @see close
function theme.open_direct(filename)
local f, err =, "r")
if not f then
return nil, err
-- Check file header
local major = read16(f)
local minor = read16(f)
if major ~= 1 or minor ~= 0 then
return nil, string.format("Invalid file header, expected version 1.0,"
.. "but got %d.%d", major, minor)
local hash_offset = read32(f)
local dir_list_offset = read32(f)
-- read hash list size
f:seek("set", hash_offset)
local hash_size = read32(f)
-- read hash list size
f:seek("set", dir_list_offset)
local dir_list_size = read32(f)
return setmetatable({
hash_offset = hash_offset,
hash_size = hash_size,
dir_list_offset = dir_list_offset,
dir_list_size = dir_list_size,
}, theme_mt)
--- Close an icon theme file.
-- Each instance of this class keeps a file descriptor open. Since there is a
-- limit on the number of open files, you should close icon themes when you no
-- longer use them.
function theme:close()
local function read_next_bucket_entry(f, next_offset)
if next_offset == 0xffffffff then
-- End of the hash chain
f:seek("set", next_offset)
next_offset = read32(f)
local name_offset = read32(f)
local image_list_offset = read32(f)
f:seek("set", name_offset)
local name = read_string(f)
return next_offset, name, image_list_offset
-- Iterator function to iterate over the entries of a hash bucket.
-- Use as `for _, name, image_list_offset in theme:_read_bucket(42)`
function theme:_read_bucket(i)
local f = self[1]
assert(i >= 0 and i < self.hash_size)
-- First entry in the hash table is size of table, then skip to i-th entry
local chain_begin_offset = self.hash_offset + 4 + 4*i
f:seek("set", chain_begin_offset)
local next_offset = read32(f)
return read_next_bucket_entry, f, next_offset
local function read_directory(self, index)
assert(index >= 0 and index < self.dir_list_size)
local f = self[1]
f:seek("set", self.dir_list_offset + 4 + index * 4)
local name_offset = read32(f)
f:seek("set", name_offset)
local name = read_string(f)
return name
local function flags_to_file_extensions(flags)
local res = {}
if is_bit_set(flags, 2^3) then
table.insert(res, "icon")
flags = flags - 2^3
if is_bit_set(flags, 2^2) then
table.insert(res, "png")
flags = flags - 2^2
if is_bit_set(flags, 2^1) then
table.insert(res, "svg")
flags = flags - 2^1
if is_bit_set(flags, 2^0) then
table.insert(res, "xpm")
flags = flags - 2^0
assert(flags == 0, string.format("Unexpected flags remaining: 0x%x", flags))
return res
local function read_next_image_list_entry(arg, var)
local self = arg[1]
local f = self[1]
if var >= arg[2] then
f:seek("set", var)
local dir = read16(f)
local flags = read16(f)
local img_data_offset = read32(f)
return var+8, read_directory(self, dir), flags_to_file_extensions(flags), img_data_offset
-- Iterator function to iterate over the entries of an image list.
-- Use as `for _, dir, extensions, img_data_offset in theme:_read_image_list(42)`
function theme:_read_image_list(image_list_offset)
local f = self[1]
f:seek("set", image_list_offset)
local num_entries = read32(f)
local offset = image_list_offset + 4
return read_next_image_list_entry, { self, offset + 8 * num_entries }, offset
--- Lookup all the icons for a given name in this icon theme cache.
-- @tparam string name Name of the icon to find
-- @return Iterator function to iterate over the entries for this name.
-- @usage
-- for _, dir, extensions in self:lookup_icons("appointment-soon") do
-- local prefix = "./" .. dir .. "/" .. name .. "."
-- for _, suffix in ipairs(extensions) do
-- print(prefix .. suffix)
-- end
-- end
function theme:lookup_icons(name)
local h = hash(name) % self.hash_size
for _, n, image_list_offset in self:_read_bucket(h) do
if n == name then
return self:_read_image_list(image_list_offset)
-- Not found
return function() end
--- Dump the complete contents of the hash part
-- @tparam[opt] function log `print`-like function logging details of the structure
-- of the file.
-- @tparam[opt] function path `print`-like function logging existing files.
function theme:dump_hash(log, path)
local function nop() end
log = log or nop
path = path or nop
-- For each hash bucket
for i = 0, self.hash_size-1 do
-- For each entry in this bucket's hash chain
for _, name, image_list_offset in self:_read_bucket(i) do
assert(hash(name) % self.hash_size == i, name) -- Check that the hash table is intact
-- For each entry in the list of images for this name
for _, dir, extensions, img_data_offset in self:_read_image_list(image_list_offset) do
-- Format the list of file extensions
local extensions_str = table.concat(extensions, ", ")
extensions_str = extensions_str == "" and "none" or extensions_str
extensions_str = string.format("%30s", extensions_str or "none")
extensions_str = string.rep(" ", 30 - #extensions_str) .. extensions_str
-- Is there an inline image present?
local img = img_data_offset ~= 0 and "inline image" or ""
log("", extensions_str, dir, img)
-- Log all existing files.
local prefix = "./" .. dir .. "/" .. name
for _, ext in pairs(extensions) do
path(prefix .. "." .. ext)
return theme
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ return
table = require("gears.table");
string = require("gears.string");
filesystem = require("gears.filesystem");
icon_theme_cache = require("gears.icon_theme_cache");
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
Reference in New Issue