taglist: Deprecate the old function signature
The old function didn't scale at all. As no replacements are going to be merged anytime soon, start to make it meta-extensible. This is the first step to be able to let the widget be extended directly from rc.lua without adding yet more silly parameters. It never scaled and has reached the point of no return a very long time ago. My first ever contribution to Awesome was to attempt to fix this, but the solution was a bad hack. The radical module later solved this by delegating the style, layout, theme, item layout and item style to various "visitor" objects. While this is superior to this commit, it was also a very large and complicated codebase. After 5 years, it is now obvious it will never be merged "whole".
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ local surface = require("gears.surface")
local timer = require("gears.timer")
local gcolor = require("gears.color")
local gstring = require("gears.string")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
local function get_screen(s)
return s and capi.screen[s]
@ -365,55 +367,91 @@ local function taglist_update(s, w, buttons, filter, data, style, update_functio
--- Create a new taglist widget. The last two arguments (update_function
-- and base_widget) serve to customize the layout of the taglist (eg. to
-- and layout) serve to customize the layout of the taglist (eg. to
-- make it vertical). For that, you will need to copy the
-- awful.widget.common.list_update function, make your changes to it
-- and pass it as update_function here. Also change the base_widget if the
-- and pass it as update_function here. Also change the layout if the
-- default is not what you want.
-- @param screen The screen to draw taglist for.
-- @param filter Filter function to define what clients will be listed.
-- @param buttons A table with buttons binding to set.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table style The style overrides default theme.
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.fg_focus
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.bg_focus
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.fg_urgent
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.bg_urgent
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.bg_occupied
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.fg_occupied
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.bg_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.fg_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.bg_volatile
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern style.fg_volatile
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.squares_sel
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.squares_unsel
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.squares_sel_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.squares_unsel_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.squares_resize
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.disable_icon
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string style.font
-- @tparam[opt=nil] number style.spacing The spacing between tags.
-- @param[opt] update_function Function to create a tag widget on each
-- @tparam table args
-- @tparam screen args.screen The screen to draw taglist for.
-- @tparam function[opt=nil] args.filter Filter function to define what clients will be listed.
-- @tparam table args.buttons A table with buttons binding to set.
-- @tparam[opt] function args.update_function Function to create a tag widget on each
-- update. See `awful.widget.common`.
-- @param[opt] base_widget Optional container widget for tag widgets. Default
-- @tparam[opt] widget args.layout Optional layout widget for tag widgets. Default
-- is wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal().
-- @param base_widget.bg_focus The background color for focused client.
-- @param base_widget.fg_focus The foreground color for focused client.
-- @param base_widget.bg_urgent The background color for urgent clients.
-- @param base_widget.fg_urgent The foreground color for urgent clients.
-- @param[opt] base_widget.squares_sel A user provided image for selected squares.
-- @param[opt] base_widget.squares_unsel A user provided image for unselected squares.
-- @param[opt] base_widget.squares_sel_empty A user provided image for selected squares for empty tags.
-- @param[opt] base_widget.squares_unsel_empty A user provided image for unselected squares for empty tags.
-- @param[opt] base_widget.squares_resize True or false to resize squares.
-- @param base_widget.font The font.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table args.style The style overrides default theme.
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.fg_focus
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.bg_focus
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.fg_urgent
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.bg_urgent
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.bg_occupied
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.fg_occupied
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.bg_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.fg_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.bg_volatile
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern args.style.fg_volatile
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.squares_sel
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.squares_unsel
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.squares_sel_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.squares_unsel_empty
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.squares_resize
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.disable_icon
-- @tparam[opt=nil] string args.style.font
-- @tparam[opt=nil] number args.style.spacing The spacing between tags.
-- @tparam[opt] string args.style.squares_sel A user provided image for selected squares.
-- @tparam[opt] string args.style.squares_unsel A user provided image for unselected squares.
-- @tparam[opt] string args.style.squares_sel_empty A user provided image for selected squares for empty tags.
-- @tparam[opt] string args.style.squares_unsel_empty A user provided image for unselected squares for empty tags.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean args.style.squares_resize True or false to resize squares.
-- @tparam string|pattern args.style.bg_focus The background color for focused client.
-- @tparam string|pattern args.style.fg_focus The foreground color for focused client.
-- @tparam string|pattern args.style.bg_urgent The background color for urgent clients.
-- @tparam string|pattern args.style.fg_urgent The foreground color for urgent clients.
-- @tparam string args.style.font The font.
-- @param filter **DEPRECATED** use args.filter
-- @param buttons **DEPRECATED** use args.buttons
-- @param style **DEPRECATED** use args.style
-- @param update_function **DEPRECATED** use args.update_function
-- @param base_widget **DEPRECATED** use args.base_widget
-- @function awful.taglist
function taglist.new(screen, filter, buttons, style, update_function, base_widget)
screen = get_screen(screen)
local uf = update_function or common.list_update
local w = base_widget or fixed.horizontal()
function taglist.new(args, filter, buttons, style, update_function, base_widget)
if w.set_spacing and (style and style.spacing or beautiful.taglist_spacing) then
w:set_spacing(style and style.spacing or beautiful.taglist_spacing)
local screen = nil
local argstype = type(args)
-- Detect the old function signature
if argstype == "number" or argstype == "screen" or
(argstype == "table" and args.index and args == capi.screen[args.index]) then
gdebug.deprecate("The `screen` paramater is deprecated, use `args.screen`.",
screen = get_screen(args)
args = {}
assert(type(args) == "table")
for k, v in pairs { filter = filter,
buttons = buttons,
style = style,
update_function = update_function,
layout = base_widget
} do
gdebug.deprecate("The `awful.widget.taglist()` `"..k
.."` paramater is deprecated, use `args."..k.."`.",
args[k] = v
screen = screen or get_screen(args.screen)
local uf = args.update_function or common.list_update
local w = base.make_widget_from_value(args.layout or fixed.horizontal)
if w.set_spacing and (args.style and args.style.spacing or beautiful.taglist_spacing) then
w:set_spacing(args.style and args.style.spacing or beautiful.taglist_spacing)
local data = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
@ -424,7 +462,7 @@ function taglist.new(screen, filter, buttons, style, update_function, base_widge
if not queued_update[screen] then
if screen.valid then
taglist_update(screen, w, buttons, filter, data, style, uf)
taglist_update(screen, w, args.buttons, args.filter, data, args.style, uf)
queued_update[screen] = false
Reference in New Issue