doc: Generate a summary of some noteworty tags.

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Emmanuel Lepage Vallee 2019-11-26 01:35:56 -05:00
parent a3a2fc1344
commit 9c63b20b62
1 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -442,6 +442,14 @@ local named_args = {
[ "([args={}])" ] = true
-- Sections which are hidden by default, but visible when clicked.
local summarize = {
emits = {index = 1, title = "Signals" },
propemits = {index = 2, title = "Signals" },
usebeautiful = {index = 3, title = "Theme variables"},
propbeautiful = {index = 4, title = "Theme variables"}
local delimiter_for_tag = {
usebeautiful = { "table class='widget_list' border=1", "table", "tr", "tr", {"Theme variable", "Usage"}},
propbeautiful = { "table class='widget_list' border=1", "table", "tr", "tr", {"Theme variable", "Usage"}},
@ -460,6 +468,31 @@ local function sort_subtags(item, tag, subtag, values)
return ret
-- Gather a summary of the tags hidden by default .
local function generate_summary(item)
local tgs = {}
for k, v in pairs(summarize) do
tgs[v.index] = {title=v.title, count=0}
for tag, value in pairs(item.tags) do
if summarize[tag] then
tgs[summarize[tag].index].count = tgs[summarize[tag].index].count + 1
local ret = {}
for k, v in ipairs(tgs) do
if v.count > 0 then
ret[#ret+1] = v
item.extra_summary = #ret > 0 and ret or nil
-- We have custom types, sub-types and different rendering.
-- To avoid added too much business logic in the template, handle this now.
@ -468,6 +501,8 @@ end
local function init_custom_types(item)
if item.is_init then return end
-- Give each item an unique identifier so the JavaScript can locate them.
item.uid, item_id = item_id, item_id + 1