diff --git a/awesomerc.lua b/awesomerc.lua
index d3390c574..0bc0432cb 100644
--- a/awesomerc.lua
+++ b/awesomerc.lua
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ require("awful.hotkeys_popup.keys")
-- Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
-- another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
if awesome.startup_errors then
- naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
- title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!",
- text = awesome.startup_errors })
+ naughty.notification {
+ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
+ title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!",
+ text = awesome.startup_errors
+ }
-- Handle runtime errors after startup
@@ -37,9 +39,12 @@ do
if in_error then return end
in_error = true
- naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
- title = "Oops, an error happened!",
- text = tostring(err) })
+ naughty.notification {
+ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
+ title = "Oops, an error happened!",
+ text = tostring(err)
+ }
in_error = false
diff --git a/docs/config.ld b/docs/config.ld
index 7e9164c39..5a264241c 100644
--- a/docs/config.ld
+++ b/docs/config.ld
@@ -121,9 +121,12 @@ file = {
+ '../lib/naughty/constants.lua',
+ '../lib/naughty/dbus.lua',
-- Ignore some parts of the widget library
+ '../lib/naughty/layout/init.lua',
-- Deprecated classes for one years or more don't deserve entries
-- in the index
diff --git a/lib/awful/spawn.lua b/lib/awful/spawn.lua
index 3ffb1f95d..37b634c1b 100644
--- a/lib/awful/spawn.lua
+++ b/lib/awful/spawn.lua
@@ -132,17 +132,17 @@
-- awful.spawn.with_line_callback(noisy, {
-- stdout = function(line)
--- naughty.notify { text = "LINE:"..line }
+-- naughty.notification { text = "LINE:"..line }
-- end,
-- stderr = function(line)
--- naughty.notify { text = "ERR:"..line}
+-- naughty.notification { text = "ERR:"..line}
-- end,
-- })
-- If only the full output is needed, then `easy_async` is the right choice:
-- awful.spawn.easy_async(noisy, function(stdout, stderr, reason, exit_code)
--- naughty.notify { text = stdout }
+-- naughty.notification { text = stdout }
-- end)
-- **Default applications**:
diff --git a/lib/naughty/constants.lua b/lib/naughty/constants.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa7906bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/naughty/constants.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+--- This file hosts the shared constants used by the notification subsystem.
+-- [[documented in core.lua]]
+-- @author koniu <gkusnierz@gmail.com>
+-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com>
+-- @copyright 2008 koniu
+-- @copyright 2017 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
+local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi
+local ret = {}
+ret.config = {
+ padding = dpi(4),
+ spacing = dpi(1),
+ icon_dirs = { "/usr/share/pixmaps/", },
+ icon_formats = { "png", "gif" },
+ notify_callback = nil,
+ret.config.presets = {
+ low = {
+ timeout = 5
+ },
+ normal = {},
+ critical = {
+ bg = "#ff0000",
+ fg = "#ffffff",
+ timeout = 0,
+ },
+ ok = {
+ bg = "#00bb00",
+ fg = "#ffffff",
+ timeout = 5,
+ },
+ info = {
+ bg = "#0000ff",
+ fg = "#ffffff",
+ timeout = 5,
+ },
+ warn = {
+ bg = "#ffaa00",
+ fg = "#000000",
+ timeout = 10,
+ },
+ret.config.defaults = {
+ timeout = 5,
+ text = "",
+ screen = nil,
+ ontop = true,
+ margin = dpi(5),
+ border_width = dpi(1),
+ position = "top_right"
+ret.notification_closed_reason = {
+ silent = -1,
+ expired = 1,
+ dismissedByUser = 2, --TODO v5 remove this undocumented legacy constant
+ dismissed_by_user = 2,
+ dismissedByCommand = 3, --TODO v5 remove this undocumented legacy constant
+ dismissed_by_vommand = 3,
+ undefined = 4
+-- Legacy --TODO v5 remove this alias
+ret.notificationClosedReason = ret.notification_closed_reason
+return ret
diff --git a/lib/naughty/core.lua b/lib/naughty/core.lua
index 24398b4b0..ea3827407 100644
--- a/lib/naughty/core.lua
+++ b/lib/naughty/core.lua
@@ -9,67 +9,43 @@
--luacheck: no max line length
-- Package environment
-local pairs = pairs
-local table = table
-local type = type
-local string = string
-local pcall = pcall
-local capi = { screen = screen,
- awesome = awesome }
-local timer = require("gears.timer")
-local button = require("awful.button")
+local capi = { screen = screen }
+local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local screen = require("awful.screen")
-local util = require("awful.util")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
-local gfs = require("gears.filesystem")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local surface = require("gears.surface")
-local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
-local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi
-local function get_screen(s)
- return s and capi.screen[s]
local naughty = {}
-Naughty configuration - a table containing common popup settings.
-@table naughty.config
-@tfield[opt=apply_dpi(4)] int padding Space between popups and edge of the
- workarea.
-@tfield[opt=apply_dpi(1)] int spacing Spacing between popups.
-@tfield[opt={"/usr/share/pixmaps/"}] table icon_dirs List of directories
- that will be checked by `getIcon()`.
-@tfield[opt={ "png", "gif" }] table icon_formats List of formats that will be
- checked by `getIcon()`.
-@tfield[opt] function notify_callback Callback used to modify or reject
-notifications, e.g.
- naughty.config.notify_callback = function(args)
- args.text = 'prefix: ' .. args.text
- return args
- end
- To reject a notification return `nil` from the callback.
- If the notification is a freedesktop notification received via DBUS, you can
- access the freedesktop hints via `args.freedesktop_hints` if any where
- specified.
-@tfield table presets Notification presets. See `config.presets`.
-@tfield table defaults Default values for the params to `notify()`. These can
- optionally be overridden by specifying a preset. See `config.defaults`.
+--- Naughty configuration - a table containing common popup settings.
-naughty.config = {
- padding = dpi(4),
- spacing = dpi(1),
- icon_dirs = { "/usr/share/pixmaps/", },
- icon_formats = { "png", "gif" },
- notify_callback = nil,
+-- @table naughty.config
+-- @tfield[opt=apply_dpi(4)] int padding Space between popups and edge of the
+-- workarea.
+-- @tfield[opt=apply_dpi(1)] int spacing Spacing between popups.
+-- @tfield[opt={"/usr/share/pixmaps/"}] table icon_dirs List of directories
+-- that will be checked by `getIcon()`.
+-- @tfield[opt={ "png", "gif" }] table icon_formats List of formats that will be
+-- checked by `getIcon()`.
+-- @tfield[opt] function notify_callback Callback used to modify or reject
+-- notifications, e.g.
+-- naughty.config.notify_callback = function(args)
+-- args.text = 'prefix: ' .. args.text
+-- return args
+-- end
+-- To reject a notification return `nil` from the callback.
+-- If the notification is a freedesktop notification received via DBUS, you can
+-- access the freedesktop hints via `args.freedesktop_hints` if any where
+-- specified.
+-- @tfield table presets Notification presets. See `config.presets`.
+-- @tfield table defaults Default values for the params to `notify()`. These can
+-- optionally be overridden by specifying a preset. See `config.defaults`.
+-- It's done that way to preserve compatibility with Awesome 4.0 while allowing
+-- the naughty submodules to use the contants without creating a circular
+-- dependency.
+gtable.crush(naughty, require("naughty.constants"))
--- Notification presets for `naughty.notify`.
-- This holds presets for different purposes. A preset is a table of any
@@ -92,32 +68,6 @@ naughty.config = {
-- @tfield[opt="#ff0000"] string critical.bg
-- @tfield[opt="#ffffff"] string critical.fg
-- @tfield[opt=0] string critical.timeout
-naughty.config.presets = {
- low = {
- timeout = 5
- },
- normal = {},
- critical = {
- bg = "#ff0000",
- fg = "#ffffff",
- timeout = 0,
- },
- ok = {
- bg = "#00bb00",
- fg = "#ffffff",
- timeout = 5,
- },
- info = {
- bg = "#0000ff",
- fg = "#ffffff",
- timeout = 5,
- },
- warn = {
- bg = "#ffaa00",
- fg = "#000000",
- timeout = 10,
- },
--- Defaults for `naughty.notify`.
@@ -129,78 +79,29 @@ naughty.config.presets = {
-- @tfield[opt=apply_dpi(5)] int margin
-- @tfield[opt=apply_dpi(1)] int border_width
-- @tfield[opt="top_right"] string position
-naughty.config.defaults = {
- timeout = 5,
- text = "",
- screen = nil,
- ontop = true,
- margin = dpi(5),
- border_width = dpi(1),
- position = "top_right"
-naughty.notificationClosedReason = {
- silent = -1,
- expired = 1,
- dismissedByUser = 2,
- dismissedByCommand = 3,
- undefined = 4
+--- The reason why a notification is to be closed.
+-- See [the specification](https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec/#signals)
+-- for more details.
+-- @tfield number silent
+-- @tfield number expired
+-- @tfield number dismissed_by_user
+-- @tfield number dismissed_by_command
+-- @tfield number undefined
+-- @table notification_closed_reason
+--- The global suspension state.
+-- When suspended, no notification widget should interrupt the user. This is
+-- useful when watching movies or doing presentations.
+-- @property suspended
+-- @param boolean
---- Notifications font.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_font
--- @tparam string|lgi.Pango.FontDescription notification_font
---- Notifications background color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_bg
--- @tparam color notification_bg
---- Notifications foreground color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_fg
--- @tparam color notification_fg
---- Notifications border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_border_width
--- @tparam int notification_border_width
---- Notifications border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_border_color
--- @tparam color notification_border_color
---- Notifications shape.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_shape
--- @tparam[opt] gears.shape notification_shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- Notifications opacity.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_opacity
--- @tparam[opt] int notification_opacity
---- Notifications margin.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_margin
--- @tparam int notification_margin
---- Notifications width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_width
--- @tparam int notification_width
---- Notifications height.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_height
--- @tparam int notification_height
---- Notifications icon size.
--- @beautiful beautiful.notification_icon_size
--- @tparam int notification_icon_size
--- Counter for the notifications
--- Required for later access via DBUS
-local counter = 1
--- True if notifying is suspended
local suspended = false
+--TODO v5 Deprecate the public `naughty.notifications` (to make it private)
--- Index of notifications per screen and position.
-- See config table for valid 'position' values.
-- Each element is a table consisting of:
@@ -229,13 +130,23 @@ capi.screen.connect_signal("removed", function(scr)
naughty.notifications[scr] = nil
---- Notification state
+--- Notification state.
+-- This function is deprecated, use `naughty.suspended`.
+-- @deprecated naughty.is_suspended
function naughty.is_suspended()
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use naughty.suspended", {deprecated_in=5})
return suspended
---- Suspend notifications
+--- Suspend notifications.
+-- This function is deprecated, use `naughty.suspended = true`.
+-- @deprecated naughty.suspend
function naughty.suspend()
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use naughty.suspended = true", {deprecated_in=5})
suspended = true
@@ -284,18 +195,32 @@ function naughty.disconnect_signal(name, func)
return false
---- Resume notifications
-function naughty.resume()
+local function resume()
suspended = false
for _, v in pairs(naughty.notifications.suspended) do
- v.box.visible = true
+ v:emit_signal("request::display")
if v.timer then v.timer:start() end
naughty.notifications.suspended = { }
---- Toggle notification state
+--- Resume notifications.
+-- This function is deprecated, use `naughty.suspended = false`.
+-- @deprecated naughty.resume
+function naughty.resume()
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use naughty.suspended = false", {deprecated_in=5})
+ resume()
+--- Toggle notification state.
+-- This function is deprecated, use `naughty.suspended = not naughty.suspended`.
+-- @deprecated naughty.toggle
function naughty.toggle()
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use naughty.suspended = not naughty.suspended", {deprecated_in=5})
if suspended then
@@ -303,124 +228,33 @@ function naughty.toggle()
---- Evaluate desired position of the notification by index - internal
--- @param s Screen to use
--- @param position top_right | top_left | bottom_right | bottom_left
--- | top_middle | bottom_middle
--- @param idx Index of the notification
--- @param[opt] width Popup width.
--- @param height Popup height
--- @return Absolute position and index in { x = X, y = Y, idx = I } table
-local function get_offset(s, position, idx, width, height)
- s = get_screen(s)
- local ws = s.workarea
- local v = {}
- idx = idx or #naughty.notifications[s][position] + 1
- width = width or naughty.notifications[s][position][idx].width
- -- calculate x
- if position:match("left") then
- v.x = ws.x + naughty.config.padding
- elseif position:match("middle") then
- v.x = ws.x + (ws.width / 2) - (width / 2)
- else
- v.x = ws.x + ws.width - (width + naughty.config.padding)
- end
- -- calculate existing popups' height
- local existing = 0
- for i = 1, idx-1, 1 do
- existing = existing + naughty.notifications[s][position][i].height + naughty.config.spacing
- end
- -- calculate y
- if position:match("top") then
- v.y = ws.y + naughty.config.padding + existing
- else
- v.y = ws.y + ws.height - (naughty.config.padding + height + existing)
- end
- -- Find old notification to replace in case there is not enough room.
- -- This tries to skip permanent notifications (without a timeout),
- -- e.g. critical ones.
- local find_old_to_replace = function()
- for i = 1, idx-1 do
- local n = naughty.notifications[s][position][i]
- if n.timeout > 0 then
- return n
- end
- end
- -- Fallback to first one.
- return naughty.notifications[s][position][1]
- end
- -- if positioned outside workarea, destroy oldest popup and recalculate
- if v.y + height > ws.y + ws.height or v.y < ws.y then
- naughty.destroy(find_old_to_replace())
- idx = idx - 1
- v = get_offset(s, position, idx, width, height)
- end
- if not v.idx then v.idx = idx end
- return v
---- Re-arrange notifications according to their position and index - internal
--- @return None
-local function arrange(s)
- for p in pairs(naughty.notifications[s]) do
- for i,notification in pairs(naughty.notifications[s][p]) do
- local offset = get_offset(s, p, i, notification.width, notification.height)
- notification.box:geometry({ x = offset.x, y = offset.y })
- notification.idx = offset.idx
- end
- end
--- Destroy notification by notification object
+-- This function is deprecated in favor of
+-- `notification:destroy(reason, keep_visible)`.
-- @param notification Notification object to be destroyed
--- @param reason One of the reasons from notificationClosedReason
+-- @param reason One of the reasons from `notification_closed_reason`
-- @param[opt=false] keep_visible If true, keep the notification visible
-- @return True if the popup was successfully destroyed, nil otherwise
+-- @deprecated naughty.destroy
function naughty.destroy(notification, reason, keep_visible)
- if notification and notification.box.visible then
- if suspended then
- for k, v in pairs(naughty.notifications.suspended) do
- if v.box == notification.box then
- table.remove(naughty.notifications.suspended, k)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local scr = notification.screen
- table.remove(naughty.notifications[scr][notification.position], notification.idx)
- if notification.timer then
- notification.timer:stop()
- end
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use notification:destroy(reason, keep_visible)", {deprecated_in=5})
- if not keep_visible then
- notification.box.visible = false
- arrange(scr)
- end
+ if not notification then return end
- if notification.destroy_cb and reason ~= naughty.notificationClosedReason.silent then
- notification.destroy_cb(reason or naughty.notificationClosedReason.undefined)
- end
- return true
- end
+ return notification:destroy(reason, keep_visible)
--- Destroy all notifications on given screens.
-- @tparam table screens Table of screens on which notifications should be
-- destroyed. If nil, destroy notifications on all screens.
--- @tparam naughty.notificationClosedReason reason Reason for closing
+-- @tparam naughty.notification_closed_reason reason Reason for closing
-- notifications.
-- @treturn true|nil True if all notifications were successfully destroyed, nil
-- otherwise.
+-- @see notification_closed_reason
function naughty.destroy_all_notifications(screens, reason)
if not screens then
screens = {}
@@ -432,7 +266,7 @@ function naughty.destroy_all_notifications(screens, reason)
for _, scr in pairs(screens) do
for _, list in pairs(naughty.notifications[scr]) do
while #list > 0 do
- ret = ret and naughty.destroy(list[1], reason)
+ ret = ret and list[1]:destroy(reason)
@@ -443,7 +277,17 @@ end
-- @param id ID of the notification
-- @return notification object if it was found, nil otherwise
+-- @deprecated naughty.getById
function naughty.getById(id)
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use naughty.get_by_id", {deprecated_in=5})
+ return naughty.get_by_id(id)
+--- Get notification by ID
+-- @param id ID of the notification
+-- @return notification object if it was found, nil otherwise
+function naughty.get_by_id(id)
-- iterate the notifications to get the notfications with the correct ID
for s in pairs(naughty.notifications) do
for p in pairs(naughty.notifications[s]) do
@@ -456,145 +300,167 @@ function naughty.getById(id)
---- Install expiration timer for notification object.
--- @tparam notification notification Notification object.
--- @tparam number timeout Time in seconds to be set as expiration timeout.
-local function set_timeout(notification, timeout)
- local die = function (reason)
- naughty.destroy(notification, reason)
- end
- if timeout > 0 then
- local timer_die = timer { timeout = timeout }
- timer_die:connect_signal("timeout", function() die(naughty.notificationClosedReason.expired) end)
- if not suspended then
- timer_die:start()
- end
- notification.timer = timer_die
- end
- notification.die = die
--- Set new notification timeout.
+-- This function is deprecated, use `notification:reset_timeout(new_timeout)`.
-- @tparam notification notification Notification object, which timer is to be reset.
-- @tparam number new_timeout Time in seconds after which notification disappears.
--- @return None.
+-- @deprecated naughty.reset_timeout
function naughty.reset_timeout(notification, new_timeout)
- if notification.timer then notification.timer:stop() end
+ gdebug.deprecate("Use notification:reset_timeout(new_timeout)", {deprecated_in=5})
- local timeout = new_timeout or notification.timeout
- set_timeout(notification, timeout)
- notification.timeout = timeout
+ if not notification then return end
- notification.timer:start()
---- Escape and set title and text for notification object.
--- @tparam notification notification Notification object.
--- @tparam string title Title of notification.
--- @tparam string text Main text of notification.
--- @return None.
-local function set_text(notification, title, text)
- local escape_pattern = "[<>&]"
- local escape_subs = { ['<'] = "<", ['>'] = ">", ['&'] = "&" }
- local textbox = notification.textbox
- local function setMarkup(pattern, replacements)
- return textbox:set_markup_silently(string.format('%s%s', title, text:gsub(pattern, replacements)))
- end
- local function setText()
- textbox:set_text(string.format('%s %s', title, text))
- end
- -- Since the title cannot contain markup, it must be escaped first so that
- -- it is not interpreted by Pango later.
- title = title:gsub(escape_pattern, escape_subs)
- -- Try to set the text while only interpreting
- if not setMarkup("", "\n") then
- -- That failed, escape everything which might cause an error from pango
- if not setMarkup(escape_pattern, escape_subs) then
- -- Ok, just ignore all pango markup. If this fails, we got some invalid utf8
- if not pcall(setText) then
- textbox:set_markup("<Invalid markup or UTF8, cannot display message>")
- end
- end
- end
-local function update_size(notification)
- local n = notification
- local s = n.size_info
- local width = s.width
- local height = s.height
- local margin = s.margin
- -- calculate the width
- if not width then
- local w, _ = n.textbox:get_preferred_size(n.screen)
- width = w + (n.iconbox and s.icon_w + 2 * margin or 0) + 2 * margin
- end
- if width < s.actions_max_width then
- width = s.actions_max_width
- end
- -- calculate the height
- if not height then
- local w = width - (n.iconbox and s.icon_w + 2 * margin or 0) - 2 * margin
- local h = n.textbox:get_height_for_width(w, n.screen)
- if n.iconbox and s.icon_h + 2 * margin > h + 2 * margin then
- height = s.icon_h + 2 * margin
- else
- height = h + 2 * margin
- end
- end
- height = height + s.actions_total_height
- -- crop to workarea size if too big
- local workarea = n.screen.workarea
- local border_width = s.border_width or 0
- local padding = naughty.config.padding or 0
- if width > workarea.width - 2*border_width - 2*padding then
- width = workarea.width - 2*border_width - 2*padding
- end
- if height > workarea.height - 2*border_width - 2*padding then
- height = workarea.height - 2*border_width - 2*padding
- end
- -- set size in notification object
- n.height = height + 2*border_width
- n.width = width + 2*border_width
- local offset = get_offset(n.screen, n.position, n.idx, n.width, n.height)
- n.box:geometry({
- width = width,
- height = height,
- x = offset.x,
- y = offset.y,
- })
- n.idx = offset.idx
- -- update positions of other notifications
- arrange(n.screen)
+ notification:reset_timeout(new_timeout)
--- Replace title and text of an existing notification.
+-- This function is deprecated, use `notification.text = new_text` and
+-- `notification.title = new_title`
-- @tparam notification notification Notification object, which contents are to be replaced.
-- @tparam string new_title New title of notification. If not specified, old title remains unchanged.
-- @tparam string new_text New text of notification. If not specified, old text remains unchanged.
-- @return None.
+-- @deprecated naughty.replace_text
function naughty.replace_text(notification, new_title, new_text)
- local title = new_title
+ gdebug.deprecate(
+ "Use notification.text = new_text; notification.title = new_title",
+ {deprecated_in=5}
+ )
- if title then title = title .. "\n" else title = "" end
+ if not notification then return end
- set_text(notification, title, new_text)
- update_size(notification)
+ notification.title = new_title or notification.title
+ notification.text = new_text or notification.text
+-- Remove the notification from the internal list(s)
+local function cleanup(self, reason)
+ if suspended then
+ for k, v in pairs(naughty.suspended) do
+ if v == self then
+ table.remove(naughty.suspended, k)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local scr = self.screen
+ assert(naughty.notifications[scr][self.position][self.idx] == self)
+ table.remove(naughty.notifications[scr][self.position], self.idx)
+ -- Update all indices
+ for k, n in ipairs(naughty.notifications[scr][self.position]) do
+ n.idx = k
+ end
+ if self.timer then
+ self.timer:stop()
+ end
+ if self.destroy_cb and reason ~= naughty.notification_closed_reason.silent then
+ self.destroy_cb(reason or naughty.notification_closed_reason.undefined)
+ end
+naughty.connect_signal("destroyed", cleanup)
+local function get_screen(s)
+ return s and capi.screen[s]
+-- Proxy the global suspension state on all notification objects
+local function get_suspended(self)
+ return suspended and not self.ignore_suspend
+--- Emitted when a notification is created.
+-- @signal added
+-- @tparam naughty.notification notification The notification object
+--- Emitted when a notification is destroyed.
+-- @signal destroyed
+-- @tparam naughty.notification notification The notification object
+--- Emitted when a notification has to be displayed.
+-- To add an handler, use:
+-- naughty.connect_signal("request::display", function(notification, args)
+-- -- do something
+-- end)
+-- @tparam table notification The `naughty.notification` object.
+-- @tparam table args Any arguments passed to the `naughty.notify` function,
+-- including, but not limited to, all `naughty.notification` properties.
+-- @signal request::display
+--- Emitted when a notification needs pre-display configuration.
+-- @tparam table notification The `naughty.notification` object.
+-- @tparam table args Any arguments passed to the `naughty.notify` function,
+-- including, but not limited to, all `naughty.notification` properties.
+-- @signal request::preset
+-- Register a new notification object.
+local function register(notification, args)
+ -- Add the some more properties
+ rawset(notification, "get_suspended", get_suspended)
+ --TODO v5 uncouple the notifications and the screen
+ local s = get_screen(args.screen or notification.preset.screen or screen.focused())
+ -- insert the notification to the table
+ table.insert(naughty.notifications[s][notification.position], notification)
+ notification.idx = #naughty.notifications[s][notification.position]
+ notification.screen = s
+ if suspended and not args.ignore_suspend then
+ table.insert(naughty.notifications.suspended, notification)
+ end
+ naughty.emit_signal("added", notification, args)
+ assert(rawget(notification, "preset"))
+ -- return the notification
+ return notification
+naughty.connect_signal("new", register)
+local function index_miss(_, key)
+ if key == "suspended" then
+ return suspended
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+local function set_index_miss(_, key, value)
+ if key == "suspended" then
+ assert(type(value) == "boolean")
+ suspended = value
+ if value then
+ resume()
+ end
+ else
+ rawset(naughty, key, value)
+ end
--- Create a notification.
+-- This function is deprecated, create notification objects instead:
+-- local notif = naughty.notification(args)
-- @tab args The argument table containing any of the arguments below.
-- @string[opt=""] args.text Text of the notification.
-- @string[opt] args.title Title of the notification.
@@ -621,7 +487,7 @@ end
-- @tparam[opt] func args.run Function to run on left click. The notification
-- object will be passed to it as an argument.
-- You need to call e.g.
--- `notification.die(naughty.notificationClosedReason.dismissedByUser)` from
+-- `notification.die(naughty.notification_closed_reason.dismissedByUser)` from
-- there to dismiss the notification yourself.
-- @tparam[opt] func args.destroy Function to run when notification is destroyed.
-- @tparam[opt] table args.preset Table with any of the above parameters.
@@ -638,250 +504,22 @@ end
-- @usage naughty.notify({ title = "Achtung!", text = "You're idling", timeout = 0 })
-- @treturn ?table The notification object, or nil in case a notification was
-- not displayed.
+-- @deprecated naughty.notify
+local nnotif = nil
function naughty.notify(args)
- if naughty.config.notify_callback then
- args = naughty.config.notify_callback(args)
- if not args then return end
- end
+ gdebug.deprecate(
+ "Use local notif = naughty.notification(args)",
+ {deprecated_in=5}
+ )
- -- gather variables together
- local preset = gtable.join(naughty.config.defaults or {},
- args.preset or naughty.config.presets.normal or {})
- local timeout = args.timeout or preset.timeout
- local icon = args.icon or preset.icon
- local icon_size = args.icon_size or preset.icon_size or
- beautiful.notification_icon_size
- local text = args.text or preset.text
- local title = args.title or preset.title
- local s = get_screen(args.screen or preset.screen or screen.focused())
- if not s then
- local err = "naughty.notify: there is no screen available to display the following notification:"
- err = string.format("%s title='%s' text='%s'", err, tostring(title or ""), tostring(text or ""))
- require("gears.debug").print_warning(err)
- return
- end
- local ontop = args.ontop or preset.ontop
- local hover_timeout = args.hover_timeout or preset.hover_timeout
- local position = args.position or preset.position
- local actions = args.actions
- local destroy_cb = args.destroy
+ --TODO v6 remove this hack
+ nnotif = nnotif or require("naughty.notification")
- -- beautiful
- local font = args.font or preset.font or beautiful.notification_font or
- beautiful.font or capi.awesome.font
- local fg = args.fg or preset.fg or
- beautiful.notification_fg or beautiful.fg_normal or '#ffffff'
- local bg = args.bg or preset.bg or
- beautiful.notification_bg or beautiful.bg_normal or '#535d6c'
- local border_color = args.border_color or preset.border_color or
- beautiful.notification_border_color or beautiful.bg_focus or '#535d6c'
- local border_width = args.border_width or preset.border_width or
- beautiful.notification_border_width
- local shape = args.shape or preset.shape or
- beautiful.notification_shape
- local width = args.width or preset.width or
- beautiful.notification_width
- local height = args.height or preset.height or
- beautiful.notification_height
- local margin = args.margin or preset.margin or
- beautiful.notification_margin
- local opacity = args.opacity or preset.opacity or
- beautiful.notification_opacity
- local notification = { screen = s, destroy_cb = destroy_cb, timeout = timeout }
- -- replace notification if needed
- local reuse_box
- if args.replaces_id then
- local obj = naughty.getById(args.replaces_id)
- if obj then
- -- destroy this and ...
- naughty.destroy(obj, naughty.notificationClosedReason.silent, true)
- reuse_box = obj.box
- end
- -- ... may use its ID
- if args.replaces_id <= counter then
- notification.id = args.replaces_id
- else
- counter = counter + 1
- notification.id = counter
- end
- else
- -- get a brand new ID
- counter = counter + 1
- notification.id = counter
- end
- notification.position = position
- if title then title = title .. "\n" else title = "" end
- -- hook destroy
- set_timeout(notification, timeout)
- local die = notification.die
- local run = function ()
- if args.run then
- args.run(notification)
- else
- die(naughty.notificationClosedReason.dismissedByUser)
- end
- end
- local hover_destroy = function ()
- if hover_timeout == 0 then
- die(naughty.notificationClosedReason.expired)
- else
- if notification.timer then notification.timer:stop() end
- notification.timer = timer { timeout = hover_timeout }
- notification.timer:connect_signal("timeout", function() die(naughty.notificationClosedReason.expired) end)
- notification.timer:start()
- end
- end
- -- create textbox
- local textbox = wibox.widget.textbox()
- local marginbox = wibox.container.margin()
- marginbox:set_margins(margin)
- marginbox:set_widget(textbox)
- textbox:set_valign("middle")
- textbox:set_font(font)
- notification.textbox = textbox
- set_text(notification, title, text)
- local actionslayout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
- local actions_max_width = 0
- local actions_total_height = 0
- if actions then
- for action, callback in pairs(actions) do
- local actiontextbox = wibox.widget.textbox()
- local actionmarginbox = wibox.container.margin()
- actionmarginbox:set_margins(margin)
- actionmarginbox:set_widget(actiontextbox)
- actiontextbox:set_valign("middle")
- actiontextbox:set_font(font)
- actiontextbox:set_markup(string.format('☛ %s', action))
- -- calculate the height and width
- local w, h = actiontextbox:get_preferred_size(s)
- local action_height = h + 2 * margin
- local action_width = w + 2 * margin
- actionmarginbox:buttons(gtable.join(
- button({ }, 1, callback),
- button({ }, 3, callback)
- ))
- actionslayout:add(actionmarginbox)
- actions_total_height = actions_total_height + action_height
- if actions_max_width < action_width then
- actions_max_width = action_width
- end
- end
- end
- -- create iconbox
- local iconbox = nil
- local iconmargin = nil
- local icon_w, icon_h = 0, 0
- if icon then
- -- Is this really an URI instead of a path?
- if type(icon) == "string" and string.sub(icon, 1, 7) == "file://" then
- icon = string.sub(icon, 8)
- -- urldecode URI path
- icon = string.gsub(icon, "%%(%x%x)", function(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end )
- end
- -- try to guess icon if the provided one is non-existent/readable
- if type(icon) == "string" and not gfs.file_readable(icon) then
- icon = util.geticonpath(icon, naughty.config.icon_formats, naughty.config.icon_dirs, icon_size) or icon
- end
- -- is the icon file readable?
- icon = surface.load_uncached(icon)
- -- if we have an icon, use it
- if icon then
- iconbox = wibox.widget.imagebox()
- iconmargin = wibox.container.margin(iconbox, margin, margin, margin, margin)
- if icon_size then
- local scaled = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, icon_size, icon_size)
- local cr = cairo.Context(scaled)
- cr:scale(icon_size / icon:get_height(), icon_size / icon:get_width())
- cr:set_source_surface(icon, 0, 0)
- cr:paint()
- icon = scaled
- end
- iconbox:set_resize(false)
- iconbox:set_image(icon)
- icon_w = icon:get_width()
- icon_h = icon:get_height()
- end
- end
- notification.iconbox = iconbox
- -- create container wibox
- notification.box = wibox({ fg = fg,
- bg = bg,
- border_color = border_color,
- border_width = border_width,
- shape_border_color = shape and border_color,
- shape_border_width = shape and border_width,
- shape = shape,
- type = "notification" })
- if reuse_box then
- notification.box = reuse_box
- end
- if hover_timeout then notification.box:connect_signal("mouse::enter", hover_destroy) end
- notification.size_info = {
- width = width,
- height = height,
- icon_w = icon_w,
- icon_h = icon_h,
- margin = margin,
- border_width = border_width,
- actions_max_width = actions_max_width,
- actions_total_height = actions_total_height,
- }
- -- position the wibox
- update_size(notification)
- notification.box.ontop = ontop
- notification.box.opacity = opacity
- notification.box.visible = true
- -- populate widgets
- local layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
- if iconmargin then
- layout:add(iconmargin)
- end
- layout:add(marginbox)
- local completelayout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
- completelayout:add(layout)
- completelayout:add(actionslayout)
- notification.box:set_widget(completelayout)
- -- Setup the mouse events
- layout:buttons(gtable.join(button({}, 1, nil, run),
- button({}, 3, nil, function()
- die(naughty.notificationClosedReason.dismissedByUser)
- end)))
- -- insert the notification to the table
- table.insert(naughty.notifications[s][notification.position], notification)
- if suspended and not args.ignore_suspend then
- notification.box.visible = false
- table.insert(naughty.notifications.suspended, notification)
- end
- -- return the notification
- return notification
+ return nnotif(args)
-return naughty
+return setmetatable(naughty, {__index = index_miss, __newindex = set_index_miss})
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/lib/naughty/dbus.lua b/lib/naughty/dbus.lua
index bb9fcfc50..1d89a0d62 100644
--- a/lib/naughty/dbus.lua
+++ b/lib/naughty/dbus.lua
@@ -25,11 +25,14 @@ local tcat = table.concat
local tins = table.insert
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
local naughty = require("naughty.core")
+local cst = require("naughty.constants")
+local nnotif = require("naughty.notification")
--- Notification library, dbus bindings
local dbus = { config = {} }
-- DBUS Notification constants
+-- https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec/#urgency-levels
local urgency = {
low = "\0",
normal = "\1",
@@ -46,9 +49,9 @@ local urgency = {
-- @tfield table 3 critical urgency
-- @table config.mapping
dbus.config.mapping = {
- {{urgency = urgency.low}, naughty.config.presets.low},
- {{urgency = urgency.normal}, naughty.config.presets.normal},
- {{urgency = urgency.critical}, naughty.config.presets.critical}
+ {{urgency = urgency.low}, cst.config.presets.low},
+ {{urgency = urgency.normal}, cst.config.presets.normal},
+ {{urgency = urgency.critical}, cst.config.presets.critical}
local function sendActionInvoked(notificationId, action)
@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ capi.dbus.connect_signal("org.freedesktop.Notifications",
args.preset = gtable.join(args.preset, preset)
- local preset = args.preset or naughty.config.defaults
+ local preset = args.preset or cst.config.defaults
local notification
if actions then
args.actions = {}
@@ -152,12 +155,12 @@ capi.dbus.connect_signal("org.freedesktop.Notifications",
if action_id == "default" then
args.run = function()
sendActionInvoked(notification.id, "default")
- naughty.destroy(notification, naughty.notificationClosedReason.dismissedByUser)
+ notification:destroy(cst.notification_closed_reason.dismissed_by_user)
elseif action_id ~= nil and action_text ~= nil then
args.actions[action_text] = function()
sendActionInvoked(notification.id, action_id)
- naughty.destroy(notification, naughty.notificationClosedReason.dismissedByUser)
+ notification:destroy(cst.notification_closed_reason.dismissed_by_user)
@@ -190,14 +193,14 @@ capi.dbus.connect_signal("org.freedesktop.Notifications",
args.timeout = expire / 1000
args.freedesktop_hints = hints
- notification = naughty.notify(args)
+ notification = nnotif(args)
return "u", notification.id
return "u", "0"
elseif data.member == "CloseNotification" then
- local obj = naughty.getById(appname)
+ local obj = naughty.get_by_id(appname)
if obj then
- naughty.destroy(obj, naughty.notificationClosedReason.dismissedByCommand)
+ obj:destroy(cst.notification_closed_reason.dismissed_by_command)
elseif data.member == "GetServerInfo" or data.member == "GetServerInformation" then
-- name of notification app, name of vender, version, specification version
diff --git a/lib/naughty/init.lua b/lib/naughty/init.lua
index 71dee9fcf..7b7325542 100644
--- a/lib/naughty/init.lua
+++ b/lib/naughty/init.lua
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ if dbus then
naughty.dbus = require("naughty.dbus")
+naughty.layout = require("naughty.layout")
+naughty.notification = require("naughty.notification")
return naughty
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/lib/naughty/layout/init.lua b/lib/naughty/layout/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6df968a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/naughty/layout/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com>
+-- @copyright 2017 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+-- @module naughty.layout
+return {
+ legacy = require("naughty.layout.legacy")
diff --git a/lib/naughty/layout/legacy.lua b/lib/naughty/layout/legacy.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a757ff3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/naughty/layout/legacy.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+--- A notification popup widget.
+-- This is the legacy notification widget. It was the default until Awesome
+-- v4.3 but is now being deprecated in favor of a more flexible widget.
+-- The reason for this is/was that this widget is inflexible and mutate the
+-- state of the notification object in a way that hinder other notification
+-- widgets.
+-- If no other notification widget is specified, Awesome fallback to this
+-- widget.
+-- @author koniu <gkusnierz@gmail.com>
+-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com>
+-- @copyright 2008 koniu
+-- @copyright 2017 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+-- @classmod naughty.layout.legacy
+local capi = { screen = screen, awesome = awesome }
+local naughty = require("naughty.core")
+local screen = require("awful.screen")
+local button = require("awful.button")
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
+local surface = require("gears.surface")
+local gtable = require("gears.table")
+local wibox = require("wibox")
+local gfs = require("gears.filesystem")
+local timer = require("gears.timer")
+local gmath = require("gears.math")
+local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
+local util = require("awful.util")
+local function get_screen(s)
+ return s and capi.screen[s]
+-- This is a copy of the table found in `naughty.core`. The reason the copy
+-- exists is to make sure there is only unidirectional coupling between the
+-- legacy widget (this class) and `naughty.core`. Exposing the "raw"
+-- notification list is also a bad design and might cause indices and position
+-- corruption. While it cannot be removed from the public API (yet), it can at
+-- least be blacklisted internally.
+local current_notifications = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
+ current_notifications[s] = {
+ top_left = {},
+ top_middle = {},
+ top_right = {},
+ bottom_left = {},
+ bottom_middle = {},
+ bottom_right = {},
+ }
+-- Counter for the notifications
+-- Required for later access via DBUS
+local counter = 1
+--- Evaluate desired position of the notification by index - internal
+-- @param s Screen to use
+-- @param position top_right | top_left | bottom_right | bottom_left
+-- | top_middle | bottom_middle
+-- @param idx Index of the notification
+-- @param[opt] width Popup width.
+-- @param height Popup height
+-- @return Absolute position and index in { x = X, y = Y, idx = I } table
+local function get_offset(s, position, idx, width, height)
+ s = get_screen(s)
+ local ws = s.workarea
+ local v = {}
+ idx = idx or #current_notifications[s][position] + 1
+ width = width or current_notifications[s][position][idx].width
+ -- calculate x
+ if position:match("left") then
+ v.x = ws.x + naughty.config.padding
+ elseif position:match("middle") then
+ v.x = ws.x + (ws.width / 2) - (width / 2)
+ else
+ v.x = ws.x + ws.width - (width + naughty.config.padding)
+ end
+ -- calculate existing popups' height
+ local existing = 0
+ for i = 1, idx-1, 1 do
+ local n = current_notifications[s][position][i]
+ -- `n` will not nil when there is too many notifications to fit in `s`
+ if n then
+ existing = existing + n.height + naughty.config.spacing
+ end
+ end
+ -- calculate y
+ if position:match("top") then
+ v.y = ws.y + naughty.config.padding + existing
+ else
+ v.y = ws.y + ws.height - (naughty.config.padding + height + existing)
+ end
+ -- Find old notification to replace in case there is not enough room.
+ -- This tries to skip permanent notifications (without a timeout),
+ -- e.g. critical ones.
+ local find_old_to_replace = function()
+ for i = 1, idx-1 do
+ local n = current_notifications[s][position][i]
+ if n.timeout > 0 then
+ return n
+ end
+ end
+ -- Fallback to first one.
+ return current_notifications[s][position][1]
+ end
+ -- if positioned outside workarea, destroy oldest popup and recalculate
+ if v.y + height > ws.y + ws.height or v.y < ws.y then
+ local n = find_old_to_replace()
+ if n then
+ n:destroy(naughty.notification_closed_reason.too_many_on_screen)
+ end
+ v = get_offset(s, position, idx, width, height)
+ end
+ return v
+local escape_pattern = "[<>&]"
+local escape_subs = { ['<'] = "<", ['>'] = ">", ['&'] = "&" }
+-- Cache the markup
+local function set_escaped_text(self)
+ local text, title = self.text or "", self.title or ""
+ if title then title = title .. "\n" else title = "" end
+ local textbox = self.textbox
+ local function set_markup(pattern, replacements)
+ return textbox:set_markup_silently(string.format('%s%s', title, text:gsub(pattern, replacements)))
+ end
+ local function set_text()
+ textbox:set_text(string.format('%s %s', title, text))
+ end
+ -- Since the title cannot contain markup, it must be escaped first so that
+ -- it is not interpreted by Pango later.
+ title = title:gsub(escape_pattern, escape_subs)
+ -- Try to set the text while only interpreting
+ if not set_markup("", "\n") then
+ -- That failed, escape everything which might cause an error from pango
+ if not set_markup(escape_pattern, escape_subs) then
+ -- Ok, just ignore all pango markup. If this fails, we got some invalid utf8
+ if not pcall(set_text) then
+ textbox:set_markup("<Invalid markup or UTF8, cannot display message>")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+naughty.connect_signal("property::text" ,set_escaped_text)
+--- Re-arrange notifications according to their position and index - internal
+-- @return None
+local function arrange(s)
+ -- {} in case the screen has been deleted
+ for p in pairs(current_notifications[s] or {}) do
+ for i,notification in pairs(current_notifications[s][p]) do
+ local offset = get_offset(s, p, i, notification.width, notification.height)
+ notification.box:geometry({ x = offset.x, y = offset.y })
+ end
+ end
+local function update_size(notification)
+ local n = notification
+ local s = n.size_info
+ local width = s.width
+ local height = s.height
+ local margin = s.margin
+ -- calculate the width
+ if not width then
+ local w, _ = n.textbox:get_preferred_size(n.screen)
+ width = w + (n.iconbox and s.icon_w + 2 * margin or 0) + 2 * margin
+ end
+ if width < s.actions_max_width then
+ width = s.actions_max_width
+ end
+ if s.max_width then
+ width = math.min(width, s.max_width)
+ end
+ -- calculate the height
+ if not height then
+ local w = width - (n.iconbox and s.icon_w + 2 * margin or 0) - 2 * margin
+ local h = n.textbox:get_height_for_width(w, n.screen)
+ if n.iconbox and s.icon_h + 2 * margin > h + 2 * margin then
+ height = s.icon_h + 2 * margin
+ else
+ height = h + 2 * margin
+ end
+ end
+ height = height + s.actions_total_height
+ if s.max_height then
+ height = math.min(height, s.max_height)
+ end
+ -- crop to workarea size if too big
+ local workarea = n.screen.workarea
+ local border_width = s.border_width or 0
+ local padding = naughty.config.padding or 0
+ if width > workarea.width - 2*border_width - 2*padding then
+ width = workarea.width - 2*border_width - 2*padding
+ end
+ if height > workarea.height - 2*border_width - 2*padding then
+ height = workarea.height - 2*border_width - 2*padding
+ end
+ -- set size in notification object
+ n.height = height + 2*border_width
+ n.width = width + 2*border_width
+ local offset = get_offset(n.screen, n.position, n.idx, n.width, n.height)
+ n.box:geometry({
+ width = width,
+ height = height,
+ x = offset.x,
+ y = offset.y,
+ })
+ -- update positions of other notifications
+ arrange(n.screen)
+local function cleanup(self, _ --[[reason]], keep_visible)
+ -- It is not a legacy notification
+ if not self.box then return end
+ local scr = self.screen
+ assert(current_notifications[scr][self.position][self.idx] == self)
+ table.remove(current_notifications[scr][self.position], self.idx)
+ if (not keep_visible) or (not scr) then
+ self.box.visible = false
+ end
+ arrange(scr)
+naughty.connect_signal("destroyed", cleanup)
+--- The default notification GUI handler.
+-- To disable this handler, use:
+-- naughty.disconnect_signal(
+-- "request::display", naughty.default_notification_handler
+-- )
+-- It looks like:
+-- @tparam table notification The `naughty.notification` object.
+-- @tparam table args Any arguments passed to the `naughty.notify` function,
+-- including, but not limited to all `naughty.notification` properties.
+-- @signalhandler naughty.default_notification_handler
+function naughty.default_notification_handler(notification, args)
+ -- If request::display is called more than once, simply make sure the wibox
+ -- is visible.
+ if notification.box then
+ notification.box.visible = true
+ return
+ end
+ local preset = notification.preset
+ local text = args.text or preset.text
+ local title = args.title or preset.title
+ local s = get_screen(args.screen or preset.screen or screen.focused())
+ if not s then
+ local err = "naughty.notify: there is no screen available to display the following notification:"
+ err = string.format("%s title='%s' text='%s'", err, tostring(title or ""), tostring(text or ""))
+ require("gears.debug").print_warning(err)
+ return
+ end
+ local timeout = args.timeout or preset.timeout
+ local icon = args.icon or preset.icon
+ local icon_size = args.icon_size or preset.icon_size
+ or beautiful.notification_icon_size
+ local ontop = args.ontop or preset.ontop
+ local hover_timeout = args.hover_timeout or preset.hover_timeout
+ local position = args.position or preset.position
+ local actions = args.actions
+ local destroy_cb = args.destroy
+ notification.screen = s
+ notification.destroy_cb = destroy_cb
+ notification.timeout = timeout
+ -- beautiful
+ local font = args.font or preset.font or beautiful.notification_font or
+ beautiful.font or capi.awesome.font
+ local fg = args.fg or preset.fg or
+ beautiful.notification_fg or beautiful.fg_normal or '#ffffff'
+ local bg = args.bg or preset.bg or
+ beautiful.notification_bg or beautiful.bg_normal or '#535d6c'
+ local border_color = args.border_color or preset.border_color or
+ beautiful.notification_border_color or beautiful.bg_focus or '#535d6c'
+ local border_width = args.border_width or preset.border_width or
+ beautiful.notification_border_width
+ local shape = args.shape or preset.shape or
+ beautiful.notification_shape
+ local width = args.width or preset.width or
+ beautiful.notification_width
+ local height = args.height or preset.height or
+ beautiful.notification_height
+ local max_width = args.max_width or preset.max_width or
+ beautiful.notification_max_width
+ local max_height = args.max_height or preset.max_height or
+ beautiful.notification_max_height
+ local margin = args.margin or preset.margin or
+ beautiful.notification_margin
+ local opacity = args.opacity or preset.opacity or
+ beautiful.notification_opacity
+ -- replace notification if needed
+ local reuse_box
+ if args.replaces_id then
+ local obj = naughty.get_by_id(args.replaces_id)
+ if obj then
+ -- destroy this and ...
+ naughty.destroy(obj, naughty.notification_closed_reason.silent, true)
+ reuse_box = obj.box
+ end
+ -- ... may use its ID
+ if args.replaces_id <= counter then
+ notification.id = args.replaces_id
+ else
+ counter = counter + 1
+ notification.id = counter
+ end
+ else
+ -- get a brand new ID
+ counter = counter + 1
+ notification.id = counter
+ end
+ notification.position = position
+ -- hook destroy
+ notification.timeout = timeout
+ local die = notification.die
+ local run = function ()
+ if args.run then
+ args.run(notification)
+ else
+ die(naughty.notification_closed_reason.dismissed_by_user)
+ end
+ end
+ local hover_destroy = function ()
+ if hover_timeout == 0 then
+ die(naughty.notification_closed_reason.expired)
+ else
+ if notification.timer then notification.timer:stop() end
+ notification.timer = timer { timeout = hover_timeout }
+ notification.timer:connect_signal("timeout", function() die(naughty.notification_closed_reason.expired) end)
+ notification.timer:start()
+ end
+ end
+ -- create textbox
+ local textbox = wibox.widget.textbox()
+ local marginbox = wibox.container.margin()
+ marginbox:set_margins(margin)
+ marginbox:set_widget(textbox)
+ textbox:set_valign("middle")
+ textbox:set_font(font)
+ notification.textbox = textbox
+ set_escaped_text(notification)
+ local actionslayout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
+ local actions_max_width = 0
+ local actions_total_height = 0
+ if actions then
+ for action, callback in pairs(actions) do
+ local actiontextbox = wibox.widget.textbox()
+ local actionmarginbox = wibox.container.margin()
+ actionmarginbox:set_margins(margin)
+ actionmarginbox:set_widget(actiontextbox)
+ actiontextbox:set_valign("middle")
+ actiontextbox:set_font(font)
+ actiontextbox:set_markup(string.format('☛ %s', action))
+ -- calculate the height and width
+ local w, h = actiontextbox:get_preferred_size(s)
+ local action_height = h + 2 * margin
+ local action_width = w + 2 * margin
+ actionmarginbox:buttons(gtable.join(
+ button({ }, 1, callback),
+ button({ }, 3, callback)
+ ))
+ actionslayout:add(actionmarginbox)
+ actions_total_height = actions_total_height + action_height
+ if actions_max_width < action_width then
+ actions_max_width = action_width
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local size_info = {
+ width = width,
+ height = height,
+ max_width = max_width,
+ max_height = max_height,
+ margin = margin,
+ border_width = border_width,
+ actions_max_width = actions_max_width,
+ actions_total_height = actions_total_height,
+ }
+ -- create iconbox
+ local iconbox = nil
+ local iconmargin = nil
+ if icon then
+ -- Is this really an URI instead of a path?
+ if type(icon) == "string" and string.sub(icon, 1, 7) == "file://" then
+ icon = string.sub(icon, 8)
+ -- urldecode URI path
+ icon = string.gsub(icon, "%%(%x%x)", function(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end )
+ end
+ -- try to guess icon if the provided one is non-existent/readable
+ if type(icon) == "string" and not gfs.file_readable(icon) then
+ icon = util.geticonpath(icon, naughty.config.icon_formats, naughty.config.icon_dirs, icon_size) or icon
+ end
+ -- is the icon file readable?
+ icon = surface.load_uncached(icon)
+ -- if we have an icon, use it
+ if icon then
+ iconbox = wibox.widget.imagebox()
+ iconmargin = wibox.container.margin(iconbox, margin, margin, margin, margin)
+ if icon_size and (icon:get_height() > icon_size or icon:get_width() > icon_size) then
+ size_info.icon_scale_factor = icon_size / math.max(icon:get_height(),
+ icon:get_width())
+ size_info.icon_w = icon:get_width () * size_info.icon_scale_factor
+ size_info.icon_h = icon:get_height() * size_info.icon_scale_factor
+ local scaled =
+ cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32,
+ gmath.round(size_info.icon_w),
+ gmath.round(size_info.icon_h))
+ local cr = cairo.Context(scaled)
+ cr:scale(size_info.icon_scale_factor, size_info.icon_scale_factor)
+ cr:set_source_surface(icon, 0, 0)
+ cr:paint()
+ icon = scaled
+ else
+ size_info.icon_w = icon:get_width ()
+ size_info.icon_h = icon:get_height()
+ end
+ iconbox:set_resize(false)
+ iconbox:set_image(icon)
+ end
+ end
+ notification.iconbox = iconbox
+ -- create container wibox
+ notification.box = wibox({ fg = fg,
+ bg = bg,
+ border_color = border_color,
+ border_width = border_width,
+ shape_border_color = shape and border_color,
+ shape_border_width = shape and border_width,
+ shape = shape,
+ type = "notification" })
+ if reuse_box then
+ notification.box = reuse_box
+ end
+ if hover_timeout then notification.box:connect_signal("mouse::enter", hover_destroy) end
+ notification.size_info = size_info
+ -- position the wibox
+ update_size(notification)
+ notification.box.ontop = ontop
+ notification.box.opacity = opacity
+ notification.box.visible = true
+ -- populate widgets
+ local layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
+ if iconmargin then
+ layout:add(iconmargin)
+ end
+ layout:add(marginbox)
+ local completelayout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
+ completelayout:add(layout)
+ completelayout:add(actionslayout)
+ notification.box:set_widget(completelayout)
+ -- Setup the mouse events
+ layout:buttons(gtable.join(button({}, 1, nil, run),
+ button({}, 3, nil, function()
+ die(naughty.notification_closed_reason.dismissed_by_user)
+ end)))
+ -- insert the notification to the table
+ table.insert(current_notifications[s][notification.position], notification)
+ if naughty.suspended and not args.ignore_suspend then
+ notification.box.visible = false
+ end
+naughty.connect_signal("request::display", naughty.default_notification_handler)
diff --git a/lib/naughty/notification.lua b/lib/naughty/notification.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..138a99150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/naughty/notification.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+--- A notification object.
+-- This class creates individual notification objects that can be manipulated
+-- to extend the default behavior.
+-- This class doesn't define the actual widget, but is rather intended as a data
+-- object to hold the properties. All examples assume the default widgets, but
+-- the whole implementation can be replaced.
+-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+-- @copyright 2008 koniu
+-- @copyright 2017 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+-- @classmod naughty.notification
+local gobject = require("gears.object")
+local gtable = require("gears.table")
+local timer = require("gears.timer")
+local cst = require("naughty.constants")
+local naughty = require("naughty.core")
+local notification = {}
+--- Notifications font.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_font
+-- @tparam string|lgi.Pango.FontDescription notification_font
+--- Notifications background color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_bg
+-- @tparam color notification_bg
+--- Notifications foreground color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_fg
+-- @tparam color notification_fg
+--- Notifications border width.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_border_width
+-- @tparam int notification_border_width
+--- Notifications border color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_border_color
+-- @tparam color notification_border_color
+--- Notifications shape.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_shape
+-- @tparam[opt] gears.shape notification_shape
+-- @see gears.shape
+--- Notifications opacity.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_opacity
+-- @tparam[opt] int notification_opacity
+--- Notifications margin.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_margin
+-- @tparam int notification_margin
+--- Notifications width.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_width
+-- @tparam int notification_width
+--- Notifications height.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.notification_height
+-- @tparam int notification_height
+--- Unique identifier of the notification.
+-- This is the equivalent to a PID as allows external applications to select
+-- notifications.
+-- @property text
+-- @param string
+-- @see title
+--- Text of the notification.
+-- @property text
+-- @param string
+-- @see title
+--- Title of the notification.
+-- @property title
+-- @param string
+--- Time in seconds after which popup expires.
+-- Set 0 for no timeout.
+-- @property timeout
+-- @param number
+--- Delay in seconds after which hovered popup disappears.
+-- @property hover_timeout
+-- @param number
+--- Target screen for the notification.
+-- @property screen
+-- @param screen
+--- Corner of the workarea displaying the popups.
+-- The possible values are:
+-- * *top_right*
+-- * *top_left*
+-- * *bottom_left*
+-- * *bottom_right*
+-- * *top_middle*
+-- * *bottom_middle*
+-- @property position
+-- @param string
+--- Boolean forcing popups to display on top.
+-- @property ontop
+-- @param boolean
+--- Popup height.
+-- @property height
+-- @param number
+--- Popup width.
+-- @property width
+-- @param number
+--- Notification font.
+-- @property font
+-- @param string
+--- Path to icon.
+-- @property icon
+-- @tparam string|surface icon
+--- Desired icon size in px.
+-- @property icon_size
+-- @param number
+--- Foreground color.
+-- @property fg
+-- @tparam string|color|pattern fg
+-- @see title
+-- @see gears.color
+--- Background color.
+-- @property bg
+-- @tparam string|color|pattern bg
+-- @see title
+-- @see gears.color
+--- Border width.
+-- @property border_width
+-- @param number
+-- @see title
+--- Border color.
+-- @property border_color
+-- @param string
+-- @see title
+-- @see gears.color
+--- Widget shape.
+-- @property shape
+--- Widget opacity.
+-- @property opacity
+-- @param number From 0 to 1
+--- Widget margin.
+-- @property margin
+-- @tparam number|table margin
+-- @see shape
+--- Function to run on left click.
+-- @property run
+-- @param function
+--- Function to run when notification is destroyed.
+-- @property destroy
+-- @param function
+--- Table with any of the above parameters.
+-- args will override ones defined
+-- in the preset.
+-- @property preset
+-- @param table
+--- Replace the notification with the given ID.
+-- @property replaces_id
+-- @param number
+--- Function that will be called with all arguments.
+-- The notification will only be displayed if the function returns true.
+-- Note: this function is only relevant to notifications sent via dbus.
+-- @property callback
+-- @param function
+--- A table containing strings that represents actions to buttons.
+-- The table key (a number) is used by DBus to set map the action.
+-- @property actions
+-- @param table
+--- Ignore this notification, do not display.
+-- Note that this property has to be set in a `preset` or in a `request::preset`
+-- handler.
+-- @property ignore
+-- @param boolean
+--- Tell if the notification is currently suspended (read only).
+-- This is always equal to `naughty.suspended`
+--@property suspended
+--@param boolean
+--- Emitted when the notification is destroyed.
+-- @signal destroyed
+-- . --FIXME needs a description
+-- @property ignore_suspend If set to true this notification
+-- will be shown even if notifications are suspended via `naughty.suspend`.
+--FIXME remove the screen attribute, let the handlers decide
+-- document all handler extra properties
+--FIXME add methods such as persist
+--- Destroy notification by notification object
+-- @tparam string reason One of the reasons from `notification_closed_reason`
+-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean keep_visible If true, keep the notification visible
+-- @return True if the popup was successfully destroyed, nil otherwise
+function notification:destroy(reason, keep_visible)
+ self:emit_signal("destroyed")
+ return true
+--- Set new notification timeout.
+-- @tparam number new_timeout Time in seconds after which notification disappears.
+function notification:reset_timeout(new_timeout)
+ if self.timer then self.timer:stop() end
+ local timeout = new_timeout or self.timeout
+ self:set_timeout(self, timeout)
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.timer:start()
+function notification:set_id(new_id)
+ assert(self._private.id == nil, "Notification identifier can only be set once")
+ self._private.id = new_id
+ self:emit_signal("property::id", new_id)
+function notification:set_timeout(timeout)
+ local die = function (reason)
+ self:destroy(reason)
+ end
+ if self.timer and self._private.timeout == timeout then return end
+ if timeout > 0 then
+ local timer_die = timer { timeout = timeout }
+ timer_die:connect_signal("timeout", function() die(cst.notification_closed_reason.expired) end)
+ if not self.suspended then --FIXME there's still a dependency loop to fix before it works
+ timer_die:start()
+ end
+ -- Prevent a memory leak and the accumulation of active timers
+ if self.timer and self.timer.started then
+ self.timer:stop()
+ end
+ self.timer = timer_die
+ end
+ self.die = die
+ self._private.timeout = timeout
+local properties = {
+ "text" , "title" , "timeout" , "hover_timeout" ,
+ "screen" , "position", "ontop" , "border_width" ,
+ "width" , "font" , "icon" , "icon_size" ,
+ "fg" , "bg" , "height" , "border_color" ,
+ "shape" , "opacity" , "margin" , "ignore_suspend",
+ "destroy" , "preset" , "callback", "replaces_id" ,
+ "actions" , "run" , "id" , "ignore" ,
+for _, prop in ipairs(properties) do
+ notification["get_"..prop] = notification["get_"..prop] or function(self)
+ -- It's possible this could be called from the `request::preset` handler.
+ -- `rawget()` is necessary to avoid a stack overflow.
+ local preset = rawget(self, "preset")
+ return self._private[prop]
+ or (preset and preset[prop])
+ or cst.config.defaults[prop]
+ end
+ notification["set_"..prop] = notification["set_"..prop] or function(self, value)
+ self._private[prop] = value
+ self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, value)
+ return
+ end
+--- Create a notification.
+-- @tab args The argument table containing any of the arguments below.
+-- @string[opt=""] args.text Text of the notification.
+-- @string[opt] args.title Title of the notification.
+-- @int[opt=5] args.timeout Time in seconds after which popup expires.
+-- Set 0 for no timeout.
+-- @int[opt] args.hover_timeout Delay in seconds after which hovered popup disappears.
+-- @tparam[opt=focused] integer|screen args.screen Target screen for the notification.
+-- @string[opt="top_right"] args.position Corner of the workarea displaying the popups.
+-- Values: `"top_right"`, `"top_left"`, `"bottom_left"`,
+-- `"bottom_right"`, `"top_middle"`, `"bottom_middle"`.
+-- @bool[opt=true] args.ontop Boolean forcing popups to display on top.
+-- @int[opt=`beautiful.notification_height` or auto] args.height Popup height.
+-- @int[opt=`beautiful.notification_width` or auto] args.width Popup width.
+-- @string[opt=`beautiful.notification_font` or `beautiful.font` or `awesome.font`] args.font Notification font.
+-- @string[opt] args.icon Path to icon.
+-- @int[opt] args.icon_size Desired icon size in px.
+-- @string[opt=`beautiful.notification_fg` or `beautiful.fg_focus` or `'#ffffff'`] args.fg Foreground color.
+-- @string[opt=`beautiful.notification_fg` or `beautiful.bg_focus` or `'#535d6c'`] args.bg Background color.
+-- @int[opt=`beautiful.notification_border_width` or 1] args.border_width Border width.
+-- @string[opt=`beautiful.notification_border_color` or
+-- `beautiful.border_focus` or `'#535d6c'`] args.border_color Border color.
+-- @tparam[opt=`beautiful.notification_shape`] gears.shape args.shape Widget shape.
+-- @tparam[opt=`beautiful.notification_opacity`] gears.opacity args.opacity Widget opacity.
+-- @tparam[opt=`beautiful.notification_margin`] gears.margin args.margin Widget margin.
+-- @tparam[opt] func args.run Function to run on left click. The notification
+-- object will be passed to it as an argument.
+-- You need to call e.g.
+-- `notification.die(naughty.notification_closed_reason.dismissedByUser)` from
+-- there to dismiss the notification yourself.
+-- @tparam[opt] func args.destroy Function to run when notification is destroyed.
+-- @tparam[opt] table args.preset Table with any of the above parameters.
+-- Note: Any parameters specified directly in args will override ones defined
+-- in the preset.
+-- @tparam[opt] int args.replaces_id Replace the notification with the given ID.
+-- @tparam[opt] func args.callback Function that will be called with all arguments.
+-- The notification will only be displayed if the function returns true.
+-- Note: this function is only relevant to notifications sent via dbus.
+-- @tparam[opt] table args.actions Mapping that maps a string to a callback when this
+-- action is selected.
+-- @bool[opt=false] args.ignore_suspend If set to true this notification
+-- will be shown even if notifications are suspended via `naughty.suspend`.
+-- @usage naughty.notify({ title = "Achtung!", text = "You're idling", timeout = 0 })
+-- @treturn ?table The notification object, or nil in case a notification was
+-- not displayed.
+-- @function naughty.notification
+local function create(args)
+ if cst.config.notify_callback then
+ args = cst.config.notify_callback(args)
+ if not args then return end
+ end
+ local n = gobject {
+ enable_properties = true,
+ }
+ assert(naughty.emit_signal)
+ -- Make sure all signals bubble up
+ n:_connect_everything(naughty.emit_signal)
+ -- Avoid modifying the original table
+ local private = {}
+ -- gather variables together
+ rawset(n, "preset", gtable.join(
+ cst.config.defaults or {},
+ args.preset or cst.config.presets.normal or {},
+ rawget(n, "preset") or {}
+ ))
+ for k, v in pairs(n.preset) do
+ private[k] = v
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(args) do
+ private[k] = v
+ end
+ rawset(n, "_private", private)
+ gtable.crush(n, notification, true)
+ -- Allow extensions to create override the preset with custom data
+ naughty.emit_signal("request::preset", n, args)
+ -- Register the notification before requesting a widget
+ n:emit_signal("new", args)
+ -- Let all listeners handle the actual visual aspects
+ if (not n.ignore) and (not n.preset.ignore) then
+ naughty.emit_signal("request::display", n, args)
+ end
+ -- Because otherwise the setter logic would not be executed
+ if n._private.timeout then
+ n:set_timeout(n._private.timeout or n.preset.timeout)
+ end
+ return n
+return setmetatable(notification, {__call = function(_, ...) return create(...) end})
diff --git a/tests/examples/text/awful/keygrabber/autostart.lua b/tests/examples/text/awful/keygrabber/autostart.lua
index ac4e5d58f..d8814c665 100644
--- a/tests/examples/text/awful/keygrabber/autostart.lua
+++ b/tests/examples/text/awful/keygrabber/autostart.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
-local naughty = { notify = function() end } --DOC_HIDE
+local naughty = { notification = function() end } --DOC_HIDE
local autostart_works = false --DOC_HIDE
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ awful.keygrabber {
stop_callback = function(_, _, _, sequence)
autostart_works = true --DOC_HIDE
assert(sequence == "abc") --DOC_HIDE
- naughty.notify{text="The keys were:"..sequence}
+ naughty.notification {text="The keys were:"..sequence}
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/keypress.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/keypress.lua
index 50fc56346..232540427 100644
--- a/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/keypress.lua
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/keypress.lua
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ local naughty = {} --DOC_HIDE
prompt = "Run: ",
keypressed_callback = function(mod, key, cmd) --luacheck: no unused args
if key == "Shift_L" then
- notif = naughty.notify { text = "Shift pressed" }
+ notif = naughty.notification { text = "Shift pressed" }
keyreleased_callback = function(mod, key, cmd) --luacheck: no unused args
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/simple.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/simple.lua
index bdf98a365..8e64d1fc5 100644
--- a/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/simple.lua
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/awidget/prompt/simple.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local naughty = {} --DOC_HIDE
textbox = atextbox,
exe_callback = function(input)
if not input or #input == 0 then return end
- naughty.notify{ text = "The input was: "..input }
+ naughty.notification { text = "The input was: "..input }
diff --git a/tests/test-screen-changes.lua b/tests/test-screen-changes.lua
index 12146c44b..c12bc9662 100644
--- a/tests/test-screen-changes.lua
+++ b/tests/test-screen-changes.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ local steps = {
fake_screen.selected_tag.layout = max
-- Display a notification on the screen-to-be-removed
- naughty.notify{ text = "test", screen = fake_screen }
+ naughty.notification { text = "test", screen = fake_screen }
return true