naughty: Correctly handle rowstride on icons
The notification spec allow sending icons as data with a dbus message. The rowstride for this can be set which means there can be bytes after each row of icon data which must be ignored. Before this commit, naughty wasn't properly ignoring these garbage bytes which resulted in weird notifications. Thanks to dadrc for reporting that gmusicbrowser's notifications didn't work. Signed-off-by: Uli Schlachter <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -538,25 +538,37 @@ if capi.dbus then
-- icon_data is an array:
-- 1 -> width, 2 -> height, 3 -> rowstride, 4 -> has alpha
-- 5 -> bits per sample, 6 -> channels, 7 -> data
local width, height, rowstride = hints.icon_data[1], hints.icon_data[2], hints.icon_data[3]
local imgdata = ""
local format, bpp
-- If has alpha (ARGB32)
if hints.icon_data[6] == 4 then
for i = 1, #hints.icon_data[7], 4 do
imgdata = imgdata .. hints.icon_data[7]:sub(i, i + 2):reverse()
imgdata = imgdata .. hints.icon_data[7]:sub(i + 3, i + 3)
format, bpp = cairo.Format.ARGB32, 4
-- If has not alpha (RGB24)
elseif hints.icon_data[6] == 3 then
for i = 1, #hints.icon_data[7], 3 do
imgdata = imgdata .. hints.icon_data[7]:sub(i , i + 2):reverse()
imgdata = imgdata .. string.format("%c", 255) -- alpha is 255
format, bpp = cairo.Format.RGB24, 3
-- Figure out some stride magic (cairo dictates rowstride)
local stride = cairo.Format.stride_for_width(format, width)
local append = string.format("%c", 0):rep(stride - 4 * width)
local offset = 0
-- Now convert each row on its own
for y = 1, height do
for i = 1 + offset, width * bpp + offset, bpp do
imgdata = imgdata .. hints.icon_data[7]:sub(i, i + 2):reverse()
if bpp == 4 then
imgdata = imgdata .. hints.icon_data[7]:sub(i + 3, i + 3)
imgdata = imgdata .. string.format("%c", 255)
-- Handle rowstride, offset is stride for the input, append for output
offset = offset + rowstride
imgdata = imgdata .. append
if imgdata then
args.icon = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(imgdata,
cairo.Format.ARGB32, hints.icon_data[1], hints.icon_data[2], hints.icon_data[1] * 4)
args.icon = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(imgdata, format,
width, height, stride)
if replaces_id and replaces_id ~= "" and replaces_id ~= 0 then
args.replaces_id = replaces_id
Reference in New Issue