--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A calendar popup wibox. -- -- Display a month or year calendar popup using `calendar_popup.month` or `calendar_popup.year`. -- The calendar style can be tweaked by providing tables of style properties at creation: -- `style_year`, `style_month`, `style_yearheader`, `style_header`, -- `style_weekday`, `style_weeknumber`, `style_normal`, `style_focus` (see `cell_properties`). -- -- The wibox accepts arguments for the calendar widget: `font`, `spacing`, `week_numbers`, -- `start_sunday`, `long_weekdays`. -- It also accepts the extra arguments `opacity`, `bg`, `screen` and `position`. -- `opacity` and `bg` apply to the wibox itself, they are mainly useful to manage opacity -- by setting `opacity` for the false opacity or setting `bg="#00000000"` for compositor opacity. -- The `screen` argument forces the display of the wibox to this screen (instead of the focused screen by default). -- The `position` argument is a two-characters string describing the screen alignment "[vertical][horizontal]", -- e.g. "cc", "tr", "bl", ... -- -- The wibox visibility can be changed calling the `toggle` method. -- The `attach` method adds mouse bindings to an existing widget in order to toggle the display of the wibox. -- --@DOC_awful_widget_calendar_popup_default_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @author getzze -- @copyright 2017 getzze -- @popupmod awful.widget.calendar_popup --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local setmetatable = setmetatable local string = string local gears = require("gears") local wibox = require("wibox") local base = require("wibox.widget.base") local ascreen = require("awful.screen") local abutton = require("awful.button") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local calendar_popup = { offset = 0, mt = {} } local properties = { "markup", "fg_color", "bg_color", "shape", "padding", "border_width", "border_color", "opacity" } local styles = { "year", "month", "yearheader", "monthheader", "header", "weekday", "weeknumber", "normal", "focus" } --- The generic calendar style table. -- -- Each table property can also be defined by `beautiful.calendar_[flag]_[property]=val`. -- @beautiful beautiful.calendar_style -- @tparam cell_properties table Table of cell style properties --- Cell properties. -- @field markup Markup function or format string -- @field fg_color Text foreground color -- @field bg_color Text background color -- @field shape Cell shape -- @field padding Cell padding -- @field border_width Calendar border width -- @field border_color Calendar border color -- @field opacity Cell opacity -- @table cell_properties --- Cell types (flags). -- @field year Year calendar grid properties table -- @field month Month calendar grid properties table -- @field yearheader Year header cell properties table -- @field header Month header cell properties table (called `monthheader` for a year calendar) -- @field weekday Weekday cell properties table -- @field weeknumber Weeknumber cell properties table -- @field normal Normal day cell properties table -- @field focus Current day cell properties table -- @table cell_flags --- Create a container for the grid layout -- @tparam table tprops Table of calendar container properties. -- @treturn function Embedding function widget,flag,date -> widget local function embed(tprops) local function fn (widget, flag, _) if flag == "monthheader" and not tprops.monthheader then flag = "header" end local props = tprops[flag] -- Markup if flag ~= "year" and flag ~= "month" then local markup = widget:get_text() local m = props.markup if type(m) == "function" then markup = m(markup) elseif type(m) == "string" and string.find(m, "%s", 1, true) then markup = string.format(m, markup) end widget:set_markup(markup) end local out = base.make_widget_declarative { { widget, margins = props.padding + props.border_width, widget = wibox.container.margin }, shape = props.shape or gears.shape.rectangle, border_color = props.border_color, border_width = props.border_width, fg = props.fg_color, bg = props.bg_color, opacity = props.opacity, widget = wibox.container.background } return out end return fn end --- Parse the properties of the cell type and set default values -- @tparam string cell The cell type -- @tparam table args Table of properties to enforce -- @treturn table The properties table local function parse_cell_options(cell, args) args = args or {} local props = {} local bl_style = beautiful.calendar_style or {} for _, prop in ipairs(properties) do local default if prop == 'fg_color' then default = cell == "focus" and beautiful.fg_focus or beautiful.fg_normal elseif prop == 'bg_color' then default = cell == "focus" and beautiful.bg_focus or beautiful.bg_normal elseif prop == 'padding' then default = 2 elseif prop == 'opacity' then default = 1 elseif prop == 'shape' then default = nil elseif prop == 'border_width' then default = beautiful.border_width or 0 elseif prop == 'border_color' then default = beautiful.border_color_normal or beautiful.fg_normal end -- Get default props[prop] = args[prop] or beautiful["calendar_" .. cell .. "_" .. prop] or bl_style[prop] or default end if cell == "focus" and props.markup == nil then local fg = props.fg_color and string.format('foreground="%s"', props.fg_color) or "" local bg = props.bg_color and string.format('background="%s"', props.bg_color) or "" props.markup = string.format( '%s', fg, bg, "%s" ) end return props end --- Parse the properties -- @tparam table args Table of properties -- @treturn table The properties table local function parse_all_options(args) args = args or {} local props = {} for _, cell in pairs(styles) do if cell~="monthheader" or args.style_monthheader then props[cell] = parse_cell_options(cell, args["style_" .. cell]) end end return props end --- Make the geometry of a wibox -- @tparam widget widget Calendar widget -- @tparam object screen Screen where to display the calendar (default to focused) -- @tparam string position Two characters position of the calendar (default "cc") -- @treturn number,number,number,number Geometry of the calendar, list of x, y, width, height local function get_geometry(widget, screen, position) local pos = position or "cc" local s = screen or ascreen.focused() local margin = widget._calendar_margin or 0 local wa = s.workarea local width, height = widget:fit({screen=s, dpi=s.dpi}, wa.width, wa.height) width = width < wa.width and width or wa.width height = height < wa.height and height or wa.height -- Set to position: pos = tl, tc, tr -- cl, cc, cr -- bl, bc, br local x,y if pos:sub(1,1) == "t" then y = wa.y + margin elseif pos:sub(1,1) == "b" then y = wa.y + wa.height - (height + margin) else --if pos:sub(1,1) == "c" then y = wa.y + math.floor((wa.height - height) / 2) end if pos:sub(2,2) == "l" then x = wa.x + margin elseif pos:sub(2,2) == "r" then x = wa.x + wa.width - (width + margin) else --if pos:sub(2,2) == "c" then x = wa.x + math.floor((wa.width - width) / 2) end return {x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height} end --- Call the calendar with offset -- @tparam number offset Offset with respect to current month or year -- @tparam string position Two-character position of the calendar in the screen -- @tparam screen screen Screen where to display the calendar -- @treturn wibox The wibox calendar -- @method call_calendar function calendar_popup:call_calendar(offset, position, screen) local inc_offset = offset or 0 local pos = position or self.position local s = screen or self.screen or ascreen.focused() self.position = pos -- remember last position when changing offset self.offset = inc_offset ~= 0 and self.offset + inc_offset or 0 local widget = self:get_widget() local raw_date = os.date("*t") local date = {day=raw_date.day, month=raw_date.month, year=raw_date.year} if widget._private.type == "month" and self.offset ~= 0 then local month_offset = (raw_date.month + self.offset - 1) % 12 + 1 local year_offset = raw_date.year + math.floor((raw_date.month + self.offset - 1) / 12) date = {month=month_offset, year=year_offset } elseif widget._private.type == "year" then date = {year=raw_date.year + self.offset} end -- set date and screen before updating geometry widget:set_date(date) self:set_screen(s) -- update geometry (depends on date and screen) self:geometry(get_geometry(widget, s, pos)) return self end --- Toggle calendar visibility. -- @method toggle function calendar_popup:toggle() self:call_calendar(0) self.visible = not self.visible end --- Attach the calendar to a widget to display at a specific position. -- -- local mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock() -- local month_calendar = awful.widget.calendar_popup.month() -- month_calendar:attach(mytextclock, 'tr') -- -- @param widget Widget to attach the calendar -- @tparam[opt="tr"] string position Two characters string defining the position on the screen -- @tparam[opt={}] table args Additional options -- @tparam[opt=true] bool args.on_hover Show popup during mouse hover -- @treturn wibox The wibox calendar -- @method attach function calendar_popup:attach(widget, position, args) position = position or "tr" args = args or {} if args.on_hover == nil then args.on_hover=true end widget.buttons = { abutton({ }, 1, function () if not self.visible or self._calendar_clicked_on then self:call_calendar(0, position) self.visible = not self.visible end self._calendar_clicked_on = self.visible end), abutton({ }, 4, function () self:call_calendar(-1) end), abutton({ }, 5, function () self:call_calendar( 1) end) } if args.on_hover then widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function () if not self._calendar_clicked_on then self:call_calendar(0, position) self.visible = true end end) widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function () if not self._calendar_clicked_on then self.visible = false end end) end return self end --- Return a new calendar wibox by type. -- -- A calendar widget displaying a `month` or a `year` -- @tparam string caltype Type of calendar `month` or `year` -- @tparam table args Properties of the widget -- @tparam string args.position Two-character position of the calendar in the screen -- @tparam screen args.screen Screen where to display the calendar -- @tparam number args.opacity Wibox opacity -- @tparam string args.bg Wibox background color -- @tparam string args.font Calendar font -- @tparam number args.spacing Calendar spacing -- @tparam number args.margin Margin around calendar widget -- @tparam boolean args.week_numbers Show weeknumbers -- @tparam boolean args.start_sunday Start week on Sunday -- @tparam boolean args.long_weekdays Format the weekdays with three characters instead of two -- @tparam table args.style_year Container style for the year calendar (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_month Container style for the month calendar (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_yearheader Cell style for the year calendar header (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_header Cell style for the month calendar header (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_weekday Cell style for the weekday cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_weeknumber Cell style for the weeknumber cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_normal Cell style for the normal day cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_focus Cell style for the current day cell (see `cell_properties`) -- @treturn wibox A wibox containing the calendar local function get_cal_wibox(caltype, args) args = args or {} local ret = wibox{ ontop = true, opacity = args.opacity or 1, bg = args.bg or gears.color.transparent } gears.table.crush(ret, calendar_popup, false) ret.offset = 0 ret.position = args.position or "cc" ret.screen = args.screen local widget = wibox.widget { font = args.font or beautiful.font, spacing = args.spacing, week_numbers = args.week_numbers, start_sunday = args.start_sunday, long_weekdays = args.long_weekdays, fn_embed = embed(parse_all_options(args)), _calendar_margin = args.margin, widget = caltype == "year" and wibox.widget.calendar.year or wibox.widget.calendar.month } ret:set_widget(widget) ret.buttons = { abutton({ }, 1, function () ret.visible=false ret._calendar_clicked_on=false end), abutton({ }, 3, function () ret.visible=false ret._calendar_clicked_on=false end), abutton({ }, 4, function () ret:call_calendar(-1) end), abutton({ }, 5, function () ret:call_calendar( 1) end) } return ret end --- A month calendar wibox. -- -- It is highly customizable using the same options as for the widgets. -- The options are set once and for all at creation, though. -- --@DOC_wibox_awidget_calendar_month_wibox_EXAMPLE@ -- -- local mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock() -- local month_calendar = awful.widget.calendar_popup.month() -- month_calendar:attach( mytextclock, "tr" ) -- -- @tparam table args Properties of the widget -- @tparam string args.position Two-character position of the calendar in the screen -- @tparam screen args.screen Screen where to display the calendar -- @tparam number args.opacity Wibox opacity -- @tparam string args.bg Wibox background color -- @tparam string args.font Calendar font -- @tparam number args.spacing Calendar spacing -- @tparam number args.margin Margin around calendar widget -- @tparam boolean args.week_numbers Show weeknumbers -- @tparam boolean args.start_sunday Start week on Sunday -- @tparam boolean args.long_weekdays Format the weekdays with three characters instead of two -- @tparam table args.style_month Container style for the month calendar (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_header Cell style for the month calendar header (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_weekday Cell style for the weekday cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_weeknumber Cell style for the weeknumber cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_normal Cell style for the normal day cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_focus Cell style for the current day cell (see `cell_properties`) -- @treturn wibox A wibox containing the calendar -- @constructorfct awful.widget.calendar_popup.month function calendar_popup.month(args) return get_cal_wibox("month", args) end --- A year calendar wibox. -- -- It is highly customizable using the same options as for the widgets. -- The options are set once and for all at creation, though. -- --@DOC_wibox_awidget_calendar_year_wibox_EXAMPLE@ -- -- globalkeys = gears.table.join(globalkeys, awful.key( -- { modkey, "Control" }, "c", function () year_calendar:toggle() end)) -- -- @tparam table args Properties of the widget -- @tparam string args.position Two-character position of the calendar in the screen -- @tparam screen args.screen Screen where to display the calendar -- @tparam number args.opacity Wibox opacity -- @tparam string args.bg Wibox background color -- @tparam string args.font Calendar font -- @tparam number args.spacing Calendar spacing -- @tparam number args.margin Margin around calendar widget -- @tparam boolean args.week_numbers Show weeknumbers -- @tparam boolean args.start_sunday Start week on Sunday -- @tparam boolean args.long_weekdays Format the weekdays with three characters instead of two -- @tparam table args.style_year Container style for the year calendar (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_month Container style for the month calendar (see `cell_properties`). -- This field can also be called `style_monthheader`. -- @tparam table args.style_yearheader Cell style for the year calendar header (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_header Cell style for the month calendar header (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_weekday Cell style for the weekday cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_weeknumber Cell style for the weeknumber cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_normal Cell style for the normal day cells (see `cell_properties`) -- @tparam table args.style_focus Cell style for the current day cell (see `cell_properties`) -- @treturn wibox A wibox containing the calendar -- @constructorfct awful.widget.calendar_popup.year function calendar_popup.year(args) return get_cal_wibox("year", args) end return setmetatable(calendar_popup, calendar_popup.mt) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80