--- Tests for drawing geometry local runner = require( "_runner" ) local awful = require( "awful" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local w = nil local w1_draw, w2_draw -- Disable automatic placement awful.rules.rules = { { rule = { }, properties = { border_width = 0, size_hints_honor = false, x = 0, y = 0, width = 100, height = 100, border_color = beautiful.border_normal } } } local steps = { function() if #client.get() == 0 then return true end for _,c in ipairs(client.get()) do c:kill() end end, -- border_color should get applied via focus signal for first client on tag. function(count) if count == 1 then awful.spawn("xterm") else local c = client.get()[1] if c then assert(c.size_hints_honor == false ) assert(c.border_width == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().x == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().y == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().height == 100 ) assert(c:geometry().width == 100 ) c:kill() return true end end end, function() awful.rules.rules = { -- All clients will match this rule. { rule = { },properties = { titlebars_enabled = true, border_width = 10, border_color = "#00ff00", size_hints_honor = false, x = 0, y = 0, width = 100, height = 100 }} } -- Wait for the previous c:kill() to be done if #client.get() == 0 then return true end end, function(count) if count == 1 then awful.spawn("xterm") else local c = client.get()[1] if c then assert(c.border_width == 10 ) assert(c:geometry().x == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().y == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().height == 100 ) assert(c:geometry().width == 100 ) c.border_width = 20 return true end end end, function() local c = client.get()[1] assert(c.border_width == 20 ) assert(c:geometry().x == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().y == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().height == 100 ) assert(c:geometry().width == 100 ) c.border_width = 0 return true end, function() local c = client.get()[1] assert(not pcall(function() c.border_width = -2000 end)) assert(c.border_width==0) c.border_width = 125 return true end, function() local c = client.get()[1] assert(c.border_width == 125 ) assert(c:geometry().x == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().y == 0 ) assert(c:geometry().height == 100 ) assert(c:geometry().width == 100 ) -- So it doesn't hide the other tests c:kill() return true end, function() w = wibox { ontop = true, border_width = 20, x = 100, y = 100, width = 100, height = 100, visible = true, } assert(w) assert(w.border_width == 20 ) assert(w.width == 100 ) assert(w.height == 100 ) assert(w.x == 100 ) assert(w.y == 100 ) w:setup { fit = function(_, _, _, height) return height, height -- A square taking the full height end, draw = function(_, _, cr, width, height) assert(width == 100) assert(height == 100) w1_draw = true cr:set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0) -- Red cr:arc(height/2, height/2, height/2, 0, math.pi*2) cr:fill() end, layout = wibox.widget.base.make_widget, } return true end, function() w.border_width = 0 assert(w1_draw) return true end, function() assert(w.border_width == 0 ) assert(w.width == 100 ) assert(w.height == 100 ) assert(w.x == 100 ) assert(w.y == 100 ) w:setup { fit = function(_, _, _, height) return height, height -- A square taking the full height end, draw = function(_, _, cr, width, height) assert(width == 100) assert(height == 100) w2_draw = true cr:set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0) -- Red cr:arc(height/2, height/2, height/2, 0, math.pi*2) cr:fill() end, layout = wibox.widget.base.make_widget, } w.visible = false return true end, function() -- Remove the widget before the size change to avoid the asserts w:setup { fit = function(_, _, _, height) return height, height -- A square taking the full height end, draw = function(_, _, cr, _, height) cr:set_source_rgb(1, 0, 1) -- Purple cr:arc(height/2, height/2, height/2, 0, math.pi*2) cr:fill() end, layout = wibox.widget.base.make_widget, } w.visible = true assert(w2_draw) assert(w.border_width == 0 ) assert(w.width == 100 ) assert(w.height == 100 ) assert(w.x == 100 ) assert(w.y == 100 ) w.border_width = 5 w:geometry { x = 200, y = 200, width = 200, height = 200, } return true end, function() assert(w.border_width == 5 ) assert(w.width == 200 ) assert(w.height == 200 ) assert(w.x == 200 ) assert(w.y == 200 ) return true end } runner.run_steps(steps) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80