--DOC_NO_USAGE --DOC_GEN_IMAGE local awful = { wallpaper = require("awful.wallpaper") } --DOC_HIDE local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE local gears = {color = require("gears.color") } --DOC_HIDE screen[1]._resize {x = 0, y = 0, width = 320, height = 196} --DOC_HIDE awful.wallpaper { screen = screen[1], --DOC_HIDE widget = wibox.widget { fit = function(_, width, height) return width, height end, draw = function(_, _, cr, width, height) cr:set_source(gears.color { type = 'linear', from = { 0, 0 }, to = { 0, height }, stops = { { 0 , '#030d27' }, { 0.75, '#3a183f' }, { 0.75, '#000000' }, { 1 , '#222222' } } }) cr:paint() -- Clip the first 33% of the screen cr:rectangle(0,0, width, height/3) --DOC_NEWLINE -- Clip-out some increasingly large sections of add the sun "bars" for i=0, 6 do cr:rectangle(0, height*.28 + i*(height*.055 + i/2), width, height*.055) end cr:clip() --DOC_NEWLINE -- Draw the sun cr:set_source(gears.color { type = 'linear' , from = { 0, 0 }, to = { 0, height }, stops = { { 0, '#f0d64f' }, { 1, '#e484c6' } } }) cr:arc(width/2, height/2, height*.35, 0, math.pi*2) cr:fill() --DOC_NEWLINE -- Draw the grid local lines = width/8 cr:reset_clip() cr:set_line_width(0.5) cr:set_source(gears.color("#8922a3")) --DOC_NEWLINE for i=1, lines do cr:move_to((-width) + i* math.sin(i * (math.pi/(lines*2)))*30, height) cr:line_to(width/4 + i*((width/2)/lines), height*0.75 + 2) cr:stroke() end --DOC_NEWLINE for i=1, 5 do cr:move_to(0, height*0.75 + i*10 + i*2) cr:line_to(width, height*0.75 + i*10 + i*2) cr:stroke() end end, } } require("gears.timer").run_delayed_calls_now() --DOC_HIDE