--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A container capable of changing the background color, foreground color and -- widget shape. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_defaults_background_EXAMPLE@ -- @author Uli Schlachter -- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter -- @containermod wibox.container.background -- @supermodule wibox.widget.base --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = require("wibox.widget.base") local color = require("gears.color") local surface = require("gears.surface") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local gtable = require("gears.table") local gshape = require("gears.shape") local gdebug = require("gears.debug") local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1) local background = { mt = {} } -- If a background is resized with the mouse, it might create a large -- number of scaled texture. After the cache grows beyond this number, it -- is purged. local MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 10 local global_scaled_pattern_cache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}) local function clone_stops(input, output) local err, count = input:get_color_stop_count() if err ~= "SUCCESS" then return end for idx = 0, count-1 do local _, off, r, g, b, a = input:get_color_stop_rgba(idx) output:add_color_stop_rgba(off, r, g, b, a) end end local function stretch_lineal_gradient(input, width, height) -- First, get the original values. local err, x0, y0, x1, y1 = input:get_linear_points() if err ~= "SUCCESS" then return input end local new_x0, new_y0 = x1 == 0 and 0 or ((x0/x1)*width), y1 == 0 and 0 or ((y0/y1)*height) local output = cairo.Pattern.create_linear(new_x0, new_y0, width, height) clone_stops(input, output) return output end local function stretch_radial_gradient(input, width, height) local err, cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1 = input:get_radial_circles() if err ~= "SUCCESS" then return input end -- Create a box for the original gradient, starting at 0x0. local x1 = math.max(cx0 + radius0, cx1 + radius1) local y1 = math.max(cy0 + radius0, cy1 + radius1) -- Now scale this box to `width`x`height` local x_factor, y_factor = width/x1, height/y1 local rad_factor = math.sqrt(width^2 + height^2) / math.sqrt(x1^1+y1^2) local output = cairo.Pattern.create_radial( cx0*x_factor, cy0*y_factor, radius0*rad_factor, cx1*x_factor, cx1*y_factor, radius1*rad_factor ) clone_stops(input, output) return output end local function get_pattern_size(pat) local t = pat.type if t == "LINEAR" then local _, _, _, x1, y1 = pat:get_linear_points() return x1, y1 elseif t == "RADIAL" then local _, _, _, cx1, cy1, _ = pat:get_radial_circles() return cx1, cy1 end end local function stretch_common(self, width, height) if (not self._private.background) and (not self._private.bgimage) then return end if not (self._private.stretch_horizontally or self._private.stretch_vertically) then return self._private.background, self._private.bgimage end local old = self._private.background local size_w, size_h = get_pattern_size(old) -- Note that technically, we could handle cairo.SurfacePattern and -- cairo.RasterSourcePattern. However, this might create some surprising -- results. For example switching to a different theme which uses tiled -- pattern would change the "meaning" of this property. if not size_w then return end -- Don't try to resize zero-sized patterns. They are used for -- generic liear gradient means "there is no gradient in this axis" if self._private.stretch_vertically and size_h ~= 0 then size_h = height end if self._private.stretch_horizontally and size_w ~= 0 then size_w = width end local hash = size_w.."x"..size_h if self._private.scale_cache[hash] then return self._private.scale_cache[hash] end if global_scaled_pattern_cache[old] and global_scaled_pattern_cache[old][hash] then -- Don't bother clearing the cache, if the pattern is already cached -- elsewhere, it will remain in memory anyway. self._private.scale_cache[hash] = global_scaled_pattern_cache[old][hash] self._private.scale_cache_size = self._private.scale_cache_size + 1 end local t, new = old.type if t == "LINEAR" then new = stretch_lineal_gradient(old, size_w, size_h) elseif t == "RADIAL" then new = stretch_radial_gradient(old, size_w, size_h) end global_scaled_pattern_cache[old] = global_scaled_pattern_cache[old] or setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"}) global_scaled_pattern_cache[old][hash] = new -- Prevent the memory leak. if self._private.scale_cache_size > MAX_CACHE_SIZE then self._private.scale_cache_size = 0 self._private.scale_cache = {} end self._private.scale_cache[hash] = new self._private.scale_cache_size = self._private.scale_cache_size + 1 return new, self._private.bgimage end -- The Cairo SVG backend doesn't support surface as patterns correctly. -- The result is both glitchy and blocky. It is also impossible to introspect. -- Calling this function replace the normal code path is a "less correct", but -- more widely compatible version. function background._use_fallback_algorithm() background.before_draw_children = function(self, _, cr, width, height) local bw = self._private.shape_border_width or 0 local shape = self._private.shape or gshape.rectangle if bw > 0 then cr:translate(bw, bw) width, height = width - 2*bw, height - 2*bw end shape(cr, width, height) local bg = stretch_common(self, width, height) if bg then cr:save() --Save to avoid messing with the original source cr:set_source(bg) cr:fill_preserve() cr:restore() end cr:translate(-bw, -bw) cr:clip() if self._private.foreground then cr:set_source(self._private.foreground) end end background.after_draw_children = function(self, _, cr, width, height) local bw = self._private.shape_border_width or 0 local shape = self._private.shape or gshape.rectangle if bw > 0 then cr:save() cr:reset_clip() local mat = cr:get_matrix() -- Prevent the inner part of the border from being written. local mask = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.Content.COLOR_ALPHA, cairo.Rectangle { x = 0, y = 0, width = mat.x0 + width, height = mat.y0 + height }) local mask_cr = cairo.Context(mask) mask_cr:set_matrix(mat) -- Clear the surface. mask_cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) mask_cr:set_source_rgba(0, 1, 0, 0) mask_cr:paint() -- Paint the inner and outer borders. mask_cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) mask_cr:translate(bw, bw) mask_cr:set_source_rgba(1, 0, 0, 1) mask_cr:set_line_width(2*bw) shape(mask_cr, width - 2*bw, height - 2*bw) mask_cr:stroke_preserve() -- Remove the inner part. mask_cr:set_source_rgba(0, 1, 0, 0) mask_cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) mask_cr:fill() mask:flush() cr:set_source(color(self._private.shape_border_color or self._private.foreground or beautiful.fg_normal)) cr:mask_surface(mask, 0,0) cr:restore() end end end -- Make sure a surface pattern is freed *now* local function dispose_pattern(pattern) local status, s = pattern:get_surface() if status == "SUCCESS" then s:finish() end end -- Prepare drawing the children of this widget function background:before_draw_children(context, cr, width, height) local bw = self._private.shape_border_width or 0 local shape = self._private.shape or (bw > 0 and gshape.rectangle or nil) -- Redirect drawing to a temporary surface if there is a shape if shape then cr:push_group_with_content(cairo.Content.COLOR_ALPHA) end local bg, bgimage = stretch_common(self, width, height) -- Draw the background if bg then cr:save() cr:set_source(bg) cr:rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr:fill() cr:restore() end if bgimage then cr:save() if type(self._private.bgimage) == "function" then self._private.bgimage(context, cr, width, height,unpack(self._private.bgimage_args)) else local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(self._private.bgimage) cr:set_source(pattern) cr:rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr:fill() end cr:restore() end if self._private.foreground then cr:set_source(self._private.foreground) end end -- Draw the border function background:after_draw_children(_, cr, width, height) local bw = self._private.shape_border_width or 0 local shape = self._private.shape or (bw > 0 and gshape.rectangle or nil) if not shape then return end -- Okay, there is a shape. Get it as a path. cr:translate(bw, bw) shape(cr, width - 2*bw, height - 2*bw, unpack(self._private.shape_args or {})) cr:translate(-bw, -bw) if bw > 0 then -- Now we need to do a border, somehow. We begin with another -- temporary surface. cr:push_group_with_content(cairo.Content.ALPHA) -- Mark everything as "this is border" cr:set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) cr:paint() -- Now remove the inside of the shape to get just the border cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) cr:set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) cr:fill_preserve() local mask = cr:pop_group() -- Now actually draw the border via the mask we just created. cr:set_source(color(self._private.shape_border_color or self._private.foreground or beautiful.fg_normal)) cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) cr:mask(mask) dispose_pattern(mask) end -- We now have the right content in a temporary surface. Copy it to the -- target surface. For this, we need another mask cr:push_group_with_content(cairo.Content.ALPHA) -- Draw the border with 2 * border width (this draws both -- inside and outside, only half of it is outside) cr.line_width = 2 * bw cr:set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) cr:stroke_preserve() -- Now fill the whole inside so that it is also include in the mask cr:fill() local mask = cr:pop_group() local source = cr:pop_group() -- This pops what was pushed in before_draw_children -- This now draws the content of the background widget to the actual -- target, but only the part that is inside the mask cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.OVER) cr:set_source(source) cr:mask(mask) dispose_pattern(mask) dispose_pattern(source) end -- Layout this widget function background:layout(_, width, height) if self._private.widget then local bw = self._private.border_strategy == "inner" and self._private.shape_border_width or 0 return { base.place_widget_at( self._private.widget, bw, bw, width-2*bw, height-2*bw ) } end end -- Fit this widget into the given area function background:fit(context, width, height) if not self._private.widget then return 0, 0 end local bw = self._private.border_strategy == "inner" and self._private.shape_border_width or 0 local w, h = base.fit_widget( self, context, self._private.widget, width - 2*bw, height - 2*bw ) return w+2*bw, h+2*bw end --- The widget displayed in the background widget. -- @property widget -- @tparam[opt=nil] widget|nil widget The widget to be disaplayed inside of -- the background area. -- @interface container background.set_widget = base.set_widget_common function background:get_widget() return self._private.widget end function background:get_children() return {self._private.widget} end function background:set_children(children) self:set_widget(children[1]) end --- Stretch the background gradient horizontally. -- -- This only works for linear or radial gradients. It does nothing -- for solid colors, `bgimage` or raster patterns. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_stretch_horizontally_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property stretch_horizontally -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean stretch_horizontally -- @propemits true false -- @see stretch_vertically -- @see bg -- @see gears.color --- Stretch the background gradient vertically. -- -- This only works for linear or radial gradients. It does nothing -- for solid colors, `bgimage` or raster patterns. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_stretch_vertically_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property stretch_vertically -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean stretch_vertically -- @propemits true false -- @see stretch_horizontally -- @see bg -- @see gears.color for _, orientation in ipairs {"horizontally", "vertically"} do background["set_stretch_"..orientation] = function(self, value) self._private["stretch_"..orientation] = value self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::stretch_"..orientation, value) end end --- The background color/pattern/gradient to use. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_bg_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property bg -- @tparam color bg -- @propertydefault When unspecified, it will inherit the value from an higher -- level `wibox.container.background` or directly from the `wibox.bg` property. -- @see gears.color -- @propemits true false function background:set_bg(bg) if bg then self._private.background = color(bg) else self._private.background = nil end self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::bg", bg) end function background:get_bg() return self._private.background end --- The foreground (text) color/pattern/gradient to use. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_fg_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property fg -- @tparam color fg A color string, pattern or gradient -- @propertydefault When unspecified, it will inherit the value from an higher -- level `wibox.container.background` or directly from the `wibox.fg` property. -- @propemits true false -- @see gears.color function background:set_fg(fg) if fg then self._private.foreground = color(fg) else self._private.foreground = nil end self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::fg", fg) end function background:get_fg() return self._private.foreground end --- The background shape. -- -- Use `set_shape` to set additional shape paramaters. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_shape_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property shape -- @tparam[opt=gears.shape.rectangle] shape shape -- @see gears.shape -- @see set_shape --- Set the background shape. -- -- Any other arguments will be passed to the shape function. -- -- @method set_shape -- @tparam gears.shape|function shape A function taking a context, width and height as arguments -- @noreturn -- @propemits true false -- @see gears.shape -- @see shape function background:set_shape(shape, ...) local args = {...} if shape == self._private.shape and #args == 0 then return end self._private.shape = shape self._private.shape_args = {...} self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::shape", shape) end function background:get_shape() return self._private.shape end --- When a `shape` is set, also draw a border. -- -- See `wibox.container.background.shape` for an usage example. -- -- @deprecatedproperty shape_border_width -- @tparam number width The border width -- @renamedin 4.4 border_width -- @see border_width --- Add a border of a specific width. -- -- If the shape is set, the border will also be shaped. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_border_width_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property border_width -- @tparam[opt=0] number border_width -- @propertyunit pixel -- @negativeallowed false -- @propemits true false -- @introducedin 4.4 -- @see border_color function background:set_border_width(width) if self._private.shape_border_width == width then return end self._private.shape_border_width = width self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::border_width", width) end function background:get_border_width() return self._private.shape_border_width end function background.get_shape_border_width(...) gdebug.deprecate("Use `border_width` instead of `shape_border_width`", {deprecated_in=5}) return background.get_border_width(...) end function background.set_shape_border_width(...) gdebug.deprecate("Use `border_width` instead of `shape_border_width`", {deprecated_in=5}) background.set_border_width(...) end --- When a `shape` is set, also draw a border. -- -- See `wibox.container.background.shape` for an usage example. -- -- @deprecatedproperty shape_border_color -- @usebeautiful beautiful.fg_normal Fallback when 'fg' and `border_color` aren't set. -- @tparam color fg The border color, pattern or gradient -- @renamedin 4.4 border_color -- @see gears.color -- @see border_color --- Set the color for the border. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_border_color_EXAMPLE@ -- -- See `wibox.container.background.shape` for an usage example. -- @property border_color -- @tparam color border_color -- @propertydefault `wibox.container.background.fg` if set, otherwise `beautiful.fg_normal`. -- @propemits true false -- @usebeautiful beautiful.fg_normal Fallback when 'fg' and `border_color` aren't set. -- @introducedin 4.4 -- @see gears.color -- @see border_width function background:set_border_color(fg) if self._private.shape_border_color == fg then return end self._private.shape_border_color = fg self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::border_color", fg) end function background:get_border_color() return self._private.shape_border_color end function background.get_shape_border_color(...) gdebug.deprecate("Use `border_color` instead of `shape_border_color`", {deprecated_in=5}) return background.get_border_color(...) end function background.set_shape_border_color(...) gdebug.deprecate("Use `border_color` instead of `shape_border_color`", {deprecated_in=5}) background.set_border_color(...) end function background:set_shape_clip(value) if value then return end require("gears.debug").print_warning("shape_clip property of background container was removed." .. " Use wibox.layout.stack instead if you want shape_clip=false.") end function background:get_shape_clip() require("gears.debug").print_warning("shape_clip property of background container was removed." .. " Use wibox.layout.stack instead if you want shape_clip=false.") return true end --- How the border width affects the contained widget. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_background_border_strategy_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property border_strategy -- @tparam[opt="none"] string border_strategy -- @propertyvalue "none" Just apply the border, do not affect the content size (default). -- @propertyvalue "inner" Squeeze the size of the content by the border width. -- @propemits true false function background:set_border_strategy(value) self._private.border_strategy = value self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") self:emit_signal("property::border_strategy", value) end --- The background image to use. -- -- This property is deprecated. The `wibox.container.border` provides a much -- more fine-grained support for background images. It is now out of the -- `wibox.container.background` scope. `wibox.layout.stack` can also be used -- to overlay a widget on top of a `wibox.widget.imagebox`. This solution -- exposes all availible imagebox properties. Finally, if you wish to use the -- `function` callback support, implement the `before_draw_children` method -- on any widget. This gives you the same level of control without all the -- `bgimage` corner cases. -- -- If `image` is a function, it will be called with `(context, cr, width, height)` -- as arguments. Any other arguments passed to this method will be appended. -- -- @deprecatedproperty bgimage -- @tparam string|surface|function bgimage A background image or a function. -- @see gears.surface -- @see wibox.container.border -- @see wibox.widget.imagebox -- @see wibox.layout.stack function background:set_bgimage(image, ...) self._private.bgimage = type(image) == "function" and image or surface.load(image) self._private.bgimage_args = {...} self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::bgimage", image) end function background:get_bgimage() return self._private.bgimage end --- Returns a new background container. -- -- A background container applies a background and foreground color -- to another widget. -- -- @tparam[opt] widget widget The widget to display. -- @tparam[opt] color bg The background to use for that widget. -- @tparam[opt] gears.shape|function shape A `gears.shape` compatible shape function -- @constructorfct wibox.container.background local function new(widget, bg, shape) local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, { enable_properties = true, }) gtable.crush(ret, background, true) ret._private.shape = shape ret._private.scale_cache = {} ret._private.scale_cache_size = 0 ret:set_widget(widget) ret:set_bg(bg) return ret end function background.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end return setmetatable(background, background.mt) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80