---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- A notification square icon widget. -- -- This widget is a specialized `wibox.widget.imagebox` with the following extra -- features: -- -- * Honor the `beautiful` notification variables. -- * Restrict the size avoid huge notifications -- * Provides some strategies to handle small icons -- * React to the `naughty.notification` object icon changes. -- --@DOC_wibox_nwidget_icon_simple_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com> -- @copyright 2017 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee -- @widgetmod naughty.widget.icon -- @supermodule wibox.widget.imagebox -- @see wibox.widget.imagebox ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local imagebox = require("wibox.widget.imagebox") local gtable = require("gears.table") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local gsurface = require("gears.surface") local dpi = require("beautiful.xresources").apply_dpi local icon = {} --- The default way to resize the icon. -- @beautiful beautiful.notification_icon_resize_strategy -- @param number function icon:fit(_, width, height) -- Until someone complains, adding a "leave blank space" isn't supported if not self._private.image then return 0, 0 end local maximum = math.min(width, height) local strategy = self._private.resize_strategy or "resize" local optimal = math.min( ( self._private.notification[1] and self._private.notification[1].icon_size ) or beautiful.notification_icon_size or dpi(48), maximum ) local w = self._private.image:get_width() local h = self._private.image:get_height() if strategy == "resize" then return math.min(w, optimal, maximum), math.min(h, optimal, maximum) else return optimal, optimal end end function icon:draw(_, cr, width, height) if not self._private.image then return end if width == 0 or height == 0 then return end -- Let's scale the image so that it fits into (width, height) local strategy = self._private.resize_strategy or "resize" local w = self._private.image:get_width() local h = self._private.image:get_height() local aspect = width / w local aspect_h = height / h if aspect > aspect_h then aspect = aspect_h end if aspect < 1 or (strategy == "scale" and (w < width or h < height)) then cr:scale(aspect, aspect) end local x, y = 0, 0 if (strategy == "center" and aspect < 1) or strategy == "resize" then x = math.floor((width - w*aspect) / 2) y = math.floor((height - h*aspect) / 2) elseif strategy == "center" and aspect > 1 then x = math.floor((width - w) / 2) y = math.floor((height - h) / 2) end cr:set_source_surface(self._private.image, x, y) cr:paint() end --- The attached notification. -- @property notification -- @tparam naughty.notification notification -- @propertydefault This is usually set in the construtor. -- @propemits true false function icon:set_notification(notif) local old = (self._private.notification or {})[1] if old == notif then return end if old then old:disconnect_signal("destroyed", self._private.icon_changed_callback) end local icn = gsurface.load_silently(notif.icon) if icn then self:set_image(icn) end self._private.notification = setmetatable({notif}, {__mode="v"}) notif:connect_signal("property::icon", self._private.icon_changed_callback) self:emit_signal("property::notification", notif) end local valid_strategies = { scale = true, center = true, resize = true, } --- How small icons are handled. -- -- Note that the size upper bound is defined by -- `beautiful.notification_icon_size`. -- --@DOC_wibox_nwidget_icon_strategy_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @property resize_strategy -- @tparam string resize_strategy -- @propemits true false -- @propertyvalue "scale" Scale the icon up to the optimal size. -- @propertyvalue "center" Keep the icon size and draw it in the center -- @propertyvalue "resize" Change the size of the widget itself (*default*). -- @usebeautiful beautiful.notification_icon_resize_strategy The fallback when -- there is no specified strategy. -- @usebeautiful beautiful.notification_icon_size The size upper bound. --- The default notification icon size. -- @beautiful beautiful.notification_icon_size -- @tparam number notification_icon_size The size (in pixels). function icon:set_resize_strategy(strategy) assert(valid_strategies[strategy], "Invalid strategy") self._private.resize_strategy = strategy self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::resize_strategy", strategy) end function icon:get_resize_strategy() return self._private.resize_strategy or beautiful.notification_icon_resize_strategy or "resize" end --- Create a new naughty.widget.icon. -- @tparam table args -- @tparam naughty.notification args.notification The notification. -- @constructorfct naughty.widget.icon local function new(args) args = args or {} local tb = imagebox() gtable.crush(tb, icon, true) tb._private.notification = {} function tb._private.icon_changed_callback() local n = tb._private.notification[1] if not n then return end local icn = gsurface.load_silently(n.icon) if icn then tb:set_image(icn) end end if args.notification then tb:set_notification(args.notification) end return tb end --@DOC_object_COMMON@ return setmetatable(icon, {__call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end})