/* * root.c - root window management * * Copyright © 2008-2009 Julien Danjou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ /** awesome root window API * @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> * @copyright 2008-2009 Julien Danjou * @release @AWESOME_VERSION@ * @module root */ #include "globalconf.h" #include "common/atoms.h" #include "common/xcursor.h" #include "objects/button.h" #include "xwindow.h" #include #include #include static void root_set_wallpaper_pixmap(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_pixmap_t p) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t prop_c; xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop_r; const xcb_screen_t *screen = globalconf.screen; /* We now have the pattern painted to the pixmap p. Now turn p into the root * window's background pixmap. */ xcb_change_window_attributes(c, screen->root, XCB_CW_BACK_PIXMAP, &p); xcb_clear_area(c, 0, screen->root, 0, 0, 0, 0); prop_c = xcb_get_property_unchecked(c, false, screen->root, ESETROOT_PMAP_ID, XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP, 0, 1); /* Theoretically, this should be enough to set the wallpaper. However, to * make pseudo-transparency work, clients need a way to get the wallpaper. * You can't query a window's back pixmap, so properties are (ab)used. */ xcb_change_property(c, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, screen->root, _XROOTPMAP_ID, XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP, 32, 1, &p); xcb_change_property(c, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, screen->root, ESETROOT_PMAP_ID, XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP, 32, 1, &p); /* Now make sure that the old wallpaper is freed (but only do this for ESETROOT_PMAP_ID) */ prop_r = xcb_get_property_reply(c, prop_c, NULL); if (prop_r && prop_r->value_len) { xcb_pixmap_t *rootpix = xcb_get_property_value(prop_r); if (rootpix) xcb_kill_client(c, *rootpix); } p_delete(&prop_r); } static bool root_set_wallpaper(cairo_pattern_t *pattern) { xcb_connection_t *c = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); xcb_pixmap_t p = xcb_generate_id(c); /* globalconf.connection should be connected to the same X11 server, so we * can just use the info from that other connection. */ const xcb_screen_t *screen = globalconf.screen; uint16_t width = screen->width_in_pixels; uint16_t height = screen->height_in_pixels; bool result = false; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; if (xcb_connection_has_error(c)) goto disconnect; /* Create a pixmap and make sure it is already created, because we are going * to use it from the other X11 connection (Juggling with X11 connections * is a really, really bad idea). */ xcb_create_pixmap(c, screen->root_depth, p, screen->root, width, height); xcb_aux_sync(c); /* Now paint to the picture from the main connection so that cairo sees that * it can tell the X server to copy between the (possible) old pixmap and * the new one directly and doesn't need GetImage and PutImage. */ surface = cairo_xcb_surface_create(globalconf.connection, p, draw_default_visual(screen), width, height); cr = cairo_create(surface); /* Paint the pattern to the surface */ cairo_set_source(cr, pattern); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_finish(surface); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); xcb_aux_sync(globalconf.connection); root_set_wallpaper_pixmap(c, p); /* Make sure our pixmap is not destroyed when we disconnect. */ xcb_set_close_down_mode(c, XCB_CLOSE_DOWN_RETAIN_PERMANENT); result = true; disconnect: xcb_flush(c); xcb_disconnect(c); return result; } void root_update_wallpaper(void) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t prop_c; xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop_r; xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t geom_c; xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geom_r; xcb_pixmap_t *rootpix; cairo_surface_destroy(globalconf.wallpaper); globalconf.wallpaper = NULL; prop_c = xcb_get_property_unchecked(globalconf.connection, false, globalconf.screen->root, _XROOTPMAP_ID, XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP, 0, 1); prop_r = xcb_get_property_reply(globalconf.connection, prop_c, NULL); if (!prop_r || !prop_r->value_len) { p_delete(&prop_r); return; } rootpix = xcb_get_property_value(prop_r); if (!rootpix) { p_delete(&prop_r); return; } geom_c = xcb_get_geometry_unchecked(globalconf.connection, *rootpix); geom_r = xcb_get_geometry_reply(globalconf.connection, geom_c, NULL); if (!geom_r) { p_delete(&prop_r); return; } /* Only the default visual makes sense, so just the default depth */ if (geom_r->depth != draw_visual_depth(globalconf.screen, globalconf.default_visual->visual_id)) warn("Got a pixmap with depth %d, but the default depth is %d, continuing anyway", geom_r->depth, draw_visual_depth(globalconf.screen, globalconf.default_visual->visual_id)); globalconf.wallpaper = cairo_xcb_surface_create(globalconf.connection, *rootpix, globalconf.default_visual, geom_r->width, geom_r->height); p_delete(&prop_r); p_delete(&geom_r); } static xcb_keycode_t _string_to_key_code(const char *s) { xcb_keysym_t keysym; xcb_keycode_t *keycodes; keysym = XStringToKeysym(s); keycodes = xcb_key_symbols_get_keycode(globalconf.keysyms, keysym); if(keycodes) { return keycodes[0]; /* XXX only returning the first is probably not * the best */ } else { return 0; } } /** Send fake events. Usually the currently focused client will get it. * * @param event_type The event type: key_press, key_release, button_press, * button_release or motion_notify. * @param detail The detail: in case of a key event, this is the keycode * to send, in case of a button event this is the number of the button. In * case of a motion event, this is a boolean value which if true makes the * coordinates relatives. * @param x In case of a motion event, this is the X coordinate. * @param y In case of a motion event, this is the Y coordinate. * @function fake_input */ static int luaA_root_fake_input(lua_State *L) { if(!globalconf.have_xtest) { luaA_warn(L, "XTest extension is not available, cannot fake input."); return 0; } const char *stype = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); uint8_t type, detail; int x = 0, y = 0; if (A_STREQ(stype, "key_press")) { type = XCB_KEY_PRESS; if(lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) { detail = _string_to_key_code(lua_tostring(L, 2)); /* keysym */ } else { detail = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); /* keycode */ } } else if(A_STREQ(stype, "key_release")) { type = XCB_KEY_RELEASE; if(lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) { detail = _string_to_key_code(lua_tostring(L, 2)); /* keysym */ } else { detail = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); /* keycode */ } } else if(A_STREQ(stype, "button_press")) { type = XCB_BUTTON_PRESS; detail = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); /* button number */ } else if(A_STREQ(stype, "button_release")) { type = XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE; detail = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); /* button number */ } else if(A_STREQ(stype, "motion_notify")) { type = XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY; detail = luaA_checkboolean(L, 2); /* relative to the current position or not */ x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3); y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4); } else return 0; xcb_test_fake_input(globalconf.connection, type, detail, XCB_CURRENT_TIME, XCB_NONE, x, y, 0); return 0; } /** Get or set global key bindings. * These bindings will be available when you press keys on the root window. * * @tparam table|nil keys_array An array of key binding objects, or nothing. * @return The array of key bindings objects of this client. * @function keys */ static int luaA_root_keys(lua_State *L) { if(lua_gettop(L) == 1) { luaA_checktable(L, 1); foreach(key, globalconf.keys) luaA_object_unref(L, *key); key_array_wipe(&globalconf.keys); key_array_init(&globalconf.keys); lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L, 1)) key_array_append(&globalconf.keys, luaA_object_ref_class(L, -1, &key_class)); xcb_screen_t *s = globalconf.screen; xwindow_grabkeys(s->root, &globalconf.keys); return 1; } lua_createtable(L, globalconf.keys.len, 0); for(int i = 0; i < globalconf.keys.len; i++) { luaA_object_push(L, globalconf.keys.tab[i]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } /** Get or set global mouse bindings. * This binding will be available when you click on the root window. * * @param button_table An array of mouse button bindings objects, or nothing. * @return The array of mouse button bindings objects. * @function buttons */ static int luaA_root_buttons(lua_State *L) { if(lua_gettop(L) == 1) { luaA_checktable(L, 1); foreach(button, globalconf.buttons) luaA_object_unref(L, *button); button_array_wipe(&globalconf.buttons); button_array_init(&globalconf.buttons); lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L, 1)) button_array_append(&globalconf.buttons, luaA_object_ref(L, -1)); return 1; } lua_createtable(L, globalconf.buttons.len, 0); for(int i = 0; i < globalconf.buttons.len; i++) { luaA_object_push(L, globalconf.buttons.tab[i]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } /** Set the root cursor. * * @param cursor_name A X cursor name. * @function cursor */ static int luaA_root_cursor(lua_State *L) { const char *cursor_name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); uint16_t cursor_font = xcursor_font_fromstr(cursor_name); if(cursor_font) { uint32_t change_win_vals[] = { xcursor_new(globalconf.cursor_ctx, cursor_font) }; xcb_change_window_attributes(globalconf.connection, globalconf.screen->root, XCB_CW_CURSOR, change_win_vals); } else luaA_warn(L, "invalid cursor %s", cursor_name); return 0; } /** Get the drawins attached to a screen. * * @return A table with all drawins. * @function drawins */ static int luaA_root_drawins(lua_State *L) { lua_createtable(L, globalconf.drawins.len, 0); for(int i = 0; i < globalconf.drawins.len; i++) { luaA_object_push(L, globalconf.drawins.tab[i]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } /** Get the wallpaper as a cairo surface or set it as a cairo pattern. * * @param pattern A cairo pattern as light userdata * @return A cairo surface or nothing. * @function wallpaper */ static int luaA_root_wallpaper(lua_State *L) { if(lua_gettop(L) == 1) { cairo_pattern_t *pattern = (cairo_pattern_t *)lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pushboolean(L, root_set_wallpaper(pattern)); /* Don't return the wallpaper, it's too easy to get memleaks */ return 1; } if(globalconf.wallpaper == NULL) return 0; /* lua has to make sure this surface gets destroyed */ lua_pushlightuserdata(L, cairo_surface_reference(globalconf.wallpaper)); return 1; } /** Get the attached tags. * @return A table with all tags. * @function tags */ static int luaA_root_tags(lua_State *L) { lua_createtable(L, globalconf.tags.len, 0); for(int i = 0; i < globalconf.tags.len; i++) { luaA_object_push(L, globalconf.tags.tab[i]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } const struct luaL_Reg awesome_root_lib[] = { { "buttons", luaA_root_buttons }, { "keys", luaA_root_keys }, { "cursor", luaA_root_cursor }, { "fake_input", luaA_root_fake_input }, { "drawins", luaA_root_drawins }, { "wallpaper", luaA_root_wallpaper }, { "tags", luaA_root_tags }, { "__index", luaA_default_index }, { "__newindex", luaA_default_newindex }, { NULL, NULL } }; // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80