--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A circular progressbar wrapper. -- -- If no child `widget` is set, then the radialprogressbar will take all the -- available size. Use a `wibox.container.constraint` to prevent this. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_defaults_radialprogressbar_EXAMPLE@ -- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com> -- @copyright 2013 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee -- @containermod wibox.container.radialprogressbar -- @supermodule wibox.widget.base --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local setmetatable = setmetatable local base = require("wibox.widget.base") local shape = require("gears.shape" ) local gtable = require( "gears.table" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local beautiful = require("beautiful" ) local default_outline_width = 2 local radialprogressbar = { mt = {} } --- The progressbar border background color. -- -- @beautiful beautiful.radialprogressbar_border_color -- @param color --- The progressbar foreground color. -- -- @beautiful beautiful.radialprogressbar_color -- @param color --- The progressbar border width. -- -- @beautiful beautiful.radialprogressbar_border_width -- @param number --- The padding between the outline and the progressbar. -- @beautiful beautiful.radialprogressbar_paddings -- @tparam[opt=0] table|number paddings A number or a table -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.top -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.bottom -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.left -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.right local function outline_workarea(self, width, height) local border_width = self._private.border_width or beautiful.radialprogressbar_border_width or default_outline_width local x, y = 0, 0 -- Make sure the border fit in the clip area local offset = border_width/2 x, y = x + offset, y+offset width, height = width-2*offset, height-2*offset return {x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height}, offset end -- The child widget area local function content_workarea(self, width, height) local padding = self._private.paddings or {} local wa = outline_workarea(self, width, height) wa.x = wa.x + (padding.left or 0) wa.y = wa.y + (padding.top or 0) wa.width = wa.width - (padding.left or 0) - (padding.right or 0) wa.height = wa.height - (padding.top or 0) - (padding.bottom or 0) return wa end -- Draw the radial outline and progress function radialprogressbar:after_draw_children(_, cr, width, height) cr:restore() local border_width = self._private.border_width or beautiful.radialprogressbar_border_width or default_outline_width local wa = outline_workarea(self, width, height) cr:translate(wa.x, wa.y) -- Draw the outline shape.rounded_bar(cr, wa.width, wa.height) cr:set_source(color(self:get_border_color() or "#0000ff")) cr:set_line_width(border_width) cr:stroke() -- Draw the progress cr:set_source(color(self:get_color() or "#ff00ff")) shape.radial_progress(cr, wa.width, wa.height, self._percent or 0) cr:set_line_width(border_width) cr:stroke() end -- Set the clip function radialprogressbar:before_draw_children(_, cr, width, height) cr:save() local wa = content_workarea(self, width, height) cr:translate(wa.x, wa.y) shape.rounded_bar(cr, wa.width, wa.height) cr:clip() cr:translate(-wa.x, -wa.y) end -- Layout this layout function radialprogressbar:layout(_, width, height) if self._private.widget then local wa = content_workarea(self, width, height) return { base.place_widget_at( self._private.widget, wa.x, wa.y, wa.width, wa.height ) } end end -- Fit this layout into the given area function radialprogressbar:fit(context, width, height) if self._private.widget then local wa = content_workarea(self, width, height) local w, h = base.fit_widget(self, context, self._private.widget, wa.width, wa.height) return wa.x + w, wa.y + h end return width, height end --- The widget to wrap in a radial proggressbar. -- -- @property widget -- @tparam widget widget The widget -- @interface container radialprogressbar.set_widget = base.set_widget_common function radialprogressbar:get_children() return {self._private.widget} end function radialprogressbar:set_children(children) self._private.widget = children and children[1] self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end --- Reset this container. -- -- @method reset -- @interface container function radialprogressbar:reset() self:set_widget(nil) end for _,v in ipairs {"left", "right", "top", "bottom"} do radialprogressbar["set_"..v.."_padding"] = function(self, val) self._private.paddings = self._private.paddings or {} self._private.paddings[v] = val self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end end --- The padding between the outline and the progressbar. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_radialprogressbar_padding_EXAMPLE@ -- @property paddings -- @tparam[opt=0] table|number paddings A number or a table -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.top -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.bottom -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.left -- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.right -- @propbeautiful -- @propemits false false --- The progressbar value. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_radialprogressbar_value_EXAMPLE@ -- @property value -- @tparam number value Between `min_value` and `max_value`. -- @propemits true false function radialprogressbar:set_value(val) if not val then self._percent = 0; return end if val > self._private.max_value then self:set_max_value(val) elseif val < self._private.min_value then self:set_min_value(val) end local delta = self._private.max_value - self._private.min_value self._percent = val/delta self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::value", val) end --- The border background color. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_radialprogressbar_border_color_EXAMPLE@ -- @property border_color -- @tparam color border_color -- @propbeautiful -- @propemits true false --- The border foreground color. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_radialprogressbar_color_EXAMPLE@ -- @property color -- @tparam color color -- @propbeautiful -- @propemits true false --- The border width. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_radialprogressbar_border_width_EXAMPLE@ -- @property border_width -- @tparam[opt=3] number border_width -- @propbeautiful -- @propemits true false --- The minimum value. -- -- @property min_value -- @tparam number min_value -- @propemits true false --- The maximum value. -- -- @property max_value -- @tparam number max_value -- @propemits true false for _, prop in ipairs {"max_value", "min_value", "border_color", "color", "border_width", "paddings"} do radialprogressbar["set_"..prop] = function(self, value) self._private[prop] = value self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, value) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end radialprogressbar["get_"..prop] = function(self) return self._private[prop] or beautiful["radialprogressbar_"..prop] end end function radialprogressbar:set_paddings(val) self._private.paddings = type(val) == "number" and { left = val, right = val, top = val, bottom = val, } or val or {} self:emit_signal("property::paddings") self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end --- Returns a new radialprogressbar layout. -- -- A radialprogressbar layout radialprogressbars a given widget. Use `.widget` -- to set the widget. -- -- @tparam[opt] widget widget The widget to display. -- @constructorfct wibox.container.radialprogressbar local function new(widget) local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, { enable_properties = true, }) gtable.crush(ret, radialprogressbar) ret._private.max_value = 1 ret._private.min_value = 0 ret:set_widget(widget) return ret end function radialprogressbar.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end return setmetatable(radialprogressbar, radialprogressbar.mt) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80