--DOC_GEN_IMAGE --DOC_NO_USAGE --DOC_ASTERISK local module = ... --DOC_HIDE local awful = {tag = require("awful.tag"), layout = require("awful.layout")} --DOC_HIDE require("awful.ewmh") --DOC_HIDE screen[1]._resize {x = 0, width = 800, height = 600} --DOC_HIDE awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three" }, screen[1], awful.layout.suit.tile) --DOC_HIDE function awful.spawn(name) --DOC_HIDE client.gen_fake{class = name, name = name, x = 10, y=10, width = 60, height =50} --DOC_HIDE end --DOC_HIDE module.add_event("Spawn some apps", function() --DOC_HIDE for _ = 1, 3 do awful.spawn("") end client.get()[1].color = "#ff777733" --DOC_HIDE end) --DOC_HIDE --DOC_NEWLINE module.display_tags() --DOC_HIDE module.add_event("Minimize the focused client", function() --DOC_HIDE client.get()[1].minimized = true end) --DOC_HIDE --DOC_NEWLINE module.display_tags() --DOC_HIDE module.add_event("Raise and focus", function() --DOC_HIDE -- That's the best way to unminimize if you also want to set the focus. client.get()[1]:activate { context = "unminimize", raise = true, } end) --DOC_HIDE module.display_tags() --DOC_HIDE module.execute { display_screen = true , display_clients = true , --DOC_HIDE display_label = false, display_client_name = true } --DOC_HIDE