local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") awful.util.deprecate = function() end local has_spawned = false local steps = { function(count) if count <= 1 and not has_spawned and #client.get() < 2 then awful.spawn("xterm") awful.spawn("xterm") has_spawned = true elseif #client.get() >= 2 then -- Test move, swap and index local tags = mouse.screen.tags assert(#mouse.screen.tags == 9) for k, v in ipairs(tags) do assert(k == v.index) end tags[7].index = 9 assert(tags[7].index == 9) tags[7].index = 4 assert(tags[7].index == 4) awful.tag.move(5, tags[7]) assert(tags[7].index == 5) tags[1]:swap(tags[3]) assert(tags[1].index == 3) assert(tags[3].index == 1) awful.tag.swap(tags[1], tags[3]) assert(tags[3].index == 3) assert(tags[1].index == 1) -- Test add, icon and delete client.focus = client.get()[1] local c = client.focus assert(c and client.focus == c) assert(beautiful.awesome_icon) local t = awful.tag.add("Test", {clients={c}, icon = beautiful.awesome_icon}) local found = false tags = mouse.screen.tags assert(#tags == 10) for _, v in ipairs(tags) do if t == v then found = true break end end assert(found) assert(t:clients()[1] == c) assert(c:tags()[2] == t) assert(t.icon == beautiful.awesome_icon) t:delete() tags = mouse.screen.tags assert(#tags == 9) found = false for _, v in ipairs(tags) do if t == v then found = true break end end assert(not found) -- Test selected tags, view only and selected() t = tags[2] assert(not t.selected) assert(t.screen.selected_tag == tags[1]) t:view_only() assert(t.selected) assert(not tags[1].selected) assert(#t.screen.selected_tags == 1) return true end end } require("_runner").run_steps(steps)