-- @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
-- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@
-- Grab environment we need
local math = math
local image = image
local pairs = pairs
local type = type
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local type = type
local capi =
wibox = wibox,
widget = widget,
client = client,
local abutton = require("awful.button")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local hooks = require("awful.hooks")
local util = require("awful.util")
local widget = require("awful.widget")
local mouse = require("awful.mouse")
local client = require("awful.client")
local layout = require("awful.widget.layout")
--- Titlebar module for awful
-- Privata data
local data = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
-- Predeclaration for buttons
local button_groups
local function button_callback_focus_raise_move(w, t)
capi.client.focus = t.client
local function button_callback_move(w, t)
return mouse.client.move(t.client)
local function button_callback_resize(w, t)
return mouse.client.resize(t.client)
--- Create a standard titlebar.
-- @param c The client.
-- @param args Arguments.
-- modkey: the modkey used for the bindings.
-- fg: the foreground color.
-- bg: the background color.
-- fg_focus: the foreground color for focused window.
-- fg_focus: the background color for focused window.
-- width: the titlebar width
function add(c, args)
if not c or (c.type ~= "normal" and c.type ~= "dialog") then return end
if not args then args = {} end
local theme = beautiful.get()
-- Store colors
data[c] = {}
data[c].fg = args.fg or theme.titlebar_fg_normal or theme.fg_normal
data[c].bg = args.bg or theme.titlebar_bg_normal or theme.bg_normal
data[c].fg_focus = args.fg_focus or theme.titlebar_fg_focus or theme.fg_focus
data[c].bg_focus = args.bg_focus or theme.titlebar_bg_focus or theme.bg_focus
data[c].width = args.width
data[c].font = args.font or theme.titlebar_font or theme.font
local tb = capi.wibox(args)
local title = capi.widget({ type = "textbox" })
if c.name then
title.text = " " ..
util.escape(c.name) .. " "
-- Redirect relevant events to the client the titlebar belongs to
local bts = util.table.join(
abutton({ }, 1, button_callback_focus_raise_move),
abutton({ args.modkey }, 1, button_callback_move),
abutton({ args.modkey }, 3, button_callback_resize))
local appicon = capi.widget({ type = "imagebox" })
appicon.image = c.icon
-- for each button group, call create for the client.
-- if a button set is created add the set to the
-- data[c].button_sets for late updates and add the
-- individual buttons to the array part of the widget
-- list
local widget_list = {
layout = layout.horizontal.rightleft
local iw = 1
local is = 1
data[c].button_sets = {}
for i = 1, #button_groups do
local set = button_groups[i].create(c, args.modkey, theme)
if (set) then
data[c].button_sets[is] = set
is = is + 1
for n,b in pairs(set) do
widget_list[iw] = b
iw = iw + 1
tb.widgets = {
appicon = appicon,
title = title,
layout = layout.horizontal.flex
layout = layout.horizontal.rightleft
c.titlebar = tb
--- Update a titlebar. This should be called in some hooks.
-- @param c The client to update.
-- @param prop The property name which has changed.
function update(c, prop)
if type(c) == "client" and c.titlebar and data[c] then
local widgets = c.titlebar.widgets
if prop == "name" then
if widgets[2].title then
widgets[2].title.text = " ".. util.escape(c.name) .. " "
elseif prop == "icon" then
if widgets[2].appicon then
widgets[2].appicon.image = c.icon
if capi.client.focus == c then
c.titlebar.fg = data[c].fg_focus
c.titlebar.bg = data[c].bg_focus
c.titlebar.fg = data[c].fg
c.titlebar.bg = data[c].bg
-- iterated of all registered button_sets and update
local sets = data[c].button_sets
for i = 1, #sets do
--- Remove a titlebar from a client.
-- @param c The client.
function remove(c)
c.titlebar = nil
data[c] = nil
-- Create a new button for the toolbar
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param name The base name of the button (i.e. close)
-- @param modkey ... you know that one, don't you?
-- @param theme The theme from beautifull. Used to get the image paths
-- @param state The state the button is associated to. Containse path the action and info about the image
local function button_new(c, name, modkey, theme, state)
local bts = abutton({ }, 1, nil, state.action)
-- get the image path from the theme. Only return a button if we find an image
local img
img = "titlebar_" .. name .. "_button_" .. state.img
img = theme[img]
if not img then return end
img = image(img)
if not img then return end
-- now create the button
local bname = name .. "_" .. state.idx
local button = widget.button({ image = img })
if not button then return end
local rbts = button:buttons()
for k, v in pairs(rbts) do
bts[#bts + 1] = v
button.visible = false
return button
-- Update the buttons in a button group
-- @param s The button group to update
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param p The property that has changed
local function button_group_update(s,c,p)
-- hide the currently active button, get the new state and show the new button
local n = s.select_state(c,p)
if n == nil then return end
if (s.active ~= nil) then s.active.visible = false end
s.active = s.buttons[n]
s.active.visible = true
-- Create all buttons in a group
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param group The button group to create the buttons for
-- @param modkey ...
-- @param theme Theme for the image paths
local function button_group_create(c, group, modkey, theme )
local s = {}
s.name = group.name
s.select_state = group.select_state
s.buttons = {
layout = layout.horizontal.rightleft
for n,state in pairs(group.states) do
s.buttons[n] = button_new(c, s.name, modkey, theme, state)
if (s.buttons[n] == nil) then return end
for a,v in pairs(group.attributes) do
s.buttons[n][a] = v
function s.update(c,p) button_group_update(s,c,p) end
return s
-- Builds a new button group
-- @param name The base name for the buttons in the group (i.e. "close")
-- @param attrs Common attributes for the buttons (i.e. {align = "right")
-- @param sfn State select function.
-- @param args The states of the button
local function button_group(name, attrs, sfn, ...)
local s = {}
s.name = name
s.select_state = sfn
s.attributes = attrs
s.states = {}
for i = 1, #arg do
local state = arg[i]
s.states[state.idx] = state
function s.create(c,modkey, theme) return button_group_create(c,s,modkey, theme) end
return s
-- Select a state for a client based on an attribute of the client and whether it has focus
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param p The property that has changed
-- @param a The property to check
local function select_state(c,p,a)
if (c == nil) then return "n/i" end
if capi.client.focus == c then
if c[a] then
return "f/a"
return "f/i"
if c[a] then
return "n/a"
return "n/i"
-- Select a state for a client based on whether it's floating or not
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param p The property that has changed
local function select_state_floating(c,p)
if not c then return end
if capi.client.focus == c then
if client.floating.get(c) then
return "f/a"
return "f/i"
if client.floating.get(c) then
return "n/a"
return "n/i"
-- Select a state for a client based on whether it's maximized or not
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param p The property that has changed
local function select_state_maximized(c,p)
if (c == nil) then return "n/i" end
if capi.client.focus == c then
if c.maximized_horizontal or c.maximized_vertical then
return "f/a"
return "f/i"
if c.maximized_horizontal or c.maximized_vertical then
return "n/a"
return "n/i"
-- Select a state for a client based on whether it has focus or not
-- @param c The client of the titlebar
-- @param p The property that has changed
local function select_state_focus(c,p)
if c and capi.client.focus == c then
return "f"
return "n"
-- These are the predefined button groups
-- A short explanation using 'close_buttons' as an example:
-- "close" : name of the button, the images for this button are taken from the
-- theme variables titlebar_close_button_...
-- { align ... : attributes of all the buttons
-- select_state_focus : This function returns a short string used to describe
-- the state. In this case either "n" or "f" depending on
-- the focus state of the client. These strings can be
-- choosen freely but the< must match one of the idx fuekds
-- of the states below
-- { idx = "n" ... : This is the state of the button for the 'unfocussed'
-- (normal) state. The idx = "n" parameter connects this
-- button to the return value of the 'select_state_focus'
-- function. The img = "normal" parameter is used to
-- determine its image. In this case the iamge is taken from
-- the theme variable "titlebar_close_button_normal".
-- Finally the last parameter is the action for mouse
-- button 1
local ontop_buttons = button_group("ontop",
{ align = "right" },
function(c,p) return select_state(c, p, "ontop") end,
{ idx = "n/i", img = "normal_inactive",
action = function(w, t) t.client.ontop = true end },
{ idx = "f/i", img = "focus_inactive",
action = function(w, t) t.client.ontop = true end },
{ idx = "n/a", img = "normal_active",
action = function(w, t) t.client.ontop = false end },
{ idx = "f/a", img = "focus_active",
action = function(w, t) t.client.ontop = false end })
local sticky_buttons = button_group("sticky",
{ align = "right" },
function(c,p) return select_state(c,p,"sticky") end,
{ idx = "n/i", img = "normal_inactive",
action = function(w, t) t.client.sticky = true end },
{ idx = "f/i", img = "focus_inactive",
action = function(w, t) t.client.sticky = true end },
{ idx = "n/a", img = "normal_active",
action = function(w, t) t.client.sticky = false end },
{ idx = "f/a", img = "focus_active",
action = function(w, t) t.client.sticky = false end })
local maximized_buttons = button_group("maximized",
{ align = "right" },
{ idx = "n/i", img = "normal_inactive",
action = function(w, t) t.client.maximized_horizontal = true
t.client.maximized_vertical = true end },
{ idx = "f/i", img = "focus_inactive",
action = function(w, t) t.client.maximized_horizontal = true
t.client.maximized_vertical = true end },
{ idx = "n/a", img = "normal_active",
action = function(w, t) t.client.maximized_horizontal = false
t.client.maximized_vertical = false end },
{ idx = "f/a", img = "focus_active",
action = function(w, t) t.client.maximized_horizontal = false
t.client.maximized_vertical = false end })
local close_buttons = button_group("close",
{ align = "left" },
{ idx = "n", img = "normal",
action = function (w, t) t.client:kill() end },
{ idx = "f", img = "focus",
action = function (w, t) t.client:kill() end })
local function floating_update(w, t)
local floating_buttons = button_group("floating",
{ align = "right"},
{ idx = "n/i", img = "normal_inactive", action = floating_update },
{ idx = "f/i", img = "focus_inactive", action = floating_update },
{ idx = "n/a", img = "normal_active", action = floating_update },
{ idx = "f/a", img = "focus_active", action = floating_update })
button_groups = { close_buttons,
floating_buttons }
-- Register standards hooks
capi.client.add_signal("focus", update)
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