---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Display the available client layouts for a screen. -- -- This is what the layoutlist looks like by default with a vertical layout: -- --@DOC_awful_widget_layoutlist_default_EXAMPLE@ -- -- In the second example, it is shown how to create a popup in the center of -- the screen: -- --@DOC_awful_widget_layoutlist_popup_EXAMPLE@ -- -- This example extends 'awful.widget.layoutbox' to show a layout list popup: -- --@DOC_awful_widget_layoutlist_bar_EXAMPLE@ -- -- This example shows how to add a layout subset to the default wibar: -- --@DOC_awful_widget_layoutlist_wibar_EXAMPLE@ -- -- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com> -- @copyright 2010, 2018 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee -- @classmod awful.widget.layoutlist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local capi = {screen = screen, tag = tag} local wibox = require("wibox") local awcommon = require("awful.widget.common") local abutton = require("awful.button") local ascreen = require("awful.screen") local gtable = require("gears.table") local beautiful= require("beautiful") local alayout = require("awful.layout") local surface = require("gears.surface") local module = {} local default_buttons = gtable.join( abutton({ }, 1, function(a) a.callback() end) ) local function wb_label(item, _, textbox) local selected = alayout.get(item.screen) == item.layout -- Apply the built-in customization local bg, fg, shape, shape_bw, shape_bc -- The layout have only 2 states: normal and selected if selected then bg = item.style.bg_selected or beautiful.layoutlist_bg_selected or beautiful.bg_focus fg = item.style.fg_selected or beautiful.layoutlist_fg_selected or beautiful.fg_focus or beautiful.fg_normal shape = item.style.shape_selected or beautiful.layoutlist_shape_selected shape_bw = item.style.shape_border_width_selected or beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_width_selected shape_bc = item.style.shape_border_color_selected or beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_color_selected else bg = item.style.bg_normal or beautiful.layoutlist_bg_normal or nil fg = item.style.fg_normal or beautiful.layoutlist_fg_normal or beautiful.fg_normal shape = item.style.shape or beautiful.layoutlist_shape shape_bw = item.style.shape_border_width or beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_width shape_bc = item.style.shape_border_color or beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_color end if textbox and item.style.align or beautiful.layoutlist_align then textbox:set_align(item.style.align or beautiful.layoutlist_align) end local text = "" if item.name then text = ""..item.name..'' end return text, bg, nil, item.icon, { shape = shape, shape_border_width = shape_bw, shape_border_color = shape_bc, } end module.source = {} --- The layout list for the first selected tag of a screen. -- @tparam screen s The screen. -- @sourcefunction awful.widget.layoutlist.source.for_screen function module.source.for_screen(s) s = capi.screen[s or ascreen.focused() or 1] assert(s) local t = s.selected_tag or #s.tags > 0 and s.tags[1] return t and t.layouts or {} end --- The layouts available for the first selected tag of `awful.screen.focused()`. -- @sourcefunction awful.widget.layoutlist.source.current_screen function module.source.current_screen() return module.source.for_screen() end --- The default layout list. -- @see awful.layout.layouts -- @sourcefunction awful.widget.layoutlist.source.default_layouts function module.source.default_layouts() return alayout.layouts end local function reload_cache(self) self._private.cache = {} local show_text = (not self._private.style.disable_name) and (not beautiful.layoutlist_disable_name) local show_icon = (not self._private.style.disable_icon) and (not beautiful.layoutlist_disable_icon) local s = self.screen or ascreen.focused() -- Get the list. local ls = self:get_layouts() for _, l in ipairs(ls or {}) do local icn_path, icon = beautiful["layout_" .. (l.name or "")] if icn_path then icon = surface.load(icn_path) end table.insert(self._private.cache, { icon = show_icon and icon or nil, name = show_text and l.name or nil, layout = l, screen = s, callback = function() alayout.set(l) end, style = self._private.style, }) end end local function update(self) assert(self._private.layout) awcommon.list_update( self._private.layout, self._private.buttons or default_buttons, wb_label, self._private.data, self._private.cache, { widget_template = self._private.widget_template } ) end local layoutlist = {} --- The layoutlist default widget layout. -- If no layout is specified, a `wibox.layout.fixed.vertical` will be created -- automatically. -- @property base_layout -- @param widget -- @see wibox.layout.fixed.vertical -- @see base_layout --- The delegate widget template. -- @property widget_template -- @param table --- The layoutlist screen. -- @property screen -- @param screen --- A function that returns the list of layout to display. -- -- @property source -- @param[opt=awful.widget.layoutlist.source.for_screen] function --- The layoutlist filter function. -- @property filter -- @param[opt=awful.widget.layoutlist.source.for_screen] function --- The layoutlist buttons. -- -- The default is: -- -- gears.table.join( -- awful.button({ }, 1, awful.layout.set) -- ) -- -- @property buttons -- @param table --- The default foreground (text) color. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_fg_normal -- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern fg_normal -- @see gears.color --- The default background color. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_bg_normal -- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern bg_normal -- @see gears.color --- The selected layout foreground (text) color. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_fg_selected -- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern fg_selected -- @see gears.color --- The selected layout background color. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_bg_selected -- @tparam[opt=nil] string|pattern bg_selected -- @see gears.color --- Disable the layout icons (only show the name label). -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_disable_icon -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean layoutlist_disable_icon --- Disable the layout name label (only show the icon). -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_disable_name -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean layoutlist_disable_name --- The layoutlist font. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_font -- @tparam[opt=nil] string font --- The selected layout alignment. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_align -- @tparam[opt=left] string align *left*, *right* or *center* --- The selected layout title font. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_font_selected -- @tparam[opt=nil] string font_selected --- The space between the layouts. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_spacing -- @tparam[opt=0] number spacing The spacing between tasks. --- The default layoutlist elements shape. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_shape -- @tparam[opt=nil] gears.shape shape --- The default layoutlist elements border width. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_width -- @tparam[opt=0] number shape_border_width --- The default layoutlist elements border color. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_color -- @tparam[opt=nil] string|color shape_border_color -- @see gears.color --- The selected layout shape. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_shape_selected -- @tparam[opt=nil] gears.shape shape_selected --- The selected layout border width. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_width_selected -- @tparam[opt=0] number shape_border_width_selected --- The selected layout border color. -- @beautiful beautiful.layoutlist_shape_border_color_selected -- @tparam[opt=nil] string|color shape_border_color_selected -- @see gears.color --- The currenly displayed layouts. -- @property layouts -- @param table --- The currently selected layout. -- @property current_layout -- @param layout function layoutlist:get_layouts() local f = self.source or self._private.source or module.source.for_screen return f(self.screen) end function layoutlist:get_current_layout() -- Eventually the entire lookup could be removed. All it does is allowing -- `nil` to be returned when there is no selection. local ls = self:get_layouts() local l = alayout.get(self.screen or ascreen.focused()) local selected_k = gtable.hasitem(ls, l, true) return selected_k and ls[selected_k] or nil end function layoutlist:set_buttons(buttons) self._private.buttons = buttons update(self) end function layoutlist:get_buttons() return self._private.buttons end function layoutlist:set_base_layout(layout) self._private.layout = wibox.widget.base.make_widget_from_value( layout or wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal ) if self._private.layout.set_spacing then self._private.layout:set_spacing( self._private.style.spacing or beautiful.tasklist_spacing or 0 ) end assert(self._private.layout.is_widget) update(self) self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end function layoutlist:set_widget_template(widget_template) self._private.widget_template = widget_template -- Remove the existing instances self._private.data = {} -- Prevent a race condition when the constructor loop to initialize the -- arguments. if self._private.layout then update(self) end self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end function layoutlist:layout(_, width, height) if self._private.layout then return { wibox.widget.base.place_widget_at(self._private.layout, 0, 0, width, height) } end end function layoutlist:fit(context, width, height) if not self._private.layout then return 0, 0 end return wibox.widget.base.fit_widget(self, context, self._private.layout, width, height) end --- Create a layout list. -- -- @tparam table args -- @tparam widget args.layout The widget layout (not to be confused with client -- layout). -- @tparam table args.buttons A table with buttons binding to set. -- @tparam[opt=awful.widget.layoutlist.source.for_screen] function args.source A -- function to generate the list of layouts. -- @tparam[opt] table args.widget_template A custom widget to be used for each action. -- @tparam[opt=ascreen.focused()] screen args.screen A screen -- @tparam[opt=nil] table args.buttons The list of `awful.buttons`. -- @tparam[opt={}] table args.style Extra look and feel parameters -- @tparam boolean args.style.disable_icon -- @tparam boolean args.style.disable_name -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.fg_normal -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.bg_normal -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.fg_selected -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.bg_selected -- @tparam string args.style.font -- @tparam string args.style.font_selected -- @tparam string args.style.align *left*, *right* or *center* -- @tparam number args.style.spacing -- @tparam gears.shape args.style.shape -- @tparam number args.style.shape_border_width -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.shape_border_color -- @tparam gears.shape args.style.shape_selected -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.shape_border_width_selected -- @tparam string|pattern args.style.shape_border_color_selected -- @treturn widget The action widget. -- @function naughty.widget.layoutlist local is_connected, instances = false, setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"}) local function update_common() for _, ll in ipairs(instances) do reload_cache(ll) update(ll) end end local function new(_, args) local ret = wibox.widget.base.make_widget(nil, nil, { enable_properties = true, }) gtable.crush(ret, layoutlist, true) ret._private.style = args.style or {} ret._private.buttons = args.buttons ret._private.source = args.source ret._private.data = {} reload_cache(ret) -- Apply all args properties gtable.crush(ret, args) if not ret._private.layout then ret:set_base_layout() end assert(ret._private.layout) -- Do not create a connection per instance, if used in a "volatile" -- popup, this will balloon. if not is_connected then for _, sig in ipairs {"layout", "layouts", "selected", "activated"} do capi.tag.connect_signal("property::"..sig, update_common) end end -- Add to the (weak) list of active instances. table.insert(instances, ret) update(ret) return ret end --@DOC_widget_COMMON@ --@DOC_object_COMMON@ return setmetatable(module, {__call = new})