local gears_obj = require("gears.object") local clients = {} local client, meta = awesome._shim_fake_class() -- Keep an history of the geometry for validation and images local function push_geometry(c) table.insert(c._old_geo, c:geometry()) end -- Undo the last move, but keep it in history -- local function pop_geometry(c) -- CURRENTLY UNUSED -- end local function titlebar_meta(c) for _, position in ipairs {"top", "bottom", "left", "right" } do c["titlebar_"..position] = function(size) --luacheck: no unused return drawin{} end end end -- Create fake clients to move around function client.gen_fake(args) local ret = gears_obj() awesome._forward_class(ret, client) ret.data = {} ret.type = "normal" ret.valid = true ret.size_hints = {} ret.border_width = 1 ret.icon_sizes = {{16,16}} ret.name = "Example Client" -- This is a hack because there's a `:is_transient_for(c2)` method -- and a `transient_for` property. It will cause a stack overflow -- since the auto-alias will kick in if the property is allowed to -- be `nil`. ret.transient_for = false -- Apply all properties for k,v in pairs(args or {}) do ret[k] = v end -- Tests should always set a geometry, but just in case for _, v in ipairs{"x","y","width","height"} do ret[v] = ret[v] or 1 end -- Emulate capi.client.geometry function ret:geometry(new) if new then for k,v in pairs(new) do ret[k] = v ret:emit_signal("property::"..k, v) end ret:emit_signal("property::geometry", ret:geometry()) push_geometry(ret) end return { x = ret.x, y = ret.y, width = ret.width, height = ret.height, label = ret._label, } end function ret:isvisible() return true end -- Used for screenshots function ret:set_label(text) ret._old_geo[#ret._old_geo]._label = text end -- Used for screenshots, hide the current client position function ret:_hide() ret._old_geo[#ret._old_geo]._hide = true end function ret:get_xproperty() return nil end function ret:get_icon(_) return require("beautiful").awesome_icon end function ret:raise() --TODO end function ret:lower() --TODO end titlebar_meta(ret) function ret:tags(new) --FIXME if new then ret._tags = new end if ret._tags then return ret._tags end for _, t in ipairs(root._tags) do if t.screen == ret.screen then return {t} end end return {} end -- Record the geometry ret._old_geo = {} push_geometry(ret) ret._old_geo[1]._hide = args.hide_first -- Set the attributes ret.screen = args.screen or screen[1] -- Good enough for the geometry and border ret.drawin = ret ret.drawable = ret -- Make sure the layer properties are not `nil` ret.ontop = false ret.below = false ret.above = false ret.sticky = false ret.maximized = false ret.fullscreen = false ret.maximized_vertical = false ret.maximized_horizontal = false -- Add to the client list table.insert(clients, ret) client.focus = ret setmetatable(ret, { __index = function(...) return meta.__index(...) end, __newindex = function(...) return meta.__newindex(...) end }) client.emit_signal("manage", ret) assert(not args.screen or (args.screen == ret.screen)) return ret end function client.get(s) if not s then return clients end local s2 = screen[s] local ret = {} for _,c in ipairs(clients) do if c.screen == s2 then table.insert(ret, c) end end return ret end return client -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80