#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Test runner. # # This can also be used to start awesome from the build directory, e.g. for # git-bisect: # 1. Put the file into a subdirectory, which is ignored by git, e.g. # `tmp/run.sh`. # 2. Run it from the source root (after `make`): # env TEST_PAUSE_ON_ERRORS=1 sh tmp/run.sh # It should start Xephyr and launch awesome in it, using the default config. set -e export SHELL=/bin/sh export HOME=/dev/null # Parse options. usage() { cat >&2 <&2 exit 1 fi AWESOME_CLIENT="$source_dir/utils/awesome-client" D=:5 SIZE="${TESTS_SCREEN_SIZE:-1024x768}" # Set up some env vars # Disable GDK's screen scaling support export GDK_SCALE=1 # No idea what this does, but it silences a warning that GTK init might print export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 if [ $HEADLESS = 1 ]; then "$XVFB" $D -noreset -screen 0 "${SIZE}x24" & xserver_pid=$! else # export XEPHYR_PAUSE=1000 "$XEPHYR" $D -ac -name xephyr_$D -noreset -screen "$SIZE" & xserver_pid=$! # Toggles debugging mode, using XEPHYR_PAUSE. # ( sleep 1; kill -USR1 $xserver_pid ) & fi # Add test dir (for _runner.lua). # shellcheck disable=SC2206 awesome_options=($AWESOME_OPTIONS --search lib --search "$this_dir") export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$build_dir" # Cleanup on errors / aborting. cleanup() { for p in $awesome_pid $xserver_pid; do kill -TERM "$p" 2>/dev/null || true wait "$p" done rm -rf "$tmp_files" || true } trap "cleanup" 0 2 3 15 tmp_files=$(mktemp -d) awesome_log=$tmp_files/_awesome_test.log echo "awesome_log: $awesome_log" wait_until_success() { if (( verbose )); then set +x; fi wait_count=60 # 60*0.05s => 3s. while true; do set +e eval reply="\$($2)" ret=$? set -e if [ $ret = 0 ]; then break fi wait_count=$((wait_count - 1)) if [ "$wait_count" -lt 0 ]; then echo "Error: failed to $1!" >&2 # shellcheck disable=SC2154 echo "Last reply: $reply." >&2 if [ -f "$awesome_log" ]; then echo "Log:" >&2 cat "$awesome_log" >&2 fi exit 1 fi sleep 0.05 done if (( verbose )); then set -x; fi } # Wait for DISPLAY to be available, i.e. the X server is running. wait_until_success "X resources are ready" "DISPLAY='$D' xrdb -q >/dev/null 2>&1" # Use a separate D-Bus session; sets $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID. eval "$(DISPLAY="$D" dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session)" RC_FILE=${AWESOME_RC_FILE:-${source_dir}/awesomerc.lua} AWESOME_THEMES_PATH="${AWESOME_THEMES_PATH:-${source_dir}/themes}" AWESOME_ICON_PATH="${AWESOME_ICON_PATH:-${source_dir}/icons}" # Inject coverage runner via temporary RC file. if [ -n "$DO_COVERAGE" ] && [ "$DO_COVERAGE" != 0 ]; then # Handle old filename of config files (useful for git-bisect). if [ -f "${RC_FILE}.in" ]; then RC_FILE="${RC_FILE}.in" fi sed "1 s~^~require('luacov.runner')('$source_dir/.luacov'); \0~" \ "$RC_FILE" > "$tmp_files/awesomerc.lua" RC_FILE=$tmp_files/awesomerc.lua fi # Start awesome. start_awesome() { cd "$build_dir" # Kill awesome after $TEST_TIMEOUT seconds (e.g. for errors during test setup). # SOURCE_DIRECTORY is used by .luacov. DISPLAY="$D" SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$source_dir" \ AWESOME_THEMES_PATH="$AWESOME_THEMES_PATH" \ AWESOME_ICON_PATH="$AWESOME_ICON_PATH" \ timeout "$TEST_TIMEOUT" "$AWESOME" -c "$RC_FILE" "${awesome_options[@]}" > "$awesome_log" 2>&1 & awesome_pid=$! cd - >/dev/null # Wait until the interface for awesome-client is ready (D-Bus interface). # Do this with dbus-send so that we can specify a low --reply-timeout wait_until_success "wait for awesome startup via awesome-client" "dbus-send --reply-timeout=100 --dest=org.awesomewm.awful --print-reply / org.awesomewm.awful.Remote.Eval 'string:return 1' 2>&1" } if command -v tput >/dev/null; then color_red() { tput setaf 1; } color_reset() { tput sgr0; } else color_red() { :; } color_reset() { :; } fi count_tests=0 errors=() # Seconds after when awesome gets killed. TEST_TIMEOUT=${TEST_TIMEOUT:-30} for f in $tests; do echo "== Running $f ==" (( ++count_tests )) start_awesome if [ ! -r "$f" ]; then if [ -r "${f#tests/}" ]; then f=${f#tests/} else echo "===> ERROR $f is not readable! <===" errors+=("$f is not readable.") continue fi fi # Make the filename absolute if it is not. if [ "$f#/" = "$f" ]; then f="$source_dir/$f" fi # Execute the test file in awesome. DISPLAY=$D "$AWESOME_CLIENT" 2>&1 "dofile('$f')" # Tail the log and quit, when awesome quits. # Use a single `grep`, otherwise `--line-buffered` would be required. tail -n 100000 -s 0.1 -f --pid "$awesome_pid" "$awesome_log" \ | grep -vE '^(.{19} W: awesome: a_dbus_connect:[0-9]+: Could not connect to D-Bus system bus:|Test finished successfully\.$)' || true set +e wait $awesome_pid code=$? set -e case $code in 0) ;; 124) echo "Awesome was killed due to timeout after $TEST_TIMEOUT seconds" ;; *) echo "Awesome exited with status code $code" ;; esac # Parse any error from the log. pattern='.*[Ee]rror.*|.*assertion failed.*|^Step .* failed:|^.{19} E: awesome: .*|.*luaA_panic.*' if [[ $fail_on_warning ]]; then pattern+='|^.{19} W: awesome:.*' fi error="$(grep --color -o --binary-files=text -E "$pattern" "$awesome_log" || true)" if [[ $fail_on_warning ]]; then # Filter out ignored warnings. error="$(echo "$error" | grep -vE ".{19} W: awesome: (a_glib_poll|Cannot reliably detect EOF|beautiful: can't get colorscheme from xrdb)" || true)" fi if [[ -n "$error" ]]; then color_red echo "===> ERROR running $f <===" echo "$error" color_reset errors+=("$f: $error") elif ! grep -q -E '^Test finished successfully\.$' "$awesome_log"; then color_red echo "===> ERROR running $f <===" color_reset errors+=("$f: test did not indicate success. See the output above.") fi done echo "$count_tests tests finished." if (( "${#errors[@]}" )); then if [ "$TEST_PAUSE_ON_ERRORS" = 1 ]; then echo "Pausing... press Enter to continue." read -r fi color_red echo "There were ${#errors[@]} errors:" for error in "${errors[@]}"; do echo " - $error" done color_reset exit 1 fi exit 0 # vim: filetype=sh:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80