-- This test suite tests the various screenshot related APIs. -- -- Credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/awesomewm/comments/i6nf7z/need_help_writing_a_color_picker_widget_using_lgi/ local wibox = require("wibox") local spawn = require("awful.spawn") local gsurface = require("gears.surface") local lgi = require('lgi') local cairo = lgi.cairo local gdk = lgi.require('Gdk', '3.0') -- Dummy blue client for the client.content test -- the lua_executable portion may need to get ironed out. I need to specify 5.3 local lua_executable = os.getenv("LUA") if lua_executable == nil or lua_executable == "" then lua_executable = "lua5.3" end local client_dim = 250 local tiny_client_code_template = [[ local lgi = require('lgi') local Gdk = lgi.require('Gdk', '3.0') local Gtk = lgi.require('Gtk', '3.0') local class = 'client' window = Gtk.Window {default_width=%d, default_height=%d, title='title'} window:set_wmclass(class, class) window:override_background_color(0, Gdk.RGBA({red = 0, green = 0, blue = 1, alpha = 1})) window:show_all() Gtk:main{...} ]] local tiny_client = { lua_executable, "-e", string.format( tiny_client_code_template, client_dim, client_dim)} -- Split in the screen into 2 distict screens. screen[1]:split() -- Add a green wibox on screen 1 at (100, 100) wibox { bg = "#00ff00", visible = true, width = 100, height = 100, x = 100, y = 100, } local corners = {} -- Add red squares at 1 pixel away from each screen corners. for s in screen do -- Top left table.insert(corners, { x = s.geometry.x + 1, y = s.geometry.y + 1, }) -- Top right table.insert(corners, { x = s.geometry.x + s.geometry.width - 11, y = s.geometry.y + 1, }) -- Bottom left table.insert(corners, { x = s.geometry.x + 1, y = s.geometry.y + s.geometry.height - 11, }) -- Bottom right table.insert(corners, { x = s.geometry.x + s.geometry.width - 11, y = s.geometry.y + s.geometry.height - 11, }) end -- Make 10x10 wibox in each corner to eliminate any geometry errors for _, corner in ipairs(corners) do corner.bg = "#ff0000" corner.visible = true corner.width = 10 corner.height = 10 wibox(corner) end local function copy_to_image_surface(content, w, h) local sur = gsurface(content) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.RGB24, w, h) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_source_surface(sur) cr:paint() img:finish() return img end local function get_pixel(img, x, y) local bytes = gdk.pixbuf_get_from_surface(img, x, y, 1, 1):get_pixels() return "#" .. bytes:gsub('.', function(c) return ('%02x'):format(c:byte()) end) end local steps = {} -- Check the whole root window. table.insert(steps, function() local img = copy_to_image_surface(root.content(), root.size()) local root_width, root_height = root.size() if get_pixel(img, 100, 100) ~= "#00ff00" then return end if get_pixel(img, 2, 2) ~= "#ff0000" then return end assert(get_pixel(img, 100, 100) == "#00ff00") assert(get_pixel(img, 199, 199) == "#00ff00") assert(get_pixel(img, 201, 201) ~= "#00ff00") assert(get_pixel(img, 2, 2) == "#ff0000") assert(get_pixel(img, root_width - 2, 2) == "#ff0000") assert(get_pixel(img, 2, root_height - 2) == "#ff0000") assert(get_pixel(img, root_width - 2, root_height - 2) == "#ff0000") return true end) -- Check the screen.content table.insert(steps, function() for s in screen do local geo = s.geometry local img = copy_to_image_surface(s.content, geo.width, geo.height) assert(get_pixel(img, geo.x + 4, geo.y + 4) == "#ff0000") assert(get_pixel(img, geo.x + geo.width - 4, geo.y + 4) == "#ff0000") assert(get_pixel(img, geo.x + 4, geo.y + geo.height - 4) == "#ff0000") assert(get_pixel(img, geo.x + geo.width - 4, geo.y + geo.height - 4) == "#ff0000") end -- Spawn for the client.content test assert(#client.get() == 0) spawn(tiny_client) return true end) -- Check the client.content table.insert(steps, function() if #client.get() ~= 1 then return end local c = client.get()[1] local geo = c:geometry() local img = copy_to_image_surface(c.content, geo.width, geo.height) if get_pixel(img, math.floor(geo.width / 2), math.floor(geo.height / 2)) ~= "#0000ff" then return end -- Make sure the process finishes. Just `c:kill()` only -- closes the window. Adding some handlers to the GTK "app" -- created some unwanted side effects in the CI. awesome.kill(c.pid, 9) return true end) require("_runner").run_steps(steps)