--DOC_GEN_IMAGE --DOC_NO_USAGE --DOC_HIDE_START local parent = ... local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = { shape = require("gears.shape"), surface = require("gears.surface"), color = require("gears.color"), table = require("gears.table"), } local beautiful = require("beautiful") client.focus = client.gen_fake{ class = "client", name = "A client!", icon = beautiful.awesome_icon, } --DOC_HIDE_END -- Put this in a Lua file local module = {} --DOC_NEWLINE local default_template = wibox.template { { { { forced_height = 16, forced_width = 16, shape = gears.shape.circle, widget = wibox.widget.separator }, margins = 3, widget = wibox.container.margin }, { set_color = function(self, color) self.text = color end, text = "N/A", widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, spacing = 5, widget = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, set_color = function(self, color) self.border_color = gears.color.to_rgba_string(color):sub(1,7).."44" self.fg = color end, border_width = 1, shape = gears.shape.octogon, widget = wibox.container.background, forced_width = 100, --DOC_HIDE } --DOC_NEWLINE --- Set the widget template. -- @property widget_template -- @tparam[opt=nil] wibox.template|nil function module:set_widget_template(t) self._private.widget_template = wibox.template.make_from_value(t) end --DOC_NEWLINE function module:get_widget_template() return self._private.widget_template or default_template end --DOC_NEWLINE --- Add a color to the list. function module:add_color(color_name) local instance = self.widget_template:clone() instance:set_property("color", color_name, nil, true) self._private.base_layout:add(instance) end --DOC_NEWLINE --- my_module_name constructor. -- -- @constructorfct my_module_name -- @tparam[opt={}] table args -- @tparam wibox.template args.widget_template A widget template. -- @tparam wibox.layout args.base_layout A layout to use instead of -- `wibox.layout.fixed.vertical`. local function new(_, args) args = args or {} --DOC_NEWLINE -- Create the base_layout instance. local l = wibox.widget.base.make_widget_from_value( args.base_layout or wibox.widget { spacing = 5, widget = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical } ) --DOC_NEWLINE -- Create the base widget as a proxy widget. local ret = wibox.widget.base.make_widget(l, "my_module_name", { enable_properties = true, }) --DOC_NEWLINE -- Set the default (fallback) template ret._private.base_layout = l --DOC_NEWLINE -- Add the methods and apply set the initial properties. gears.table.crush(ret, module, true) gears.table.crush(ret, args) --DOC_NEWLINE return ret end --[[ --DOC_HIDE return setmetatable(module, {__call = new}) ]]--DOC_HIDE --[[ --DOC_HIDE --DOC_NEWLINE Now, lets use this module to list some colors: --DOC_NEWLINE local my_module_name = require("my_module_name") --DOC_NEWLINE ]] --DOC_HIDE local my_module_name = new --DOC_HIDE --DOC_NEWLINE local my_color_list = my_module_name {} --DOC_NEWLINE my_color_list:add_color("#ff0000") my_color_list:add_color("#00ff00") my_color_list:add_color("#0000ff") my_color_list:add_color("#ff00ff") my_color_list:add_color("#ffff00") my_color_list:add_color("#00ffff") --DOC_HIDE_START parent:add(my_color_list) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80