--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Lucas de Vries <lucasdevries@gmail.com> -- @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> -- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou, Lucas de Vries --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grab environment we need local capi = { client = client } local table = table local pairs = pairs local awful = require('awful') --- tabulous: fabulous tabs for awesome module("tabulous") local tabbed = {} -- Hook creation awful.hooks.user.create('tabbed') awful.hooks.user.create('untabbed') awful.hooks.user.create('tabdisplay') awful.hooks.user.create('tabhide') --------------- -- Functions -- --------------- --- Find a key in a table. -- @param table The table to look into -- @param value The value to find. -- @return The key or nil if not found. function findkey(table, value) for k, v in pairs(table) do if v == value then return k end end end --- Swaand select which client in tab is displayed. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @param cl The client to show. function display(tabindex, cl) local p = tabbed[tabindex][1] if cl and p ~= cl then cl.hide = false cl:swap(p) p.hide = true cl:focus_set() tabbed[tabindex][1] = cl awful.hooks.user.call('tabhide', p) awful.hooks.user.call('tabdisplay', cl) end end --- Check if the client is in the given tabindex. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @param cl The client -- @return The key. function tabindex_check(tabindex, cl) local c = cl or capi.client.focus_get() return findkey(tabbed[tabindex], c) end --- Find the tab index or return nil if not tabbed. -- @param cl The client to search. -- @return The tab index. function tabindex_get(cl) local c = cl or capi.client.focus_get() for tabindex, tabdisplay in pairs(tabbed) do -- Loop through all tab displays local me = tabindex_check(tabindex, c) if me ~= nil then return tabindex end end return nil end --- Get all clients on a tabbed display. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @return All tabbed clients. function clients_get(tabindex) if tabbed[tabindex] == nil then return nil end return tabbed[tabindex][2] end --- Get the displayed client on a tabbed display. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @return The displayed client. function displayed_get(tabindex) if tabbed[tabindex] == nil then return nil end return tabbed[tabindex][1] end --- Get a client by tab number. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @param pos The position in the tab. -- @return The client at the given position. function position_get(tabindex, pos) if tabbed[tabindex] == nil then return nil end return tabbed[tabindex][2][pos] end --- Get the next client in a tab display. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @param cl The current client. -- @return The next client. function next(tabindex, cl) local c = cl or tabbed[tabindex][1] local i = findkey(tabbed[tabindex][2], c) if i == nil then return nil end if tabbed[tabindex][2][i+1] == nil then return tabbed[tabindex][2][1] end return tabbed[tabindex][2][i + 1] end --- Get the previous client in a tabdisplay -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @param cl The current client. -- @return The previous client. function prev(tabindex, cl) local c = cl or tabbed[tabindex][1] local i = findkey(tabbed[tabindex][2], c) if i == nil then return nil end if tabbed[tabindex][2][i-1] == nil then return tabbed[tabindex][2][table.maxn(tabbed[tabindex][2])] end return tabbed[tabindex][2][i - 1] end --- Remove a client from a tabbed display. -- @param cl The client to remove. -- @return True if the client has been untabbed. function untab(cl) local c = cl or capi.client.focus_get() local tabindex = tabindex_get(c) if tabindex == nil then return false end local cindex = findkey(tabbed[tabindex][2], c) if tabbed[tabindex][1] == c then display(tabindex, P.next(tabindex, c)) end table.remove(tabbed[tabindex][2], cindex) if table.maxn(tabbed[tabindex][2]) == 0 then -- Table is empty now, remove the tabbed display table.remove(tabbed, tabindex) end c.hide = false awful.hooks.user.call('untabbed', c) end --- Untab all clients in a tabbed display. -- @param tabindex The tab index. function untab_all(tabindex) for i,c in pairs(tabbed[tabindex][2]) do c.hide = false awful.hooks.user.call('untabbed', c) end if tabbed[tabindex] ~= nil then table.remove(tabbed, tabindex) end end --- Create a new tabbed display with client as the master. -- @param cl The client to set into the tab, focused one otherwise. -- @return The created tab index. function tab_create(cl) local c = cl or capi.client.focus_get() if not c then return end table.insert(tabbed, { c, -- Window currently being displayed { c } -- List of windows in tabbed display }) awful.hooks.user.call('tabbed', c) return tabindex_get(c) end --- Add a client to a tabbed display. -- @param tabindex The tab index. -- @param cl The client to add, or the focused one otherwise. function tab(tabindex, cl) local c = cl or capi.client.focus_get() if tabbed[tabindex] ~= nil then local x = tabindex_get(c) if x == nil then -- Add untabbed client to tabindex table.insert(tabbed[tabindex][2], c) display(tabindex, c) awful.hooks.user.call('tabbed', c) elseif x ~= tabindex then -- Merge two tabbed views local cc = tabbed[tabindex][1] local clients = clients_get(x) untab_all(x) tabindex = tabindex_get(cc) for i,b in pairs(clients) do tab(tabindex, b) end end end end --- Start autotabbing, this automatically tabs new clients when the current -- client is tabbed. function autotab_start() awful.hooks.manage.register(function (c) local sel = capi.client.focus_get() local index = tabindex_get(sel) if index ~= nil then -- Currently focussed client is tabbed, -- add the new window to the tabbed display tab(index, c) end end) end -- Set up hook so we don't leave lost hidden clients awful.hooks.unmanage.register(untab)