--DOC_GEN_IMAGE --DOC_HIDE_START --DOC_NO_USAGE local generic_widget_ = ... local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = { color = require("gears.color") } local l = wibox.widget { spacing = 10, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal } local function generic_widget(txt) return generic_widget_(txt, nil, 0) end --DOC_HIDE_END for _, width in ipairs { 0, 1, 2, 4, 10 } do local w = wibox.widget { generic_widget( "first" ), generic_widget( "second" ), generic_widget( "third" ), generic_widget( "fourth" ), column_count = 2, row_count = 2, homogeneous = true, spacing = 10, border_width = { inner = width, outer = 10 - width, }, border_color = { inner = gears.color { type = "linear", from = { 0 , 0 }, to = { 100, 100 }, stops = { { 0, "#ff0000" }, { 1, "#ffff00" }, } }, outer = gears.color { type = "linear", from = { 0 , 0 }, to = { 100, 100 }, stops = { { 0, "#0000ff" }, { 1, "#ff0000" }, } }, }, layout = wibox.layout.grid, } --DOC_HIDE_START l:add(wibox.widget { wibox.widget.textbox( "".. "`border_width.outer = ".. (10-width) .."`\n".. "`border_width.inner = ".. width .."`".. ":"), w, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical }) --DOC_HIDE_STOP end --DOC_HIDE_START return l, l:fit({dpi=96}, 9999, 9999)