local file_path, image_path = ... require("_common_template")(...) local wibox = require("wibox") -- For the connections require("naughty") -- Create a screen screen[1]._resize {x = 0, width = 800, height = 600} -- Let the test request a size and file format loadfile(file_path)() -- Emulate the event loop for 10 iterations for _ = 1, 10 do awesome:emit_signal("refresh") end local rect = {x1 = math.huge ,y1 = math.huge , x2 = -math.huge , y2 = -math.huge} -- Get the region with wiboxes for _, d in ipairs(drawin.get()) do local w = d.get_wibox and d:get_wibox() or nil if w then local geo = w:geometry() rect.x1 = math.min(rect.x1, geo.x ) rect.y1 = math.min(rect.y1, geo.y ) rect.x2 = math.max(rect.x2, geo.x + geo.width + 2*w.border_width) rect.y2 = math.max(rect.y2, geo.y + geo.height + 2*w.border_width) end end -- Get rid of invalid drawins. The shims are very permissive and wont deny this. if rect.x1 == rect.x2 or rect.y1 == rect.y2 then return end local multi = wibox.layout { forced_width = rect.x2 - rect.x1, forced_height = rect.y2 - rect.y1, layout = wibox.layout.manual } -- Draw all normal wiboxes for _, d in ipairs(drawin.get()) do local w = d.get_wibox and d:get_wibox() or nil if w then local geo = w:geometry() multi:add_at(w:to_widget(), {x = geo.x - rect.x1, y = geo.y - rect.y1}) end end wibox.widget.draw_to_svg_file( multi, image_path..".svg", multi.forced_width, multi.forced_height ) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80