#!/usr/bin/lua -- Generate documentation for awesome Lua functions -- Take a .c file in stdin function string.comment_clean(str) local s = str:gsub("/%*%* ", " ") s = s:gsub(" %* ", " ") s = s:gsub("\\luastack", "") s = s:gsub("\\lparam", "\n\n Parameter:") s = s:gsub("\\lreturn", "\n\n Return:") return s end -- Read all the files in lines lines = io.read("*all") ilines = {} -- read the lines in table `ilines' for line in lines:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do table.insert(ilines, line) end -- Store function documentations in an array function_doc = {} for i, line in ipairs(ilines) do if line:find("^/%*%*") then comment_start = true comment = line elseif line:find("%*/") then comment_start = false local l = ilines[i + 2] local fctname _, _, fctname = l:find("^(.+)%(lua_State") if fctname then function_doc[fctname] = comment end comment = nil elseif comment_start then if not line:find("\\param") and not line:find("\\return") then comment = comment .. line end end end -- Get function list and print their documentation capture = false for i, line in ipairs(ilines) do if not libname then _, _, libname, libtype = line:find("const struct luaL_reg awesome_(%a+)_(%a+)%[%] =") -- Special case if not libname then _, _, libname, libtype = line:find("const struct luaL_reg (awesome)_(lib)%[%] =") end else if line:find("};") then libname = nil else local fctname, fctdef _, _, fctname, fctdef = line:find("\"(.+)\", (.+) },") if fctname and not fctname:find("^__") then if libtype == "meta" then sep = ":" else sep = "." end print("*" .. libname .. sep .. fctname .. "*::") if function_doc[fctdef] then print(function_doc[fctdef]:comment_clean()) else print("This function is not yet documented.") end print() end end end end