awesomerc(1) =========== NAME ---- awesomerc - Configuration file for the 'awesome window manager' SYNOPSIS -------- *awesome* reads *$HOME/.awesomerc* by default. You can choose another configuration file with: awesome -c configuration UICB FUNCTIONS -------------- In awesome, a lot of *functions* are available. These functions are called uicb (User Interface Call Backs). Each function can be bound to a key shortcut or a mouse button. General ~~~~~~~ *quit*:: This function quits awesome. *statusbar_toggle*:: Hide or show statusbar. *statusbar_set_position* top, bottom, left, right:: Set the position of the statusbar. *spawn* client:: Execute an external program. *exec* program:: Replace awesome with another window manager (or itself; i.e. reload config). *widget_tell* widget-identifier data:: Feed information to your widgets. Client ~~~~~~ *client_kill*:: Closes the focused client. *client_moveresize* x y width height:: Dynamically move and resize floating windows. Coordinates can be relative or absolute. Relative values must begin with + or -. E.g: to move a window 10 pixels up: "+0 \+10 +0 +0" To move a window in the upper left corner and increase its width by 10px: "0 0 \+0 +10" *client_settrans* float:: Set client transparency, number can be a relative or absolute floating number in percentage. *client_swapnext*:: Swap window placement with the next displayed window. *client_swapprev*:: Swap window placement with the previous displayed window. *client_focusnext*:: Focus next window. *client_focusprev*:: Focus previous window. *client_togglemax*:: Set window fullscreen. Calling this function another time will reset the window to its previous state. *client_togglehorizontalmax*:: Set window's horizontal size to display width. Calling another time will reset the window to its previous state. *client_toggleverticalmax*:: Set window's vertical size to display height. Calling another time will reset the window to its previous state. *client_togglefloating*:: Set window floating or tiled. *client_zoom*:: Set window as master window. *client_movetoscreen* relative or absolute integer:: Move focused window to the nth screen, or next (+1) or previous (-1). If no screen_number is set, move to the next screen. *client_tag* tag number:: Tag focused window with this tag. *client_toggletag*:: Add or remove tag to focused window. *client_movemouse*:: Move client window with mouse. *client_resizemouse*:: Resize client window with mouse. Tag ~~~ *tag_setlayout* relative or absolute integer:: Set layout number; or just switch to the next layout for current tag. *tag_toggleview* tag:: Add windows tagged with tag number to current display. *tag_view* tag number:: View windows tagged with tag number. *tag_viewnext*:: Show windows tagged with next tag in list. *tag_viewperv*:: Show windows tagged with previous tag in list. *tag_viewprev_selected*:: Switch back to the previously displayed set of tags. *tag_setmwfact* relative or absolute float:: Set master width factor. *tag_setncol* relative or absolute integer:: Set number of columns for non-master windows. *tag_setnmaster* relative or absolute integer:: Set number of master windows. Screen ~~~~~~ *screen_focus* relative or absolute integer:: Select Screen and focus first window and move mouse. *setborder* relative or absolute integer:: Set default border size in pixels for new clients. WIDGETS ------- Statusbars can be customized by modifying widgets names, order and options. taglist ~~~~~~~ This widget shows the tag list. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. layoutinfo ~~~~~~~~~~ This widget shows a icon for the selected layout. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. netwmicon ~~~~~~~~~ This widget shows a icon for the focused window using NET_WM_ICON or icon file set in rule. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. focustitle ~~~~~~~~~~ This widget shows the title of the focused window. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. *font*:: Font to use. *bg*:: Background color. *fg*:: Foreground color. textbox ~~~~~~~ This widget shows a text. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. *font*:: Font to use. *bg*:: Background color. *fg*:: Foreground color. *width*:: Set width. *text*:: Text to change. iconbox ~~~~~~~ This widget shows an icon. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. *image*:: Image file. progressbar ~~~~~~~~~~~ This widget shows one or more progress-bars. *mouse*:: Set mouse bindings. *width*:: Set width. *bar*:: Draws a bar; Options: fg, bg, bcolor *fg*:: Foreground color. *bg*:: Background color. *bcolor*:: Border color. FILES ----- For an example of an awesomerc file, see the file provided with the sources EXAMPLES -------- The general config and subconfig options for the awesomerc: .................... screen { colors { focus_bg= focus_border= focus_fg= normal_bg= normal_border= normal_fg= tab_border= urgent_bg= urgent_fg= } general { allow_lower_floats=<{true,false}> border= focus_move_pointer=<{true,false}> font= opacity_unfocused= resize_hints=<{true,false}> snap= } layouts { layout { image= } } padding { bottom= left= right= top= } statusbar { focustitle height= iconbox { image= mouse { button= command= modkey= } } layoutinfo netwmicon {} position=<{bottom,top,left,right}> progressbar { bar { bcolor= bg= fg= } gap= height= lpadding= mouse { button= command= modkey= } width= } taglist { mouse { button= command= modkey= } } textbox { bg= fg= font= mouse { button= command= modkey= } text= w idth= } width= } tags { tag { layout=<{dwindle,floating,max,spiral,tile,tileleft}> wmfact= nmaster= } } } rules { rule { float=<{true,false}> icon= name= screen= tags= not_master=<{true,false}> } } keys { key { arg= command= key= modkey= } keylist { arglist={ keylist={,...} modkey= } } mouse { client { arg= button= command= modkey= } root { arg= button= command= modkey= } } .................... SEE ALSO -------- awesome(1) awesome-client(1) AUTHORS ------- This man page was written by Julien Danjou and Marco Candrian . WWW ---