---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Gregor "farhaven" Best -- @copyright 2008 Gregor "farhaven" Best -- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --{{{ Awesome Invaders by Gregor "farhaven" Best -- The ultra-cool retro graphics are done by Andrei "Garoth" Thorp. -- -- Use Left and Right to control motion, Space to fire, q quits the game, -- s creates a screenshot in ~/.cache/awesome (needs ImageMagick). -- -- Maybe there are some huge memory leaks here and there, if you notice one, -- message me. -- -- Anyway, have fun :) -- -- Start this by adding -- require("invaders") -- to the top of your rc.lua and adding -- invaders.run() -- to the bottom of rc.lua or as a keybinding --}}} local wibox = wibox local widget = widget local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local image = image local capi = { screen = screen, mouse = mouse, keygrabber = keygrabber } local tonumber = tonumber local table = table local math = math local os = os local io = io --- Space Invaders look-alike module("invaders") local gamedata = { } gamedata.field = { } gamedata.field.x = 100 gamedata.field.y = 100 gamedata.field.h = 400 gamedata.field.w = 600 gamedata.running = false gamedata.highscore = { } gamedata.enemies = { } gamedata.enemies.h = 10 gamedata.enemies.w = 20 gamedata.enemies.rows = 5 gamedata.enemies.count = gamedata.enemies.rows * 6 gamedata.enemies[1] = image("@AWESOME_ICON_PATH@/invaders/enemy_1.png") gamedata.enemies[2] = image("@AWESOME_ICON_PATH@/invaders/enemy_2.png") gamedata.enemies[3] = image("@AWESOME_ICON_PATH@/invaders/enemy_3.png") local player = { } local game = { } local shots = { } local enemies = { } local function player.new () p = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.solidbg or "#12345600" }) p:geometry({ width = 24, height = 16, x = gamedata.field.x + (gamedata.field.w / 2), y = gamedata.field.y + gamedata.field.h - (16 + 5) }) p.screen = gamedata.screen w = widget({ type = "imagebox" }) w.image = image("@AWESOME_ICON_PATH@/invaders/player.png") p.widgets = w return p end local function player.move(x) if not gamedata.running then return false end local g = gamedata.player:geometry() if x < 0 and g.x > gamedata.field.x then g.x = g.x + x elseif x > 0 and g.x < gamedata.field.x + gamedata.field.w - 30 then g.x = g.x + x end gamedata.player:geometry(g) end local function player.fire() if not gamedata.running then return false end if gamedata.ammo == 1 then gamedata.ammo = 0 local gb = gamedata.player:geometry() shots.fire(gb.x + 9, gb.y - 10, "#00FF00") end end local function shots.fire (x, y, color) local s = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = color }) s:geometry({ width = 4, height = 10, x = x, y = y }) s.screen = gamedata.screen if not gamedata.shot or gamedata.shot.screen == nil then gamedata.shot = s end end local function shots.fire_enemy (x, y, color) if gamedata.enemies.shots.fired < gamedata.enemies.shots.max then gamedata.enemies.shots.fired = gamedata.enemies.shots.fired + 1 local s = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = color }) s:geometry({ width = 4, height = 10, x = x, y = y }) s.screen = gamedata.screen for i = 1, gamedata.enemies.shots.max do if not gamedata.enemies.shots[i] or gamedata.enemies.shots[i].screen == nil then gamedata.enemies.shots[i] = s break end end end end local function shots.handle() if not gamedata.running then return false end if gamedata.ammo == 1 then return false end local s = gamedata.shot if s and s.screen then gamedata.ammo = 0 local g = s:geometry() if g.y < gamedata.field.y + 15 then s.screen = nil gamedata.ammo = 1 else g.y = g.y - 6 s:geometry(g) end end end local function shots.handle_enemy () if not gamedata.running then return false end if gamedata.enemies.shots.fired == 0 then return false end for i = 1, gamedata.enemies.shots.max do local s = gamedata.enemies.shots[i] if s and s.screen then local g = s:geometry() if g.y > gamedata.field.y + gamedata.field.h - 15 then s.screen = nil gamedata.enemies.shots.fired = gamedata.enemies.shots.fired - 1 else g.y = g.y + 3 s:geometry(g) end if game.collide(gamedata.player, s) then game.over() end end end end local function enemies.new (t) e = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.solidbg or "#12345600" }) e:geometry({ height = gamedata.enemies.h, width = gamedata.enemies.w, x = gamedata.field.x, y = gamedata.field.y }) e.screen = gamedata.screen w = widget({ type = "imagebox" }) w.image = gamedata.enemies[t] e.widgets = w return e end local function enemies.setup() gamedata.enemies.data = { } gamedata.enemies.x = 10 gamedata.enemies.y = 5 gamedata.enemies.dir = 1 if not gamedata.enemies.shots then gamedata.enemies.shots = { } end gamedata.enemies.shots.max = 10 gamedata.enemies.shots.fired = 0 gamedata.enemies.speed_count = 0 for y = 1, gamedata.enemies.rows do gamedata.enemies.data[y] = { } for x = 1, math.ceil((gamedata.enemies.count / gamedata.enemies.rows) + 1) do gamedata.enemies.data[y][x] = enemies.new((y % 3) + 1) end end if gamedata.shot then gamedata.shot.screen = nil end for i = 1, gamedata.enemies.shots.max do if gamedata.enemies.shots[i] then gamedata.enemies.shots[i].screen = nil end end end local function enemies.handle () if not gamedata.running then return false end gamedata.enemies.number = 0 for y = 1, #gamedata.enemies.data do for x = 1, #gamedata.enemies.data[y] do local e = gamedata.enemies.data[y][x] if e.screen then local g = e:geometry() gamedata.enemies.number = gamedata.enemies.number + 1 if gamedata.enemies.speed_count == (gamedata.enemies.speed - 1) then g.y = math.floor(gamedata.field.y + gamedata.enemies.y + ((y - 1) * gamedata.enemies.h * 2)) g.x = math.floor(gamedata.field.x + gamedata.enemies.x + ((x - 1) * gamedata.enemies.w * 2)) e:geometry(g) if game.collide(gamedata.player, e) or g.y > gamedata.field.y + gamedata.field.h - 20 then game.over() end end if gamedata.ammo == 0 then local s = gamedata.shot if s and s.screen and game.collide(e, s) then gamedata.enemies.number = gamedata.enemies.number - 1 gamedata.ammo = 1 e.screen = nil s.screen = nil if (y % 3) == 0 then gamedata.score = gamedata.score + 15 elseif (y % 3) == 1 then gamedata.score = gamedata.score + 10 else gamedata.score = gamedata.score + 5 end gamedata.field.status.text = gamedata.score.." | "..gamedata.round.." " end end end end local x = math.random(1, gamedata.enemies.count / gamedata.enemies.rows) if gamedata.enemies.speed_count == (gamedata.enemies.speed - 1) and math.random(0, 150) <= 1 and gamedata.enemies.data[y][x].screen then shots.fire_enemy(math.floor(gamedata.field.x + gamedata.enemies.x + ((x - 1) * gamedata.enemies.w)), gamedata.field.y + gamedata.enemies.y + gamedata.enemies.h, "#FF0000") end end if gamedata.enemies.number == 0 then enemies.setup() gamedata.round = gamedata.round + 1 gamedata.field.status.text = gamedata.score.." | "..gamedata.round.." " if gamedata.enemies.speed > 1 then gamedata.enemies.speed = gamedata.enemies.speed - 1 end return false end gamedata.enemies.speed_count = gamedata.enemies.speed_count + 1 if gamedata.enemies.speed_count < gamedata.enemies.speed then return false end gamedata.enemies.speed_count = 0 gamedata.enemies.x = gamedata.enemies.x + math.floor((gamedata.enemies.w * gamedata.enemies.dir) / 4) if gamedata.enemies.x > gamedata.field.w - (2 * gamedata.enemies.w * (gamedata.enemies.count / gamedata.enemies.rows + 1)) + 5 or gamedata.enemies.x <= 10 then gamedata.enemies.y = gamedata.enemies.y + gamedata.enemies.h gamedata.enemies.dir = gamedata.enemies.dir * (-1) end end local function keyhandler(mod, key, event) if event ~= "press" then return true end if gamedata.highscore.getkeys then if key:len() == 1 and gamedata.name:len() < 20 then gamedata.name = gamedata.name .. key elseif key == "BackSpace" then gamedata.name = gamedata.name:sub(1, gamedata.name:len() - 1) elseif key == "Return" then gamedata.highscore.window.screen = nil game.highscore_add(gamedata.score, gamedata.name) game.highscore_show() gamedata.highscore.getkeys = false end gamedata.namebox.text = " Name: " .. gamedata.name .. "|" else if key == "Left" then player.move(-10) elseif key == "Right" then player.move(10) elseif key == "q" then game.quit() return false elseif key == " " then player.fire() elseif key == "s" then awful.util.spawn("import -window root "..gamedata.cachedir.."/invaders-"..os.time()..".png") elseif key == "p" then gamedata.running = not gamedata.running end end return true end local function game.collide(o1, o2) g1 = o1:geometry() g2 = o2:geometry() --check if o2 is inside o1 if g2.x >= g1.x and g2.x <= g1.x + g1.width and g2.y >= g1.y and g2.y <= g1.y + g1.height then return true end return false end local function game.over () gamedata.running = false game.highscore(gamedata.score) end local function game.quit() gamedata.running = false if gamedata.highscore.window then gamedata.highscore.window.screen = nil gamedata.highscore.window.widgets = nil end if gamedata.field.background then gamedata.field.background.screen = nil end gamedata.player.screen = nil gamedata.player.widgets = nil gamedata.player = nil gamedata.field.north.screen = nil gamedata.field.north = nil gamedata.field.south.screen = nil gamedata.field.south = nil gamedata.field.west.screen = nil gamedata.field.west = nil gamedata.field.east.screen = nil gamedata.field.east = nil for y = 1, #gamedata.enemies.data do for x = 1, #gamedata.enemies.data[y] do gamedata.enemies.data[y][x].screen = nil gamedata.enemies.data[y][x].widgets = nil end end if gamedata.shot then gamedata.shot.screen = nil end for i = 1, gamedata.enemies.shots.max do if gamedata.enemies.shots[i] then gamedata.enemies.shots[i].screen = nil end end end local function game.highscore_show () gamedata.highscore.window:geometry({ height = 140, width = 200, x = gamedata.field.x + math.floor(gamedata.field.w / 2) - 100, y = gamedata.field.y + math.floor(gamedata.field.h / 2) - 55 }) gamedata.highscore.window.screen = gamedata.screen gamedata.highscore.table = widget({ type = "textbox" }) gamedata.highscore.window.widgets = gamedata.highscore.table gamedata.highscore.table.text = " Highscores:\n" for i = 1, 5 do gamedata.highscore.table.text = gamedata.highscore.table.text .. "\n\t" .. gamedata.highscore[i] end gamedata.highscore.table.text = gamedata.highscore.table.text .. "\n\n Press Q to quit" local fh = io.open(gamedata.cachedir.."/highscore_invaders", "w") if not fh then return false end for i = 1, 5 do fh:write(gamedata.highscore[i].."\n") end fh:close() end local function game.highscore_add (score, name) local t = gamedata.highscore for i = 5, 1, -1 do if tonumber(t[i]:match("(%d+) ")) <= score then if t[i+1] then t[i+1] = t[i] end t[i] = score .. " " .. name end end gamedata.highscore = t end local function game.highscore (score) if gamedata.highscore.window and gamedata.highscore.window.screen then return false end local fh = io.open(gamedata.cachedir.."/highscore_invaders", "r") if fh then for i = 1, 5 do gamedata.highscore[i] = fh:read("*line") end fh:close() else for i = 1, 5 do gamedata.highscore[i] = ((6-i)*20).." foo" end end local newentry = false for i = 1, 5 do local s = tonumber(gamedata.highscore[i]:match("(%d+) .*")) if s <= score then newentry = true end end gamedata.highscore.window = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.btheme.bg_focus or "#333333", fg = gamedata.btheme.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF" }) gamedata.highscore.window:geometry({ height = 20, width = 300, x = gamedata.field.x + math.floor(gamedata.field.w / 2) - 150, y = gamedata.field.y + math.floor(gamedata.field.h / 2) }) gamedata.highscore.window.screen = gamedata.screen gamedata.namebox = widget({ type = "textbox" }) gamedata.namebox.text = " Name: |" gamedata.highscore.window.widgets = gamedata.namebox if newentry then gamedata.name = "" gamedata.highscore.getkeys = true else game.highscore_show() end end --- Run Awesome Invaders -- @param args A table with parameters. -- x the X coordinate of the playing field. -- y the Y coordinate of the playing field. -- if either of these is left out, the game is placed in the center of the focused screen. -- solidbg the background color of the playing field. If none is given, the playing field is transparent. function run(args) gamedata.screen = capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen] gamedata.field.x = gamedata.screen.geometry.x + math.floor((gamedata.screen.geometry.width - gamedata.field.w) / 2) gamedata.field.y = gamedata.screen.geometry.y + math.floor((gamedata.screen.geometry.height - gamedata.field.h) / 2) gamedata.screen = capi.mouse.screen if args then if args['x'] then gamedata.field.x = args['x'] end if args['y'] then gamedata.field.y = args['y'] end if args['solidbg'] then gamedata.solidbg = args['solidbg'] end end gamedata.score = 0 gamedata.name = "" gamedata.ammo = 1 gamedata.round = 1 gamedata.btheme = beautiful.get() gamedata.cachedir = awful.util.getdir("cache") if gamedata.solidbg then gamedata.field.background = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.solidbg }) gamedata.field.background:geometry({ x = gamedata.field.x, y = gamedata.field.y, height = gamedata.field.h, width = gamedata.field.w }) gamedata.field.background.screen = gamedata.screen end gamedata.field.north = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.btheme.bg_focus or "#333333", fg = gamedata.btheme.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF" }) gamedata.field.north:geometry({ width = gamedata.field.w + 10, height = 15, x = gamedata.field.x - 5, y = gamedata.field.y - 15 }) gamedata.field.north.screen = gamedata.screen gamedata.field.status = widget({ type = "textbox", align = "right" }) gamedata.field.status.text = gamedata.score.." | "..gamedata.round .. " " gamedata.field.caption = widget({ type = "textbox", align = "left" }) gamedata.field.caption.text = " Awesome Invaders" gamedata.field.north.widgets = { gamedata.field.caption, gamedata.field.status } gamedata.field.south = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.btheme.bg_focus or "#333333", fg = gamedata.btheme.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF" }) gamedata.field.south:geometry({ width = gamedata.field.w, height = 5, x = gamedata.field.x, y = gamedata.field.y + gamedata.field.h - 5 }) gamedata.field.south.screen = gamedata.screen gamedata.field.west = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.btheme.bg_focus or "#333333", fg = gamedata.btheme.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF" }) gamedata.field.west:geometry({ width = 5, height = gamedata.field.h, x = gamedata.field.x - 5, y = gamedata.field.y }) gamedata.field.west.screen = gamedata.screen gamedata.field.east = wibox({ position = "floating", bg = gamedata.btheme.bg_focus or "#333333", fg = gamedata.btheme.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF" }) gamedata.field.east:geometry({ width = 5, height = gamedata.field.h, x = gamedata.field.x + gamedata.field.w, y = gamedata.field.y }) gamedata.field.east.screen = gamedata.screen gamedata.enemies.speed = 5 enemies.setup() gamedata.player = player.new() capi.keygrabber.run(keyhandler) gamedata.running = true end awful.hooks.timer.register(0.02, shots.handle) awful.hooks.timer.register(0.03, shots.handle_enemy) awful.hooks.timer.register(0.01, enemies.handle)