# To avoid copy pasting, some documentation is stored in reusable files
set(SHAPE_FILE "${SOURCE_DIR}/docs/common/${SHAPE_NAME}.lua")

foreach(path ${BUILD_DIR}/docs/common/;${SOURCE_DIR}/docs/common/)
    # Get the documentation file list
    file(GLOB doc_files RELATIVE "${path}" "${path}/*.ldoc")

    foreach(doc_file_name ${doc_files})
        # Read the file
        file(READ "${path}/${doc_file_name}" doc_file_content)

        # Remove the file extension
        string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.ldoc" "" DOC_FILE_NAME ${doc_file_name})

        # There is a trailing \n, remove it or it cannot be included in existing blocks
        string(REGEX REPLACE "\n$" "" doc_file_content "${doc_file_content}")

        # Create a new variable usable from lua files
        set(DOC_${DOC_FILE_NAME}_COMMON "${doc_file_content}")

# vim: filetype=cmake:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80:foldmethod=marker