awesomerc(5) =========== NAME ---- awesomerc - Configuration file for the awesome window manager SYNOPSIS -------- *awesome* looks for this configuration file in this order: * $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/awesome/rc.lua * $HOME/.config/awesome/rc.lua * XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/awesome/rc.lua DESCRIPTION ----------- The *awesomerc* file contains configuration informations for *awesome*. It can be used to configure the behaviour and look of awesome in a variety of ways. It can be assimilated as a Lua program/script run at startup by awesome. Therefore, it should use the awesome Lua API described in the API section. This file is read at startup. AWESOME LUA API --------------- Documentation for the Lua API can be found in the luadoc directory. COLORS FORMAT ------------- Colors format in *awesome* are either standard X color names (blue, darkblue, lightred, etc) or hexadecimal formatted colors (#rrggbb or #rrggbbaa). By using hexadecimal format, you can also specifies an alpha channel: that means that #00ff00 will draw pure green, but #00ff00aa will set the alpha channel to `aa' and will blend the green with the color under it. TEXT FORMAT ----------- You can use and mix pango-markup and awesome-markup in text string. Pango markup documentation can be found in the pango documentation at List of awesome markup and their attribute: * bg - color: background color - image: background image - align: background image alignment - resize: resize background image to text size * border - color: border color - width: border width * margin - left: left margin in pixel - right: right margin in pixel * text - align: text alignment - shadow: shadow color - shadow_offset: shadow color offset in pixel A pango markup example: .... Ax awesome-markup example: . SEE ALSO -------- awesome(1) awesome-client(1) AUTHORS ------- Written by Julien Danjou . WWW ---