local spawn = require("awful.spawn") -- This file provide a simple, yet flexible, test client. -- It is used to test the `awful.rules` return function(class, title, use_sn) class = class or 'test_app' title = title or 'Awesome test client' local cmd = {"lua" , "-e", table.concat { "local lgi = require 'lgi';", "local Gtk = lgi.require('Gtk');", "Gtk.init();", "local class = '",class,"';", "local window = Gtk.Window {", " default_width = 100,", " default_height = 100,", " on_destroy = Gtk.main_quit,", " title = '",title, "'};", "window:set_wmclass(class, class);", "window:show_all();", "Gtk:main{...}" }} return spawn(cmd, use_sn) end -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80