# This module is designed to allow the Awesome documentation examples to be # tested. # # It shims enough of the Awesome C API to allow code to be executed without an # actual X server or running Awesome process. These tests are not genuine # integration tests, but they are the next best thing. # # As secondary goals, this module also generates images of the test result # where relevant. Those images are used by the documentation and help the # developers track user interface regressions and glitches. Finally, it also # helps to find broken code. if(NOT DEFINED PROJECT_NAME) project(awesome-tests-examples NONE) endif() cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0) # Get and update the LUA_PATH so the scripts can be executed without awesome. execute_process(COMMAND ${LUA_EXECUTABLE} -e "p = package.path:gsub(';', '\\\\;'); io.stdout:write(p)" OUTPUT_VARIABLE "LUA_PATH_") # Allow to use the example tests by themselves. # This was used during CI for separate coverage reporting, but is not really # required anymore. if(NOT SOURCE_DIR AND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} MATCHES "/tests/examples") get_filename_component(TOP_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../.." ABSOLUTE) else() set(TOP_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() if (DO_COVERAGE) execute_process( COMMAND env "SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}" ${LUA_EXECUTABLE} -e "require('luacov.runner')('${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/.luacov')" RESULT_VARIABLE TEST_RESULT ERROR_VARIABLE TEST_ERROR ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (TEST_RESULT OR NOT TEST_ERROR STREQUAL "") message(${TEST_ERROR}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to run luacov.runner.") endif() set(LUA_COV_RUNNER ${LUA_EXECUTABLE} "-erequire('luacov.runner')('${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/.luacov')") else() set(LUA_COV_RUNNER ${LUA_EXECUTABLE}) endif() if (STRICT_TESTS) set(IGNORE_ERRORS) else() set(IGNORE_ERRORS "||" "true") endif() # Add the main awesome lua libraries. set(LUA_PATH_ "\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/?.lua\\;\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/?/init.lua\\;\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/?\\;\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/themes/?.lua\\;\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/themes/?\\;\ ${LUA_PATH_}") # Add the C API shims. set(LUA_PATH_ "\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/shims/?.lua\\;\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/shims/?/init.lua\\;\ ${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/shims/?\\;\ ${LUA_PATH_}") # $SOURCE_DIRECTORY is used by .luacov. set(LUA_COV_RUNNER env -u LUA_PATH_5_1 -u LUA_PATH_5_2 -u LUA_PATH_5_3 "LUA_PATH=${LUA_PATH_}" "AWESOME_THEMES_PATH=${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/themes/" "SOURCE_DIRECTORY=${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}" ${LUA_COV_RUNNER}) # The documentation images directory. set(RAW_IMAGE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/raw_images") set(IMAGE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/images") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${RAW_IMAGE_DIR}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${IMAGE_DIR}") # Escape potentially multiline strings to be part of the API doc. # * add "--" in front of each lines # * add a custom prefix in front of each lines # * drop empty lines # * convert --DOC_NEWLINE lines into empty lines # * drop lines ending with "--DOC_SOMETHING", they are handled elsewhere function(escape_string variable content escaped_content line_prefix) # If DOC_HIDE_ALL is present, do nothing. if(variable MATCHES "--DOC_HIDE_ALL") return() endif() string(REGEX REPLACE ";" ";" var_lines "${variable}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" var_lines "${var_lines}") set(tmp_output ${content}) set(section OFF) foreach (LINE ${var_lines}) # ;; will drop the line, but " ;" will create an empty line string(REGEX REPLACE "--DOC_NEWLINE" " " LINE "${LINE}") # Check for section start marker if(LINE MATCHES "^.*--DOC_HIDE_START") set(section ON) endif() # Pick lines that are not specified to be hidden if((NOT LINE MATCHES "^.*--DOC_[A-Z]+") AND (NOT section)) set(tmp_output "${tmp_output}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}${line_prefix}${LINE}") endif() # If we found a start marker previously, look for an end marker. # Do this after picking the lines to ensure that lines with # `--DOC_HIDE_END` are omitted if(section AND (LINE MATCHES "^.*--DOC_HIDE_END")) set(section OFF) endif() endforeach() set(${escaped_content} ${tmp_output} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Extract lines with the --DOC_HEADER marker. function(extract_header variable pre_output post_output) string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" var_lines "${variable}") set(IS_POST 0) foreach (LINE ${var_lines}) # This function doesn't escape the lines, so make sure they are # already comments. if(LINE MATCHES "^--.*--DOC_HEADER") # Remove the header tag string(REGEX REPLACE "[ ]*--DOC_HEADER" "" LINE "${LINE}") # ldoc is picky about what happens after the first --@, so split # the output on that. if (NOT IS_POST AND LINE MATCHES "^--[ ]*@") set(IS_POST 1) endif() if (IS_POST) set(tmp_post_output ${tmp_post_output}\n${line_prefix}${LINE}) else() set(tmp_pre_output ${tmp_pre_output}\n${line_prefix}${LINE}) endif() endif() endforeach() set(${post_output} "${tmp_post_output}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${pre_output} "${tmp_pre_output}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Read a code file and convert it to ldoc usage example. # * add "--" in front of each lines # * drop empty lines # * convert " " lines into empty lines # * drop lines ending with "--DOC_HIDE" function(escape_code path escaped_content pre_header post_header) file(READ ${path} path) escape_string("${path}\n" "" escaped_code " ") extract_header("${path}" example_pre_header example_post_header) set(${escaped_content} ${escaped_code} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${pre_header} ${example_pre_header} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${post_header} ${example_post_header} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Find the template.lua that is closest to the given file. For example, if a # template.lua is present in the same directory, its path will be returned. If # one is present in the parent directory, that path is returned etc. function(find_template result_variable file) get_filename_component(path "${file}" DIRECTORY) while(NOT EXISTS "${path}/template.lua") set(last_path "${path}") get_filename_component(path "${path}" DIRECTORY) if(last_path STREQUAL path) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to find template.lua for ${file}") endif() endwhile() set(${result_variable} "${path}/template.lua" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Get the namespace of a file. function(get_namespace result_variable file) get_filename_component(path "${file}" DIRECTORY) string(LENGTH "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples" prefix_length) string(REPLACE "/" "_" namespace "${path}") string(SUBSTRING "${namespace}" "${prefix_length}" -1 namespace) set(${result_variable} "${namespace}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Execute a Lua file. function(run_test test_path namespace escaped_content) find_template(template "${test_path}") file(READ ${test_path} tmp_content) # Add "--" or " * " in front of each line. This is required for method doc, #but not for documentation pages if(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_ASTERISK") set(DOC_LINE_PREFIX " * ") elseif(NOT tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_NO_DASH") set(DOC_LINE_PREFIX "--") endif() # Do not use the @usage tag, but 4 spaces. if(NOT tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_NO_USAGE") set(DOC_BLOCK_PREFIX "@usage") endif() # Does the text generate text output? if(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_GEN_OUTPUT") # The expected output is next to the .lua file in a .output.txt file string(REPLACE ".lua" ".output.txt" expected_output_path ${test_path}) else() set(expected_output_path "/dev/null") endif() # Get the file name without the extension. get_filename_component(${test_path} TEST_FILE_NAME NAME) set(RAW_IMAGE_PATH "${RAW_IMAGE_DIR}/AUTOGEN${namespace}_${TEST_FILE_NAME}") set(IMAGE_PATH "${IMAGE_DIR}/AUTOGEN${namespace}_${TEST_FILE_NAME}") # Read the code and turn it into an usage example. escape_code(${test_path} TEST_CODE TEST_PRE_HEADER TEST_POST_HEADER) # Build the documentation. set(TEST_DOC_CONTENT "${TEST_PRE_HEADER}") # Does the test generate an output image? if(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_GEN_IMAGE") set(OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH "${RAW_IMAGE_PATH}.svg") set(OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH "${IMAGE_PATH}.svg") escape_string( "![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN${namespace}_${TEST_FILE_NAME}.svg)\n" "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}" TEST_DOC_CONTENT "" ) else() set(OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH "") set(OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH "") endif() # Does the text generate text output? # If there is an output, assume it is relevant and add it to the # documentation under the image. if(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_GEN_OUTPUT") if(EXISTS "${expected_output_path}") file(READ "${expected_output_path}" expected_output) endif() if (NOT tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_RAW_OUTPUT") set(TEST_DOC_CONTENT "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}**Usage example output**:\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}" ) # Markdown requires an empty line before and after, and 4 spaces. escape_string( "\n${expected_output}" "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}" TEST_DOC_CONTENT " " ) # Add a
to prevent markdown from merging the usage and output # into a single block. if(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_NO_USAGE") set(TEST_DOC_CONTENT "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX} **Usage example:**") endif() else() escape_string( "\n${expected_output}" "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}" TEST_DOC_CONTENT "" ) endif() set(TEST_DOC_CONTENT "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}") endif() # If there is some @* content, append it. set(TEST_DOC_CONTENT "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}${TEST_POST_HEADER}") # Only add it if there is something to display. if(NOT ${TEST_CODE} STREQUAL "\n${DOC_LINE_PREFIX}") escape_string( " ${DOC_BLOCK_PREFIX}" "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}" TEST_DOC_CONTENT "" ) set(TEST_DOC_CONTENT "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}${TEST_CODE}") endif() file(RELATIVE_PATH rel_template "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}" "${template}") file(RELATIVE_PATH rel_test_path "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}" "${test_path}") # Add target to run this as test (via check-examples, not ignoring errors). set(TARGET_NAME "run-${rel_test_path}") STRING(REPLACE "/" "-" TARGET_NAME ${TARGET_NAME}) set(EXAMPLE_DOC_TEST_TARGETS ${EXAMPLE_DOC_TEST_TARGETS} ${TARGET_NAME} PARENT_SCOPE) add_custom_target(${TARGET_NAME}_RAW COMMAND "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/runner.sh" "${expected_output_path}" ${LUA_COV_RUNNER} ${template} ${test_path} ${RAW_IMAGE_PATH} VERBATIM) add_custom_target(${TARGET_NAME} COMMAND "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/_postprocess.lua" ${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} "${OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH}" VERBATIM DEPENDS ${TARGET_NAME}_RAW "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/_postprocess.lua" ) if(NOT ${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} STREQUAL "") file(RELATIVE_PATH rel_output "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}" "${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH}") if(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_GEN_OUTPUT") add_custom_command( COMMAND "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/runner.sh" "${expected_output_path}" ${LUA_COV_RUNNER} ${template} ${test_path} ${RAW_IMAGE_PATH} ${IGNORE_ERRORS} # COMMENT "Running ${rel_test_path} (via ${rel_template}, generating ${rel_output})" DEPENDS ${template} ${test_path} OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} OUTPUT ${expected_output_path} VERBATIM) else() add_custom_command( COMMAND "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/runner.sh" "${expected_output_path}" ${LUA_COV_RUNNER} ${template} ${test_path} ${RAW_IMAGE_PATH} ${IGNORE_ERRORS} # COMMENT "Running ${rel_test_path} (via ${rel_template}, generating ${rel_output})" DEPENDS ${template} ${test_path} OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} VERBATIM) endif() add_custom_command( COMMAND "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/_postprocess.lua" ${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} "${OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH}" DEPENDS ${template} ${test_path} ${OUTPUT_RAW_IMAGE_PATH} "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/_postprocess.lua" OUTPUT "${OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH}" VERBATIM) set(EXAMPLE_DOC_GENERATED_FILES "${OUTPUT_IMAGE_PATH}" ${EXAMPLE_DOC_GENERATED_FILES} PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(tmp_content MATCHES "--DOC_GEN_OUTPUT") add_custom_command( COMMAND "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/runner.sh" "${expected_output_path}" ${LUA_COV_RUNNER} ${template} ${test_path} "" ${IGNORE_ERRORS} # COMMENT "Running ${rel_test_path} (via ${rel_template}, generating ${rel_output})" DEPENDS ${template} ${test_path} OUTPUT ${expected_output_path} VERBATIM) endif() # Export the outout to the parent scope. set(${escaped_content} "${TEST_DOC_CONTENT}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Find all test files, and run them (generating custom commands for updating them). file(GLOB_RECURSE test_files FOLLOW_SYMLINKS LIST_DIRECTORIES false "${TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/examples/*.lua") # Find and run all test files. foreach(file ${test_files}) if ((NOT "${file}" MATCHES ".*/shims/.*") AND (NOT "${file}" MATCHES ".*/template.lua") AND (NOT "${file}" MATCHES ".*/_.*[.]lua")) # Get the file name without the extension. get_filename_component(TEST_FILE_NAME ${file} NAME_WE) get_namespace(namespace "${file}") run_test("${file}" "${namespace}" ESCAPED_CODE_EXAMPLE) # Set the test name. set(TEST_NAME DOC${namespace}_${TEST_FILE_NAME}_EXAMPLE) # Anything called @DOC_`namespace`_EXAMPLE@ # in the Lua or C sources will be replaced by the content of that # variable during the pre-processing. # While at it, replace \" created by CMake by ', # " wont work in . string(REPLACE "\"" """ ${TEST_NAME} ${ESCAPED_CODE_EXAMPLE}) endif() endforeach() add_custom_target(generate-examples DEPENDS ${EXAMPLE_DOC_GENERATED_FILES}) add_custom_target(check-examples DEPENDS ${EXAMPLE_DOC_TEST_TARGETS}) # vim: filetype=cmake:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80:foldmethod=marker